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57 people found this review helpful
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35.1 hrs on record (32.9 hrs at review time)
Two words: ASHTRAY. MAZE
Posted 22 November, 2022.
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14.8 hrs on record (2.5 hrs at review time)
So far, it's pretty cool. I feel like a little speck in the vast universe. Everything feels infinite. Unlimited exploration.
Posted 30 November, 2021.
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153.3 hrs on record (94.5 hrs at review time)
This game has a lot of personality, and you can tell as soon as the cutscenes start playing.

Spacelords is a coop shooter with an interesting melee mechanic. Each mission has you fighting hordes of enemies while performing some kind of sabotage, rescue mission or boss fight. Special elite enemies drop Aleph, a substance that allows you to become stronger and also fulfill mission objectives. That allows each mission to feel unique.

There also is the Antagonist, a PVP mechanic where one player can challenge the team of 4, playing as the villain.

Overall, it's a very fun game and I recommend it. It has a few flaws however, and that is the matchmaking mechanics. There is crossplay, which helps to make up for the limited PC community, but those matches have no ping limit, which can end up havng you play with a host that is at the other side of the planet. The game also lacks an in-game chat, which makes very difficult to coordinate a random squad; instead the game provides a very limited command panel, to give mission directives. But it is not enough.

The game gets updated regularly and there has been improvements since it came out. But there's still much left to do. Despite its flaws, I think the goods weight much more than the bads, and if you enjoy a unique art style, crazy humor and action, this game might be for you.

Plus, it's FREE. I can't believe I almost forget that.
Posted 2 July, 2019.
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3,311.4 hrs on record (710.5 hrs at review time)
Oh, boy, where do I start with this gem...

Warframe is not just your average 3rd person action free-to-play game. It is also a growing, playable universe that is very easy to be fascinated by. Every year the team at Digital Extremes introduces a new game-changer that is the equivalent of a game sequel, and integrates it into the core game. The current Warframe is the result of over six years of non-stop hard work and a dedicated fanbase. When it premiered back in 2013 it was a simple action shooter based on quick matches about defeating hordes of enemies while completing different objectives. Now it's a compelling cinematic experience, it's got two open worlds (with a third one on the works), over 40 craftable characters to play as, daily and weekly challenges with endless rewards, a huge variety of enemies to dispose of, and an upcoming space battle game mode that will increase the scale of the game to never before seen levels. And the graphics keep getting improved over time. If you think this game looks old by today's standards, well, you are wrong.

As always, the coop element is crucial: nothing beats the experience of a full team of 4 space ninjas, each with their unique powers and weapons, wreaking havoc among hordes of unlucky enemies. Soon the squads will also be able to connect in real time to complete big scale objetives, like taking down an orbital enemy base.

It's very easy to get started with Warframe, but it takes a lot of time and dedication to master all of it. Most of that dedication translates into farming. Farming of xp points, resources, credits, mods, blueprints, etc. But the playable content has become so huge that you'll probably never feel the farming as tedious. And everytime you succeed at crafting a new weapon or Warframe, it is bloody satisfying ...

One of this game's major downsides is the chance that you'll feel overwhelmed by everything the game has to offer during your first hours on it. The answer to that, is that this game is all about community. Ask the players (there's a chat for it). Make friends. Learn from them. The game makes it very easy to communicate with people and find out what your next step should be. Communication is organic and never gets in the way of playing the game itself.

The game's story is also becoming more elaborate and epic as time goes by. There are MANY surprises along the way and what's in store for the future looks very promising. There's a particular revelation after many hours into the game that every gamer should experience, as it is truly incredible not just in terms of world-building, but also how it affects the perception of the whole game.

Long story short: if you got time on your hands and you're looking for the ultimate coop action experience, do not think twice and try Warframe. You can thank me later.

--Review was updated as of July 2019
Posted 24 November, 2016. Last edited 27 July, 2019.
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2 people found this review helpful
24.2 hrs on record
New N' Tasty es un remake de Oddworld: Abe's Odysee reconstruido de arriba abajo, con algunas partes y secuencias nuevas. La recreación es fiel y se nota que está hecha con mucho amor, por verdaderos fans de la saga como un servidor. Sigue siendo el mismo juego de plataformas divertido, adictivo, difícil, con un mundo y unos personajes fascinantes, hilarantes y también terroríficos.

Tanto si eres veterano de los juegos originales, como un recién llegado, vale la pena visitar Oddworld y ver por uno mismo lo que la creatividad pura puede plasmar en un videojuego, esta vez en toda la gloria del motor gráfico Unity.

Lo mejor:
-Remake fiel con prácticamente el mismo diseño de niveles. Lo que estaba ya bien, ¿para qué cambiarlo?
-Gráficos impresionantes. Oddworld por fin en auténtico HD.
-Algunas secuencias añadidas que dan más profundidad a Oddworld.
-Es difícil. La victoria no te la darán gratis.
-Los sligs siguen siendo igual de tronchantes.

Lo peor:
-Algunas animaciones podrían estar más trabajadas (Abe entrando y saliendo de los pozos...)
-Se han pasado con el brillo y el 'bloom effect'.

NOTA: 8,5/10

Recomiendo comprarlo sin dudar. ¡Necesitan vender 250k copias para hacer el remake de Abe's Exoddus!
Posted 28 February, 2015. Last edited 28 February, 2015.
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13.4 hrs on record (11.5 hrs at review time)

Ambientación única, historia original y un aire mágico. Sé que jugaré Syberia 2 pronto para ver cómo concluye el viaje de Kate :)
Posted 14 July, 2014.
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24 people found this review helpful
358.9 hrs on record
Skyrim me robó 4 meses de mi vida.

Y no me arrepiento :D
Posted 21 June, 2014.
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5 people found this review helpful
162.8 hrs on record (155.1 hrs at review time)
Un must-have para los amantes del rol y la aventura, y uno de los últimos juegos que utilizaban la mecánica RPG que se hizo popular con Baldur's Gate. Rol complejo, difícil, enorme y adictivo a más no poder.

Los personajes son inolvidables como viene siendo especialidad de Bioware, hay un montón de opciones para personalizar a tu protagonista, con varios orígenes distintos, y la historia te atrapa hasta el final. Un juego que proporciona más de 150 horas de juego con esta Ultimate Edition, que incluye las imprescindibles expansiones de El Despertar y Caza de Brujas.

Si lo encuentras de oferta, no lo dejes pasar.
Posted 21 June, 2014.
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8 people found this review helpful
12.1 hrs on record (10.1 hrs at review time)
Un must-have para todo amante de la aventura gráfica y de la fantasía. The Whispered World ofrece ese estilo de dibujos animados que tanto me gusta en este tipo de juegos (y que debería usarse más en vez de tanto 3D), con unos fondos espectaculares.

Algunos habréis leido críticas muy negativas con respecto a la voz Sadwick, el protagonista. Es cierto que es un tanto peculiar, pero te acostumbras enseguida si no eres el típico que se irrita por cualquier chorrada. El personaje tiene una personalidad triste y esto también recibió críticas, pero es precisamente uno de los factores que le definen como personaje. Sadwick es entrañable, más espabilado que la mayoría de personajes que le rodean, que por cierto muchos de ellos son tronchantes (una ovación para las piedras parlantes).

Y luego está Spot, la mascota de Sadwick. Sólo por él ya merece la pena jugar esta aventura :D
Posted 12 May, 2014. Last edited 12 May, 2014.
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2 people found this review helpful
4.1 hrs on record (4.0 hrs at review time)

Esa es la palabra con la que mejor puedo describir esta joya, que pese a ser breve, te atrapa hasta el final. Con unos escenarios coloridos y muy detallados, un control innovador y unos puzzles muy bien integrados en la historia, Brothers es un logro para los aficionados a las aventuras.

El juego tiene un control a través de un mando (la mejor opción es el de la Xbox), pero a pesar de que es posible hacerlo con teclado, NO lo recomiendo en absoluto. Vale la pena adquirir un controlador sólo por esta experiencia. Y cuando llegas al final, el simple hecho de pulsar un determinado botón de ese mando te creará un nudo en la garganta. No puedo decir más ;)

Porque la historia es muy emotiva, pero también fantástica, divertida, y hasta terrorífica en algun que otro momento.

Y no se olvida.
Posted 1 March, 2014. Last edited 1 March, 2014.
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