Aluriana Dragonheart
Aluriana Dragonheart   Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
If your a Furry, feel free to add me.

if you have a private account, very low level or no detail, please talk to me first in one of the chat rooms that i am usually in
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Roleplay Details
Name: Aluriana Dragonheart - Dragga Kerllarka Seer

Species: Changling Wolf - Male

Feral Appearance: [] Large White Direwolf, Golden eyes, Double coat averaging at 5 inches in length. Fur changes in colour depending on element represented; red = fire, brown = earth, dark blue = water, light blue = air, black = shadow, green = life, yellow = lightning, purple = time, spiderweb of white with the grids a different colour = all

Anthro Appearance: [] 6 foot tall, same rough appearance as when in Feral. but the coat becomes shorter to about 1 inch in length which shows strong muscle definition of the arms and legs and toned body, the fur around the head and neck, staying at 5 inches. simple brown crossed chest straps, with a occasional loops from it, and a leather shoulder pad.

Abilities: Fey Step, Elemental shifting, physical growth

Personality: Placid, Reserved but open, Friendly and Welcoming

Kinks: [] NSFW 16+

Character rule set: Dungeons and Dragons 3.5, magazine extended

I am a Changeling Wolf, (can turn into any other type of wolf) named: Dragga Kerllarka Seer (Alpha white wolf that walks alone and sees all) (Known to everyone as Aluriana (The White Wolf)).
Besides my mother dying as i was born, I grew up as all other cubs do, not one problem, yet upon reaching the age of 18 months I began showing unusual traits, I seemed to know what would happen before they occurred, this didn't bother my Father so much, as handful of wolves in the pack in generations past have had this gift, and ended up going to the elves for guidance. Remembering this my Father decided it would soon be time for me to make the same journey

A couple of months later, before My first hunt, The Alpha went to wake me, yet saw what appeared to be an abomination and growls at the intruder. Waking up from the growling, i wonder why the aggression. My Father asks "Who are you? You smell of my son, but you do not look like him, yet your eyes......". "Father it is me, what are you going on about" I say scared.
The Alpha realising it is his son, becomes afraid, wondering what I had become. My Father decides to take me to the Elves then and there instead of waiting longer.

The Elven Eldar knowing the reputation of the Wolves to only come when they have a Seer, sees us immediately. My Father tells the Elder of my growth without interruption as the elders stay pensive till the end, knowing what I am
The Elf turns to me, "Your are not just a wolf, you are a changeling, you have the old blood running through your veins." He goes into the description of the history of the wolf, about how they didn't always look the same through-out their lives, that they could control what they look like, and through the ages, the blood ran dormant, causing the different species of wolves you see today. "you need to learn to control this". And with nothing else I can do, I stay with the Elves and learn my abilities

Upon the finalisation of my training the elves show me one of their own secrets. They show me how to step into the fey world, home of the Magical World

I am 8 before my training is complete, ever only seeing one or two of my pack occasionally through-out that time. I head home, happy to be returning back. but as I return, no-one is there. Worried I run to my fathers den, only to see the Alpha dying. My father tells me about the virus and of it spreading through our pack. Knowing he is about to die, my Father bestows the name of Dragga & Seer, upon me. (Alpha & Fortune Teller). Racing to all the other dens, I see that the other wolves in the pack are already dead. I howl long into the night

I am the last of my pack & knowing no other wolves like myself, I become Karl (wolf that walks alone). With my Name complete; Alpha Karllarka Seer, I walk through both worlds seeking others like me (never giving up, never succeeding) for 200 years
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The Elder Scrolls Online
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Dragon 25 Thg12, 2023 @ 3:29pm 
Heyyy merry christmas i'll never forget the shiny you gave me :D :Gems:
Dragon 24 Thg12, 2022 @ 11:22am 
Merryyy Christmas! :Gems::Gems::Gems:
Dragon 25 Thg12, 2021 @ 1:47am 
May your hoard grow stronger on this day and happy 2022 :Gems:
Dragon 25 Thg12, 2020 @ 5:27pm 
Merry Christmas and happy 2021 :smaug:
Dragon 25 Thg12, 2019 @ 1:45pm 
Merry Christmas and happy 2020 :VeneticaGoldCoin:
Dragon 25 Thg12, 2018 @ 2:29pm 
Merry Christmas and happy new year :kodp_dragon: