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Yayınlanma: 19 Nis 2022 @ 15:10

Erken Erişim İncelemesi
This game is interesting... if you've played others like it then... you kind of know what it's on about. The difference is that this game deals more with Murim than Xianxia. So you aren't here to see people flying around on swords, they are more like Gotham heroes/villains.

First of this is a solid game, as in it is very stable and runs well, second the art and music are good stuff, there is nothing wrong in that department.

I'd say that this game suffers from simply not having anything that really makes it stand out. Nothing pops about it, it may be because I am an English speaker so some things are lost on me... I am still very satisfied with my purchase and I can recommend this to others.

If this is your first go into this kind of game, then again this is a stable game, very well designed. Give it a shot, it's a bit more management than martial arts than I liked but it's still pretty good.
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