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About Me
Name: Anderson

From: Glasgow, Scotland

Favourite Games: Mass Effect Trilogy, DOTA 2, Marvel Rivals

Apex Legends
- Previous master player
- Switched to controller in 2023
- Game is dead

- Immortal peak
- Support player, either pos 4 or 5
- Play on another account and now a midlaner

Rocket League
- Top 0.1% competitive player
- Fennec crutch
- Play on another account

- Can't win
- Chamber spammer
- Still trash
Review Showcase
165 Hours played
Possibly one of my favourite games of all time. I looked at it initially years ago and thought that it looked like an MMO, never bothering to properly check what the game was - rather just assuming I wouldn't like it. Bought it on sale at half price and WOW I was so surprised at what the game actually offered.

It's one of the few games out there where every mechanic you see in the world can be replicated. Cities that are established can be taken over by you but not in the way where 'hur dur I do 5 quests and the city is mine' but in the sense of you have to have manually recruited and trained up an army large enough to do it. The training aspect? You have to get beaten to near death to increase strength, it is phemomemal lmao. Highly recommend watching a playthrough just to see the levels of mechanics and systems involved because there's a reason it's compared to Dark Souls levels of unfair and its so addictive.

It's the most raw 'do what you want but you aren't special' type of game that I've ever played. You're not the dragonborn, you've been afforded nothing. You start from zero and that aspect of the game made me enjoy it massively because its Skyrim's magic of exploring a Souls-like world with that level of difficulty involved without having ANYTHING handed to you because 'you're the chosen one' - you are no one. The game is what you make of it and it is just class.
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Scotland - Public Group
Scotland The Brave
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Khan! 15 Sep, 2024 @ 3:58pm 
Yo :DD
iZerk 10 Sep, 2024 @ 1:30pm 
haha ye wir playin wae me the day lyin on yer profile
iZerk 6 Jun, 2024 @ 8:15am 
MiLrR13 6 Jun, 2024 @ 6:38am 
izerk ur mum sells lingerie shush
iZerk 30 May, 2024 @ 1:38pm 
get a grip
Khan! 12 Jan, 2024 @ 12:40pm 