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Tercatat 5.2 jam (Telah dimainkan 5.0 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
The game itself is pretty decent, some really cheap juggles but I think that's the point.

What kills the game is the community, a whole heap of foreign languages and immature players here and no mechanism in game to fix that issue. If you could for example black list players so you had forewarning about the kind of player you're going against then fine but you can't and that leads to 4 or 5 consecutive games where you meet the worst of the worst the internet has to offer.

Music is nice some songs better than others.

Graphics... the character models are shiny and well done but it's not next gen by any means and the textures are hardly the best you can find. Still for what it is it makes the most of what it has.

If it wasn't for the community this game would easily get a recommended from me.
Diposting pada 1 Februari 2015.
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Tercatat 19.0 jam
A few bugs here and there but the game otherwise is very good to play. I guess for some it could have replay value but for me it's like Dragon Age but not.

Graphics are good, everything is voiced over so that's a positive.

Music and Sounds are spot on.

Gameplay is not repetative really considering the amount of content.

You can get a few good hours out of this game, I think I beat it in 16 or so.

Anyway I don't regret my purchase and I still remember the storyline. It isn't as good as say Dragon Age Inquisition for me but it's better than a lot of the other stuff floating around out there.
Diposting pada 31 Januari 2015.
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Tercatat 286.8 jam (Telah dimainkan 192.1 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
I enjoy real TCGs and this satisfied my hunger for how those games are. While I don't have the time to play real TCGs anymore I do find the time to play this one if only for a few matches at a time.

The down side to this game is that it's quite unstable online. You will at some point get connection bugs that tell you that you are not connected to the internet when you are. There are other bugs but nothing game ending, the games music is forgettable, it isn't bad but it isn't the greatest must hear 10/10 either.

The presentation is very well done.

The offline component is pretty solid, I wish there was a better way to track what areas you have completed but no one said this game would be perfect.

The game is worth a shot if you need a TCG in your life. To get everything you need about $40, I don't recommend you pay for the extra versions since you can unlock everything in the game. The expansion is a good investment, and also the booster packs will cost $2 a pop and I believe there are about 10 of them so thats $20 that you're lookin at.

I enjoyed it.
Diposting pada 30 Desember 2014.
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Tercatat 48.4 jam
Good Day,

My friends called Eve "Microsoft Excel Online" but it isn't that bad, EVE has a very complex and layered interface it is the definition of old school mindsets for how to approach developing a PC game. With that said I did not down rate this because of the interface, if the game didn't turn me off with other things the interface wouldn't have bugged me at all, instead it became one more reason not to play the game.

The problem with EVE in my opinion is that it failed to give me the impression that I was piloting a starship or was part of something bigger and instead I felt like I was the star ship itself. There is a distinction here and with that said I could not convince myself that this game was worth the price tag.

The community for EVE is very nice from my experience and once you understand the chat interface you can meet very kind and helpful people. I have nothing to really say about the developers since I never ran into any bugs or had any complications, the game does what it was intended to do well.

I played EVE for about 3 weeks and a few months later I decided to write this review since by now I think I have an objective opinion of the game and I will present the rest of it now:

EVE has an unfun micromanagement issue where you need to travel and do essentially a fetch quest but the time it takes to do this quest can get unbarable. Worse yet at the begining you will be micromanaging just about everything so it's not like you can walk away and take a shower and stuff will get done. I got to the point where I could set AI to take care of somethings in high concord areas (Basically AI will protect me from evil players) but there is nothing fun about mining.

The next thing is EVE's character creator, it's AMAZING I really liked spending an hour making my character but afterwards there is nothing, nothing to it at all. You can't interact with NPCS because you aren't your character persay. Instead Interactions happen between ships this threw me off big time and I gave the game a chance in the hope that maybe they had plans to expand this stuff but I know of no such plans and I'm unwilling to dump money and time on this game because of it. Essentially instead of feeling like the Captain of my ship I feel like a ship.

The Music in EVE passes the time well but bring your own music because even good music gets boring after your 15th material haul.

Eve takes itself too seriously, the game tries way too hard and consumes way too much time, while I didn't mind it at first the back and forth between areas and having to wait for 2 days for things to complete so I could use them only to find some detail that requires something else be made before I could use it or make something from it. To put it briefly the game does not appreciate the value of the players time and it is not streamlined to deliver it's product to the player. The result is being pounded with self imposed fetch missions across a small portion of the galaxy which can take 20 minutes to traverse if you don't get lost.

Textures are mid to low, the character textures are mid to high though, but the game graphically is not puke worthy but it doesn't get any praises from me. Space ship fights look like something you'd see from a web game.
Diposting pada 7 September 2014. Terakhir diedit pada 7 September 2014.
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Tercatat 179.8 jam (Telah dimainkan 158.6 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
I wanted to wait another two months or so to judge this game but I think I have a list of personally cringe worth things and salivating things about this game that accurately reflects what can be expected of the game.

The Bad:
1. Character Creation - It basically doesn't exist or rather it does but the customization is narrow.

2. Character Customization - This is after you make your character, the options here are sadly narrow as well, you unlock some stuff but everything is just a color swap, armor doesn't show and almost all the weapons lok the same,

3. The Run Around - The games quest can turn into a Lord of the Rings kind of marathon as it sends you 15 minutes in one direction then 10 minutes in the other and then 15 minutes back to your base.

4. Rebalancing - I am not a fan of games that rebalance for pvp, Dragon Nest had a great solution to this which was having pvp versions of the skills that were balanced, this left PVE skills to be balanced seperately. With this game what you pay for isn't what you get.

The Good:

1. Graphics for the terrain is great, I spent a lot of time just looking at Copacabana.

2. Music is decent, nothing special but okay.

3. Voice Acted which is a positive in my book.

For now I cannot recommend this game in good concience, it is simply underdeveloped but it is free so wit that regards it is a playable game.
Diposting pada 30 Agustus 2014.
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Tercatat 45.3 jam (Telah dimainkan 41.1 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Ulasan Akses Dini
I enjoy it enough, I'm not very good at this creative stuff and the game doesn't seem to encourage me to get any better at it for long amounts of time. But the graphics are great and the music is very nice.

The updates are fairly frequent but there are some dry spells, there is a cash shop like it or not but I'd rather save my money for EQ Next.

The only down side that really hurts this game for me is the FPS, when I started it was giving me about 30 to 40 fps and I could live with that. As time went on that dipped to 10-18 fps and now hangs around 20 fps. If I were more involved in the game maybe I'd have the patience to deal with such low fps.

Also for me I play it on ultra but even if I put it to high I see no difference, I'm using a 680M Sli with a 3.2GHrz Ivy Branch Quadcore 20gigs of ram so I was expecting it to be heavy on my graphics card when on ultra but it leaned more heavily on my CPU. I heard that it will go multi threaded soon and that should help this game a lot.

If you are big on FPS and your PC isn't better than mine then check this game out on settlers pack but don't invest in anything more unless you can deal with either having crappy graphics with livable fps or great graphics with unlivable fps.

Over all the Settlers pack in the games current condition is worth it, the Explorers pack may not be unless you're on a Titan with a 4+ Ghrz Processor. Continuing with that logic obviously to me trail blazer isn't worth it either considering after you get trail blazer you still have an ingame cash shop to deal with.
Diposting pada 26 Juni 2014.
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Tercatat 16.2 jam (Telah dimainkan 15.7 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
It's a good game, a lot of good things going on here.

It's pacing starts off a bit slow which hurts replay value a bit but eventually it really picks up. As it goes on it gets almost Lord of the Rings in that you are basically walking across the entire world which can't be helped.

There are a few story glitches like for example me killing a guy and then killing his underlings when they attack later but for some reason they magically appeared in my caravan and had conversations later...

It has some nice art work and the music is quite what you'd expect, it captures the moments very well.

Controls are as good as you get for a grid strategy game.

Difficulty is a mixed bag, on one hand you can be in starvation hell regardless of the games difficulty level and how easily you are making the enemies job.

It has a transparent curtain of options but at times it does a good job of suddenly spinning the story on it's head.

In the end... if it was the end, I think I made a mistake and kept walking when I should have stopped... this was the first time the game did a bad job of explaining the situation I was in and what my options were, because of that I ended up in a never ending (seemingly) walk to no where while starving.

Aside from that stuff the game is good, is it with the $25 big ones? Perhaps, I haven't beaten it yet and so I might not have gotten all the content it has to offer, from I have seen I'd say $15 would be a much more fair price tag. (It's not like they should be worrying about growth and investors.)

In the end this game is recommended.
Diposting pada 23 Januari 2014.
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Tercatat 306.3 jam (Telah dimainkan 205.7 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Good game if you want to check it out, I don't know if I could put a dollar value on it yet but it's got a lot to give but could give a lot more. It's missing a few things that would outright make it innovative enough for me to want it for the job it presents.
Diposting pada 29 November 2011.
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