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投稿日: 2021年10月9日 17時47分

This is borderline a visual novel. The combat is kind of rough and really that is the only game play there is. Don't get me wrong I enjoy how it transitions, the way of telling the story is Really good, the story is top notch but in my view it balanced away from being a game and being more like a novel.

Graphics - Pretty good, nothing crazy here but it isn't bad by any means.

Art - Top notch, you are getting some really high quality art here, and consistently so.

Design - The games formula again comes off more like a visual novel but it does that very well.

Gameplay - This is well done albeit not this products strength at all. It is by far more of a story telling experience. The combat is clever and transitions well.

Sound - Respectable music and the Voice Acting is on point if a bit much at some points.

Conclusion - I didn't really want this kind of game when I was looking for wuxia style games, I am happy I found it though. But I don't see myself finishing it, it kind of reminds me of Jade Empire so if you are looking for that then this goes in that direction.
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