( (( ((( MIND-GAMES ))) )) ) free mind
( (( ((( MIND-GAMES ))) )) ) free mind
게임 중
2017년 5월 7일
댓글 22
Askia *AK* 2018년 2월 15일 오후 5시 08분 
That wasn't machiavelli, that was 50 laws of power.
Rimak the Liar 2017년 8월 24일 오후 2시 29분 
Asia is looking pretty good these days. Though Australia is not bad place to live.
☩William☩ 2017년 5월 24일 오전 3시 35분 
I think striving for more is a common trate among all people but the intended goals may very. The goal may be different but the reason behind it will most often be one of two possibilities. Reason 1 - greed: we strive for more so we get more money respect and power or something that makes us feel good about ourselves and what we have done. We have all been guilty of this, think carefully on your past. Reason 2 - to help anyone. Fore some it is atonement, by helping others we can maybe feel just a small bit better about what we have done, and then for a very select few a life of difficult striving is speant for no better reason than the simple fact that it is the rignt thing to do... these people should be respected above all. I choose to help others because i hope for help in return, god knows i need it
Polixenidas 2017년 5월 16일 오전 8시 44분 
Of coast and interior
Polixenidas 2017년 5월 15일 오후 1시 16분 
noooo Environmental technician ranger
Polixenidas 2017년 5월 15일 오전 8시 29분 
Hello friends count on me, I am totally sensivilizado with the environment that is my work I am technician in the aquatic environment, hydrology a hug from the Basque country
(VSC) Kali Atria (ATJA) 2017년 5월 15일 오전 4시 14분 
i posted a disscussion with the reasons for heavys absence
«Ω» .Agean. 2017년 5월 14일 오후 2시 28분 
Everything we do is Donated by the Illumanati and Freemasons. Wait..what? lol
«Ω» .Agean. 2017년 5월 14일 오전 11시 01분 
sweet. alright lol. ^^
«Ω» .Agean. 2017년 5월 14일 오전 10시 58분 
also love Nikola Tesla. <3
«Ω» .Agean. 2017년 5월 14일 오전 10시 55분 
now i did lol.
«Ω» .Agean. 2017년 5월 14일 오전 10시 49분 
Is this like a Potitic Dissuction Page? thought you made one of these already lol
||-TsR-|| The Commander 2017년 5월 13일 오전 12시 50분 
You can create luck when you do things for it you cant take it to the max your self but you can partly solve alot of struggles for your self.
||-TsR-|| The Commander 2017년 5월 12일 오후 12시 42분 
My opinion is based on my view on life, I base it on luck... People say luck does not exist but I believe in luck because I believe in fate and luck and fate are extreemly well connected to my opinion.. Because with a lucky fate you live the good life. You can't change what happend in the past because it's a mess so you gotta do it how you want and how you have it so live with what you have and live happy :D and do as you please your self as long you dont bother everyone by it!
||-TsR-|| The Commander 2017년 5월 12일 오후 12시 18분 
My English sucks I obviously ment to type posted*
||-TsR-|| The Commander 2017년 5월 12일 오전 8시 24분 
And Heavy when you poset a Google Transalater make sure its a english version and not a german one xD
Hopkins 2017년 5월 10일 오후 5시 31분 
Leader? But I am a free spirit! :P
Hopkins 2017년 5월 10일 오후 5시 15분 
Why danka Scotty boi!
Hopkins 2017년 5월 10일 오후 5시 03분 
Why hello there! :laugh_lif:
☩William☩ 2017년 5월 9일 오전 2시 40분 
Who is your god? Some belong to a spicific religion with one or more gods, this does not necessarily mean they follow them. Some call themselves atheist, this does not necessarily mean they have no god. What is your purpose in life? To what do you devote your time and energy? To what are you enslaved? Answer this and you will know the name of your "god"