Heavy gaming11
Hi,im Heavy gaming11

Be more like Adnois,theres much more to life then videogames
Honestly i dont even care for scammers,not like im gonna fall for their traps loll:sentry: They will be messaging a dead account lol (damn scammer,stole my unusual taunt that was gifted to me
You wont see me online! I quit steam!
Is it just me, or when i go to a friends profile i read everything in their *View more info*section?
No its also you beacuse your reading this loll
My discord is "heavy_gaming11" I use discord rarley now
Thats all, thank you for reading

Trade link
:crate::dateheart::csgoglobe: Oh right i dont have steam i wont trade with you lol:spycon:
Thanks to everyone that was friends with me,for the fun and memories.I could go on for all the things but i wont. Special thanks to Sex gaming,Taxi,Minion gaming,Kastle,Blue complex,Eden gaming,Famous anus,Cezer,Vilore,Potatoe,Witheard freddy (real),Azotan Wodoru, the overmind,kfc manager,After,
Average history enjoyer for gifting me tf2 items (cosmetics,wepons, even taunts).Its was really nice and kindhearted to gift a new tf2 player some items you didnt want (or whatever the reason was you gifted them to me)
Currently Offline
Artwork Showcase
Do the hard work, especially when you don't feel like it
Goodbye everyone!
So yeah, I finally quit Steam!
Just like I quit TikTok, Discord, Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram, and half of YouTube because I don't watch pointless videos, only music and educational ones

So..the question is why?
Well here are my reasons!
.Videogames aren't fun!
Our dopamine receptors are so fried by instant gratification from things like social media and video games that the things that used to bring us joy no longer do. Just like nicotine or drugs, every time you feel the nice, warm feeling of happiness, the next time you try to do it, you will need more of it.

But even if your gaming sessions become longer and longer each time, you still wouldn't laugh or smile much.

Here's a challenge for you: record yourself playing a video game and later review the footage to count how many times you laughed or smiled. I'll give you a quick answer; it would be close to 0!

The only time you would really laugh and have fun is if you were in a call with your friends , but that doesn't mean you and your friends laugh because of a video game, but rather because of each other!

So go ahead, arrange a meetup with your friends at the local park or playground

You could actually call video games annoying and anger-inducing because you might get killed or lose the round, so they can even bring bad emotions to you!

Games aren't relaxing
When you said you would play videogames for 5 minutes to unwind-do you think you were actually unwinding and relaxing your brain?
The short answer is No
If we were to connect sensors to your head and monitor your brain activity while you were playing a video game,do you think the monitor would remain still?
Another short answer- No
Video games aren't relaxing because they demand fast reaction speeds and quick decision-making, among other things, so please don't go playing videogames before your sleep, atleast implement that to keep your sleep schedule solid
While we are at the theme of sleep, here is my 3rd reason
Sleep disruption
All the blue light, flashing lights, and fast-moving objects, coupled with rapid decision-making and the excitement of opening loot boxes or winning rounds. How could all of that make you feel sleepy ?
All of that leads to difficulty falling asleep and disturbing sleep paterns .
This can result in sleep deprivation , reduced sleep quality.
We all know sleep is fundamental and extremely important for our physical and mental health,right?

Waste of time and procrastination
You know, I've realized that procrastination is just delaying our own progress . It's like putting off our dreams and goals for no good reason
And all the hours spent on video games... It's a shame to see people flexing, saying things like, 'I have 1500 hours on X, and I'm still bad at the game.' Well, congratulations! You allowed yourself to waste 1500 hours on something utterly unproductive!

There's an underrated quote that people really need to take to heart: 'People wouldn't put in 10,000 hours to master a skill, but they would waste 20,000 hours mastering the skill of procrastination. We're always mastering something, whether we realize it or not, whether it's useful or not.'
Video games are such a waste of time, out of all the time i spent here, if i have used that time in the gym i would be shreded by now..

There are more reasons but these 4 are my main ones that a lot of us can agree on/relate

The pros of videogames:
They speed up response times.
They encourage teamwork.
They stimulate creativity, focus and visual memory.
They improve strategy and leadership.
They teach languages.
Critical thinking.
Are all
They are made by weak discord mods to make you think videogames are good, and ultimatly keeping you on the platform for longer and making you more of a loser!
Why do you think they say that?
They would rather be losers in a group then losers alone

Well, congratulations on reading all that, your attention span is still fixable.
Take my word for it and get on self improvment .Its the ultimate to getting a better life.
This youtuber Hamza is truly the best self improvment youtuber, he has videos for every topic in self improvment, the videos are intresting and educative.Some are shorter and edited with tips and tricks, some are longer with full tutorials on that 1 topic.
Get better!
Goodbye everyone!
Recent Activity
409 hrs on record
last played on 28 Oct, 2023
3.6 hrs on record
last played on 1 Sep, 2023
2.4 hrs on record
last played on 1 Sep, 2023
Rakottkutyatej | TRADEIT 3 Oct, 2024 @ 3:53pm 
We will always remember you my friend :)
Шустрый спид 21 Aug, 2024 @ 3:07am 
Настоящий сигма,дал мне насвай
cplx 9 Jul, 2024 @ 8:32am 
+rep amazing person
sims 8 Jul, 2024 @ 7:55pm 
he is a true chad.
EDEN GAMING | TRADEIT 1 May, 2024 @ 6:28am 
Sad he left. He was a good person.
Maybe we'll meet again when the time comes
Josip Broz Tito 28 Feb, 2024 @ 5:51am 