Curitiba, Parana, Brazil
:bphere: "Todo meu patrimônio são meus amigos'! :bphere:

(''Emily Dickinson.
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My favorite genres are Survival Horror, Fighting Games and classic games!

My favorite game is Street Fighter !!

:stop:I don't trade:stop:

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Malgus the sith warrior!
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112 Hours played
Alien Isolation in my opinion is a masterpiece !!

With an atmosphere of suspense and horror climate based on 1 movie Alien series 8th 1979 passenger, here u assumes the role of Amanda Ripley, son of the protagonist of the 1st film where Ellen Ripley (Mother) disappears in an accident on the ship Nostromo .

Amanda Ripley hastily searching for clues that lead to his Mother at the same time joins a team and ventures into a space station (Sevastopol) apparently abandoned, which in docking an accident happens and is separated from his team.

Now Amanda Ripley's alone, without weapons, in an abandoned station, and will have to survive at all costs facing many dangers, and having to search for clues about his team and his mother.

I recommend that you watch the 1st movie Alien 8th passenger before you start playing, for better understanding the game !!

Note 10/10 "
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During the early 19th century, when Europeans were first developing inroads coming into Africa. they began to encounter some formidable resistance from the very large game encountered there. In order to protect such roads, better hunt for food with, and la
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Created by - Artificial
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Created by - BCC
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Do you want to use the pixel scaling filter such as the HQ2X, or want to change looks Scanline Filter for Metal Slug 3 on Steam? if so just use it.
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shurck. 24 Jan @ 10:31am 
Opaaa irmão beleza? Meu amigo está desenvolvendo seu novo jogo chamado "Sunshine Farm" se puder dar uma olhadinha, amanhã dia 25/01 vai lançar a demo se quiser testar!! E tbm se puder colocar o jogo na sua lista de desejos e seguir já vai ajudar muito!! Muito obrigado por sua atenção :luv:
차해인 6 Jan @ 11:50pm 
Feliz ano novo, Tudo de bom, Sempre!!
Araripe 2 Jan @ 8:41pm 
Feliz ano novo, brother!
NeoInNervous 2 Jan @ 5:28am 
Feliz ano novo!!! :peace::ily::zomthumbup:
shurck. 31 Dec, 2024 @ 2:47pm 
Feliz ano novo!! Que 2025 traga muita paz, saúde, alegria e jogos novos pra biblioteca!! :reimpressed:
shurck. 24 Dec, 2024 @ 4:57pm 
Um feliz natal pra vc e pra toda sua família!! ✨