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0.0 tuntia kahden viime viikon aikana / yhteensä 16.2 tuntia (15.7 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Julkaistu: 23.1.2014 klo 17.31

It's a good game, a lot of good things going on here.

It's pacing starts off a bit slow which hurts replay value a bit but eventually it really picks up. As it goes on it gets almost Lord of the Rings in that you are basically walking across the entire world which can't be helped.

There are a few story glitches like for example me killing a guy and then killing his underlings when they attack later but for some reason they magically appeared in my caravan and had conversations later...

It has some nice art work and the music is quite what you'd expect, it captures the moments very well.

Controls are as good as you get for a grid strategy game.

Difficulty is a mixed bag, on one hand you can be in starvation hell regardless of the games difficulty level and how easily you are making the enemies job.

It has a transparent curtain of options but at times it does a good job of suddenly spinning the story on it's head.

In the end... if it was the end, I think I made a mistake and kept walking when I should have stopped... this was the first time the game did a bad job of explaining the situation I was in and what my options were, because of that I ended up in a never ending (seemingly) walk to no where while starving.

Aside from that stuff the game is good, is it with the $25 big ones? Perhaps, I haven't beaten it yet and so I might not have gotten all the content it has to offer, from I have seen I'd say $15 would be a much more fair price tag. (It's not like they should be worrying about growth and investors.)

In the end this game is recommended.
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