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1 person found this review helpful
55.7 hrs on record (1.1 hrs at review time)
After a couple days of nothing but following every guide I could to try and get Multiplayer to work... it remains unplayable. I'd love to give even the multiplayer a review, but I can't even get into a game due to server issues.
Posted 9 January, 2022.
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2 people found this review helpful
18.9 hrs on record (8.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Amplitude has provided yet another immersive 4X strategy game in this newest edition to the Endless series of games. I have to say, they have really knocoked my socks off with this game; the UI is crisp and clean, easy to follow, and will be easier when the tutorial is added.

That being said, it does lack a tutorial at the moment, so not having experience with Endless Space would be a bad thing with this game. The two games play very much alike, although I prefer the lore and atmosphere of Endless Legend far more than its sister.

As of this moment my pros for the game are as follows:
Easy to get in to
Amazing Lore and artwork, as to be expected.
Beautiful terrain
Far better combat systems when compared to Endless Space (my opinion)
Well-implemented Empire quest system

The current cons are few but present:

Laughable Diplomacy: I excuse this on the grounds that this is early access, but as this game nears release I will start harping on it more frequently. The current cost of diplomatic action (devs and current players will know what I mean) is a grand idea, but the system seems rather broken at this time. I have often encountered AI empires and attempted negotiations with them, only to have war declared on me a few turns later. AI seem to ignore any attempts at diplomatic relations, as far as I have seen.

Lack of Victory Condition Options: I assume this will come in the future, but for the past three games I have lost due to one of the AI reaching a score limit. The scenario is set to default, however the setting leaves out what victory conditions that entails. Conquest is a given condition, but score capacity? I'd like to know what the max score is that players have to reach to win.

Sieges: Sieges are a great addition, but they don't make much in the way of sense. They cut off all benefits from the besieged city, but sicne cities don't seem to ever be conquered by them (as far as I have noticed), they seem rather pointless.

In closing, this is an amazing game that has some flaws due to it being in development. Amplitude is an awesome studio that makes awesome games; furthermore, this game has a TON of potential, and they seem to be doing most everything right for now. I can dream that this becomes a well known 4X, since it has already consumed some number of my personal hours with its immersive lore, quests, and warfare. I believe this game is a worthy investment, especially in the Founder's edition, which I purchased myself. Great game, great mechanics, it's like someone in Amplitude is making their own universe a reality, something I can appreciate and admire.

9.5/10(InDev Score)
Posted 29 April, 2014.
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3 people found this review helpful
10.4 hrs on record (4.2 hrs at review time)
You know, at first this game looked a lot like a Civilization game meets a Sins game, but it really is in a brand all its own. First and foremost, the tutorial offered is an old school variety: There is no play and learn, it's read and remember. The AI will stomp you the first time around, and the whole idea of subspace projectors and other equally confusing elements will overwhelm you at first; however, once you get around all of that, the game is a hell of a lot of fun. For me it is like when I first played Civilization, you have no idea how much time you're actually wasting on it, until you look up and realise the sun has magically appeared in the sky.

I recommend this as soemthing everyone should try, even if they're not into the 4X games- which would be a damn shame.
Posted 1 January, 2014.
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