Steam Families stmfmls
Steam Families stmfmls
5. mars
Can I Use a DLC for a Game That Requires Another Game to Function?
I have a question about Steam Family Sharing and using DLCs. I already own a DLC for a game, but this DLC requires another game to function. However, I do not own the required base game on my account. If someone in my family buys the required base game and shares it with me, will I be able to activate and use the DLC? Or do I need to purchase the required base game on my own account to use the DLC?

Specifically, the DLC I own is Total War: WARHAMMER II - Mortal Empires and I need to have both Total War: WARHAMMER II and Total War: WARHAMMER I.
Sist redigert av Cochayuyo69; 6. juli kl. 23.39
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PsyBlade 7. juli kl. 5.03 
This is very uncommon so the answer is likely to be specific to (im)mortal empires. Might be better to ask there too.

Additionally a lot of DLC for those games is free which causes additional problems as Valve does not allow free DLC to be shared.
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