Toradora! とらドラ!
Toradora! とらドラ!
19 December, 2008
Doggo 10 Jan, 2015 @ 11:32pm
I got addicted.
I think I inhalled too much Toradora, read about half, since the other half is yet to be made, saw the anime, all that in one week, finished it today. Now I think I'm addicted. I need romance anime/mangas. I don't like action-romance, ero-romance, or vampire-romance. I want the story to happen with multiple characters involved troughout the story. I want... Toradora new generation... Thanks for suggestions, now imma go cry in a corner over this overly-addictive anime. :sadelf:
Last edited by Doggo; 10 Jan, 2015 @ 11:32pm
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Showing 1-8 of 8 comments
Doggo 11 Jan, 2015 @ 11:45am 
comon plese I need to calm my post-anime depression syndrome. Someone give me halp
Orphan Crippler! 19 Jan, 2015 @ 10:00am 
I have the same problem and I know exactly what you mean. I've rewatched Toradora multiple times, and I personally feel not many romance/comedy anime live up to Toradora, however, I'll give some suggestions assuming you havent seen them.

Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions ~ This one is very interesting, not SUPER heavy on romance, but it is a romantic comedy and one of my personal favorites.

Zero no Tsukaima ~ Ok. I know you said not so much action-romance (this one is technically adventure/fantasy/romance comedy) but I would definitely give it a watch if you havent already.

Mayo Chiki! ~ This is a great, short anime that actually makes a very blunt Toradora reference in it. The only thing I have to warn you about is its another anime with an empty ending, and it will definitely have your post-anime depression syndrome acting up.

Chobits ~ Finally (this is the last one I'm posting even tho there are MANY more), chobits is a bit of an older anime, but great nonetheless. It has some interesting plot twists, but when it comes down to it, it is solely a comedy with Sora no Otoshimono type humor in it (assuming you've watched that, idk, thats a pretty popular harem one on Netflix), and a great romance aspect too.

If you want to ask me anything regarding these just add me and ask ;). Otherwise I'll stay subbed to discussion and get back eventually. Sorry about the manga's tho. I just recently got into reading manga and light novels, so I dont know many other than the ones with anime adaptations.

Cheers! :pleased: Hope I helped with my ranting XD

Doggo 19 Jan, 2015 @ 2:32pm 
first off, THANKS GEEZ FOR ANSWERING ME haha. Second, I'll try to watch all of these, and I too have realized that there is no animes like Toradora!, and for good reasons: What's the point of making a copy of an anime? Well I give you all my respect for answering and giving me all these suggestions. Thank you very much and happy new year sir! :)
Orphan Crippler! 19 Jan, 2015 @ 5:33pm 
:D Glad I could help! I agree that there is very little point in making a copy haha. If you ever need more suggestions feel free to ask. I mostly watch romantic comedy or slice of life anime, but I watch mostly any genre. And a Happy New Year to you as well :)
Last edited by Orphan Crippler!; 19 Jan, 2015 @ 5:35pm
Desacrip 1 Feb, 2015 @ 5:40am 
Have you tried Clannad yet? It is very much similar to Toradora in that it is a romance anime focused on high school students and after they graduate (Clannad After Story). This the first anime that I watched (aside from Naruto since it is so mainstream) that had gotten to me emotionally. This anime is a harem/drama/comedy/slice of life type, meaning that there will be multiple arcs between the main protagonist and the other characters rather than a single focused relationship. However there is a main arc and the second season pretty much focuses on them than any other pair.

I was planning to write a review here but since you just want recommendations, I'll leave it at that haha.

Another good but not-so-sad romance anime that I can recommend would be Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo. I am not as passionate about it as Clannad but it is still a very good anime to watch.

Nisekoi. Just gonna throw that in there haha. Very sad and singular relationship anime.

Have fun!
Doggo 1 Feb, 2015 @ 7:19am 
hahaha alright thank you very much for these new recomendations!
Ami Kawashima 10 Jun, 2016 @ 10:01am 
I recommend these to you:
Kaichou wa maid-sama
my little monster
zero no tsukaima
love stage!! (Its yaoi btw)
mayo chiki!
clannad: afterstory.
I dont know if you watch them but I thought this would help to your... addiction...
Marshpillow 2.0 30 Jul, 2016 @ 8:10pm 
I am the say way
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