Rustafied Rustafied
Rustafied Rustafied
12 May, 2014
Lee 7 Nov, 2015 @ 10:35pm 
Hey guys can't currently get onto the Savas Island Server, keeps saying I'm already logged in but I'm not.
Maniac Of Gadara 29 Oct, 2015 @ 1:27pm 
Add me if you want me. I can build, fight and have fun. Got 2100+ hours in-game. want a group.
real_bM 23 Oct, 2015 @ 8:30pm 
Motörhead 18 Oct, 2015 @ 9:12am 
hi chef
graw 12 Oct, 2015 @ 7:32pm 
Look for a clan on hapis island or somewhere else add me
gary la cock 6 Oct, 2015 @ 12:09am 
Bugs Is there Any Way That I can have a conversation with you. It is of utmost importance. Please and thank you.
Messi Gamer 27 Sep, 2015 @ 12:39am 
AW 6 Sep, 2015 @ 7:14am 
Servers currently down..
(09/06/2015 - 9:13AM UTC)
mariano012 28 Aug, 2015 @ 9:09am 
JUMA GAMING [GatherX50, Kit, SetHome, TP] ==
GHOST4561 6 Aug, 2015 @ 11:44am 
im looking for a clan PM me
Billy Mays 4 Aug, 2015 @ 7:00pm 
Check out this link from facepuch about the flying exploit. Also stop banning people for exploring the expoit. Thanks.

Hacking: Flying Rustafied Hapis-Naughtyhands
Iris 31 Jul, 2015 @ 12:53am

This person has been saying homophobic and racist things in chat. Ive tried to get ahold of the admins but they never listen to anyone for some damn reason. Bugs, please take care of this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.
Ya Mudda 24 Jul, 2015 @ 12:58am 
Fly hacker in game right now, i watched him disappear in thin air, then reappear flying above the ground, wasnt an admin cause he was killable and had gear, tried adding bugs, and getting in ts, will give name privately
Banter 23 Jul, 2015 @ 9:45am 
Yagami 🌈 20 Jul, 2015 @ 1:49pm 
server down ???
Strum 27 Jun, 2015 @ 5:56am 
restart the dam server admins nothing is spawning....
444 24 Jun, 2015 @ 10:20am 
Jager 9 Jun, 2015 @ 8:16pm 
slaughter is a hacker
SumDude 30 Apr, 2015 @ 3:50pm 
When you die on the server, you get stuck at spawn screen, then the server crashes, then if you try to rejoin it wont let you, fix this please i want to go back to my base.
[KGAB]Deathsservant 31 Mar, 2015 @ 4:50am 
Yes hello, I tried everything regarding joining your server, via the game or the steam server interface, to no avail. Any tipps? As I mentioned, I tried everything, so please do not link me to the "Can't connect to our server?" thread.
Gokhan 17 Mar, 2015 @ 5:39am 
[EU] Rust Originals |Live Map|Events| to join our community in game open console(F1) type
client.connect also you can find live map here
Dutch 1 Mar, 2015 @ 12:07pm 
Is the server down?
Tyler 2 Feb, 2015 @ 12:47pm 
I do not want to be ban pls sorry (by the impotence of that raidearon with hack :c )
Caio 31 Jan, 2015 @ 1:35pm 
BR Extreme Survival 28/01 Kits|NoDura|InstaCraft|Admins On|Airdrop IP: net.connect
Caio 31 Jan, 2015 @ 12:46pm 
BR Extreme Survival 28/01 Kits|NoDura|InstaCraft|Admins On|Airdrop IP: net.connect
Mr Barbecque 21 Jan, 2015 @ 1:13am 
I'll switch over from the current updates to the normal.
KaptainKommunist 17 Jan, 2015 @ 7:10pm 
is the server dead?
~PK~ EAC can SMD 16 Jan, 2015 @ 4:14pm 
I think I'm banned from your server and I never broke any rules. The only thing i remember is trying to raid a base, what the game is about, and the guys said "If you don't stop you're banned." I think you have some abusive admins. I have'nt been able to play for months. Whenever I attempt to connect I get the "status_connected" "status_disconnected". Please help me with this, I'd really like to play with all my friends.
Gingy 15 Jan, 2015 @ 12:09pm 
Any news on what's up with the server?
BijiModirim 30 Dec, 2014 @ 4:58pm 
To Bugs : I Know how much time it's take to host a server and run everything , i'd like to talk with you about how i could get admin in you're server and help you make all you're rules respected and make sure everyone not being ass to other ! If possible and if you have some time for me add me ( ilegalquar is my steam id ) One good point i have is , i don't ask to get paid ;) if you need some donation i should be there too :)
GameStudio 25 Dec, 2014 @ 9:41am 
I do not understand how you come to as many members. I have 3 servers, Rust Experimental and legacy. but have never been so busy like you, despite players get everything. ? well done BUGS
Bugs 8 Dec, 2014 @ 1:53pm 
Fano, you should be opted out of all betas
sssssssss 8 Dec, 2014 @ 8:04am 
some1 can help me, witch beta i choose on the rust? to play the "new rust"?
Natanium 3 Dec, 2014 @ 4:48pm 
Natanium 3 Dec, 2014 @ 4:47pm 
hey whats the server called called bugs LOL cant find it.
jplufrog 22 Nov, 2014 @ 5:48am 
congrats Bugs!
got mentioned on the devblog again
jhawk81 5 Nov, 2014 @ 6:48am 
I've been playing on the Rustafied server for a few weeks now, but have not been able to join in the last 12 hours or so. The loading screen continuously hangs up on "receiving data". It doesn't seem to freeze as the console is constantly spitting out "dropping effect generic". I tried 3 other servers and was able to join all without issue. Has anyone else had this problem?
TopAce6 2 Nov, 2014 @ 6:43pm 
Bugs 29 Oct, 2014 @ 5:35pm 
Oscarino, I'll add you on steam so we can figure out why you can't connect.
Oscarino 29 Oct, 2014 @ 8:37am 
Am I banned from the server, or something? I see the server, yet can't connect to it. When I try, it disconnects almost immediately. No other servers doing this.
jplufrog 13 Oct, 2014 @ 8:16pm 
Hell yeah! Always helpful... Keep it up
Loading... 30 Sep, 2014 @ 10:02am 
Congrats on getting mentioned in the update. You deserve it
Faded 24 Sep, 2014 @ 11:07am 
how do i make a wall?