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Oh yea love it can't get enough of it! Did encounter one bug but meh.
Postat 16 septembrie 2017.
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Liked it a lot, I use BG (Borderless Gaming) to get it to play at 4k resolution.
Postat 9 septembrie 2017.
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It's now 2023 and I decided to rewrite this review, because Warframe today is a new game, a more full fledged game and finally a game that has been in development so long it's unfair to leave a review that was written considering the game was in beta.

Without burying the lead I do not recommend this game for many reasons, but the primary reason is the old school mentality that leaves the average player wondering if there weren't darker more profit centered motivations behind design decisions.

Let's start with this, most media personalities youtubers and twitch streamers are shilling for this game. What I mean is they function more like advertisers than reviewers much less gamers. This is by design and it's a culture that is fairly well known albeit often forgotten by those who were here from the early days. So when you see their stuff, know that their commentary likely had some kind of financial incentive behind it in some way shape or form.

I'll give a specific example of the fore mentioned old school mentality: Developers, especially in multiplayer games often decide nerfing is the best thing since sliced bread. In some formats like TCG's such as Yugioh, the intrroduction of Ban Lists serves a similar purpose, where you ban key parts of popular archtypes to force people to buy different archtypes. These Ban Lists reintroduce and remove things that are arguably valid for removal.

Nova or the old Nova is one such case, she was incredibly powerful, but she was also VERY clearly defined. If you played Nova you knew exactly what this frames purpose was. How did you know this? Because you could compare her directly with other frames. The modern Nova is an absolute mess, I couldn't tell you exactly what her role is, also it's annoying even seeing one in your group of randoms, you can only hope it isn't a slowva or a speedva depending on the context of your run.

Compare this with Saryn; old Saryn was a mess, she was supposed to be a tank with her Molt distracting enemies and allowing her to do some single target focus down with a 4 panic button. She failed at this when Rhino was released as well as balance changes to enemies which made her incredibly squishy.

None of that mattered though because with a Nova on your team, going to Wave 50 just about every frame was made viable. She was that dominant. Nova's nerf however came with a cost of increasing the difficulty of farming infinity runs. Which makes one wonder if that was really the point. But aside from that Saryn took Nova's place of mass killing but not her place as the CC machine.

Now you might say, well Nova is a CC character, and I might agree but YTers will claim she's viable at DPS or worse that she is still a DPS frame. This isn't the case, yes you can use certain weapons and Riven them to get her DPS crazy high kills... but think about it, You could have done that with Mag and got a better result. Speaking of Mag, Mag is a mediocre CC frame, I do not think anyone would argue against that point. But by comparison to a mediocre CC frame Nova is no where near as efficient as Mag.

So be it DPS Nova isn't a DPS frame, CC she is not a CC frame, Support? No again you have a 50% chance of frustrating your allies especially in pubs where they could be looking for a speedva or slowva but would prefer NO-nova honestly. And by NOT I mean she can do these things but she isn't identifiable by these things in a way that is efficient by comparison to other frames. The goal of Warframe is to complete missions, so I am contextualizing this to that end. Bonus to the value of definitions goes to how efficiently compared to other frames this is done. What about Tank? You can waste a mode slot to make her more Tanky, but the sick joke to me is that the slot wouldn't be wasted since nothing else would really matter if you put it in that slot... to me that's kind of sad. Sad that the frame is knee-capped that even if you can increase its stats the actual values are capped already.

This is to point out that DE is willing to discard game play for some other motivation which I guess is likely profit. And good for them. But let's say you spent real money on Nova back then, or any frame and it was over night turned into something unrecognizable... can you get a refund on the time and money you invested in that frame? Some might say you aren't entitled to that, you had your fun and that's that.

This is honestly why I prefer offline games but w/e.

The game otherwise looks great, the game is buggy as heck for certain things but generally it's okay. The grinding can be a bit ridiculous and it's solid to give it a try. Just expect that you need to respect your own time as DE wont. And also it's very sad to know that DE and these "Influencers" decided to pollute the historical record on their game with so much propaganda that if you didn't know these things happened, watching certain YTers for information about builds or viable frames will nearly always be a mislead.

Nothing like some guy talking about how great X frame is and then he shows his setup with rivens, primed mods, etc. I have those things as well, but I wouldn't dare try to convince people that it makes a frame viable. Those things would make ANY frame viable. But the frame wouldn't be distinguishable from any other frame is my point. What exactly is the point of Nova now? Where does she fit in a group? Where does she fit solo? Why even have one in the group when you could have Ivara or Mag or nearly every other frame that does what she does but better, because they actually are built for their archtype.

Finally, considering my friends and I lovingly refer to this game as Grind-Frame now-a-days whenever I play certain frames like Nova I can't help but stop as ponder about some of the things I mentioned above. I look at her and I would just delete her but I feel DE would win at that point. I've relegated her to her own slot and named it Trash so I don't accidentally pick her forgetting that she was anything but trash. XD

Well I hope this was informative, and Warframe is free, though I don't recommend playing it in 2023 I will say if you have nothing else to fill your time go ahead and give it a whirl.
Postat 2 septembrie 2017. Editat ultima dată 18 aprilie 2023.
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Okay so here it is:


1. They aren't pushing any limits with textures but the coloring is on point as well as the shading. If you're thinking of buying this game for high end graphics then thats a no go here.

2. There is also a mechanical issue with the game that kind of hurts the graphics as well... What I mean by that is you character is a visual representation of the style of play you've chosen. If you are going light armor then you really have no options on how to look. I'm not saying I want to have a panda mount, just that you really hurt your optimization in order to look cool.

2a. The best character for speed is basically wearing nothing, you'll do more damage with certain moves as well as dodge much further and faster. So if you want to be badass and look the part then this isn't the game for you... unless you go with strength in which case then this is the game for you.

3. There are a few bugs graphically where certain items will stretch across the screen. What I mean is a shoulder pad another player is wearing may graphically strech across the screen. It doesn't happen very often though but is pretty bad when it does.

4. Level design is deceptively simple in this game, and each map has a lot going on in its background... probably more than whats going on in the area you are in. It left me hoping that eventually they would expand on the content.

5. Animation is mostly on point there are a few transition problems but this is by far some of the better animations for characters out there. I'd love to see a full on mmo with this kind of combat. I could picture D&D working with this.


1. Again nothing to write home about, its transic background fluff mostly, even in combat amazingly as most of your energies will be bent on reading your opponents attacks and raging when you timed a dodge perfectly but they attack so fast you get hit by the 2nd attack before you could finish your dodge animation... Anyway, the music doesn't hurt the game either and its noticable and for me at least missed when it isn't there.


1. The games genre says fighting game so I'll judge it accordingly. If this was an mmo or an rpg with a strong fighting component then I'd be far more forgiving here but it isn't saying all of that and is branding itself as a fighting/action game. Without going into the definition of "Action" in gaming history I'll note that any leniency in my game play review comes from that and that they are still updating this game... and with that said I will add that I do miss the days when games were launched completed.

2. For the price this game offers still too little, what I mean is the content can be cleared in a matter of 2 or 3 hours. The worst that could happen is you go up the stairs or to the left from the first interesting looking area with the tablet. If you do that and are not using a guide figure in another 3-6 hours until you realize going to the right exit would lead you past areas you could handle more in line with the learning curve. So yes there is a actual design to the game that introduces you to enemy mechanics (and in turn your own) but there is no attempt to help new players on getting on that path.

3. Multiplayer is there as well and its... a mixed bag... friendly fire is fine but it doesn't do anything to benefit the gameplay experience, you kind of just end up having to deal with teammates who actually want to help but are doing more harm than good sometimes. Single player is well lonely and reveals how lonely the world is very quickly to put it plainly the adventure part to this game has no consistent narrative and as such the world in single player feel like a lonely place.

4. Difficulty, this is either a good or a bad thing, there is no aoe finisher style moves like assassins creed, enemies have no qualms about putting the "ganging" in "ganging up". While it really comes down to decks certain styles just do not work when facing multiple opponents.

5. Controls are pretty solid its amazing how they got everything to fit to 2 buttons, there are things that need work with the game mechanics but controls are not a problem.

6. Stances, this is the games selling point as a fighting game so how does it work? Very well actually... as a fighting game this game does a very simple job of letting you fight. Is it imbalanced? Name me a fighting game that wasn't imbalanced. Imbalance isn't the issue, the issue is wether low tier builds stand a chance against high tier? The answer sadly is no not really. Some styles are amazing by comparison one that gets you super armor, one that slows the enemy when you counter them are amazing enough next to the two that let you dodge. Combine that with things like super armor attacks and quick fire attacks that can be further sped up with timing and looping and you have a pretty big issue.

6a. Above I alluded to dodging not really being so effective, well lets use the stagger stance (drunken boxing) dodge for example. At the end of each of its stances it has an attack. This attack is very predictable and easily parryable. The whole dodge takes long enough that in most cases you can respond to it with a parry or super armor. In the case of parry you can then punish them with whatever you want really. Also with stagger, dodging back gives you an invincibility frame, except that the frame is about 1/5th the animation. The game rewards you crystals for sucessful dodging which can be used as a way to verify if you've dodged... unless you use the stagger stance dodge back which can still get pummeled by certain special attacks that may be longer in animation. Apply the same situation but to fast attackers who will throw out 3 attacks before you finish that dodge.

6b. There are folks who say that the meta is counterable and are advocates of that finding a stronger deck combo will counter the various meta people use. In truth if two different meta were to meet however most already know which would win. I wont spoil it here but a quick google search will be up people begining to realize it.

6c. The good thing is the developers are paying attention to things like this and are updating the game.

7. Grinding is present but it is not korean mmo level. You can hit cap level in about 10 hours, but it isn't worth it. Enemies scale and they are after a point deadly no matter what. So in my honest opinion the game punishes you far more than rewards you for gaining levels. Enemies essentially become hp walls later. The good thing is you get to see first hand which builds are far superior because at 60th level enemies start doing things with those builds at a stupid level... I mean if I could use windfall like the boss npc could and jump over high attacks or duck under low attacks... I'd be god of windfall... or a hacker.

Overall is it worth it?::
As an adventure game no not really, it has some level design quirks that lends itself to a bit of exploration despite being linear in most cases.
As a Fighting game average, it has moments of high adrenaline higher intensity but if you are going with the meta then it comes down to luck at the end of the day.
As a Martial Arts game; ya, oh man you know it has a lot of martials moves and he sound of the impact is great some of the moves don't really make sense with the styles they are in but thats fine, after all thats what schools are about.

Base Line::: 6/10

Still better than most other game out there right now and it is quite unique. If they expand on the game some more down the road then I'd expect I could only enjoy it more and more.
Postat 2 septembrie 2017.
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443.0 ore înregistrate (186.0 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
I liked Stellaris, I liked all the mods I could do, I didn't like how choppy it got at certain points with how the AI worked but that's the nature of mods.

The game without mods isn't much better but small problems become a bit more apparant with the AI.

Anyway I used liked rather than like because of all the DLC. Stellaris is one of those games I go back to once in a while and well it's kind of frustrating for some reason to see the DLC and feel like what the heck just happened?

It's not like the DLC adds any new memorable experience it's really just menu stuff on skins or races. But the menu stuff was pretty big on the DLC that I got like really big.

Anyway the point is that after you finish paying for all the DLC SO FAR I don't believe the game warrants the price tag it comes up to, which is nearly $100... yea.
Postat 12 august 2017.
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This is a free game kind of, their business model is wierd but the idea is that the demo gives you access to the game PERIOD.

There are 3 types of ownership:
Demo - Access of the game but cannot expand on content, you get partial access for regular owners and full access w/ Ult.
Regular - You get access to everything and you never have to worry about who the host is to get full access.
Ultimate - You can do anything pretty much.

The key difference between the types is if you are going to be a DM or not.

If you are with a group with a set DM it's best to just pool resources and get that DM the stuff then everyone just uses the Demo version and link to the DM's ultimate.

If you are changing DMs a lot then everyone would probably be better off with Regular.

If you DM a lot then Ultimate is your best bet, you wont have to worry about what status your players are.


Is this software good? It's not bad, first off its very powerful stuff. But its definetly dated with what you'd expect however it is pretty much giving you more power (as in ability to adjust things to your whims) than most other D&D virtual table top software out there. Like wise it streamlines a lot of the content from the books into things you can drag and drop which save tons of time.

The community for this software is very active and the developers are very helpful.

One of the best things for me over the other platforms is how simple it is to set up effects, spells and powers. There are some things I wish I could do but this thing doesn't skimp on convenience nor power.

The biggest con of this software is the lack of sound, you can't really set themes either, it seems to have the beginings of this but there are no options for something like quickly setting a mood. However it does give the shading options which kind of does this this.

But you wont get crackling camp fires as the sunsets being played through Fantasy Grounds when you select that specific theme or anything like that.

So fine points like that aren't there but the basics of D&D is there as well as a ton of convenience.

This software also works for offline play as well, for quick logging of where pcs are when players don't have a map and you can't bother to remember where exactly everyone is.
Postat 6 mai 2017.
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68.5 ore înregistrate (65.1 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Good game, not sure how it aged now but when I played it a few years ago it felt good. Wish there would be a sequal.

Think like a less well put together storyline Fable with a slightly better combat system and a pretty cool looking world.

If you see it on sale get it, if you just want it then it's a solid buy if you are into ARPG with a ton of hours...

It eventually gave me witcher 3 syndrome where I just had to quit for a while and come back, that's how long the game is.
Postat 6 mai 2017.
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Not a bad game, its got time you can put into it. But this game isn't the best it could have been and gets really redundant... like KRPG redundant.

Think the era of user generated content gaming and combine that with Fall Out... it's tedious and only partially rewarding considering the hours you spend running around doing the exact same things over and over and over again.

I do however recommend this game as it still is a great game if you ignore all that crap and just play it. You don't need to go too into it, it's tempting to but you don't need to build all your bases to finish the game.
Postat 6 mai 2017.
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179.3 ore înregistrate (64.2 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
I put a few hours into this game on early access.

I'm going to make this short and address two main questions:

1. The claim the developers made in that this is the successor to Ragnarok, is that true?
2. Does this game retain value in how fun it is, in other words does the price in time/money show in fun you may have?

1. Yes this is essentially what I recall Ragnarok Online being like, community aside you will always meet bad and nice people in mmos and the elitists are always going to be there but this game has everything RO suffered from with none of the things that really kept people with RO. It has bots and spammers but no amazing spells or abilities, nothing that makes your character feel unique/deadly/amazing it just feels like a horrible shadow of what RO was with regards to the few things that RO did right.

The Music and Art are without a doubt RO in quality, the map design and exploration of each map is great... it just that your character wont feel like you are making any progress. You have so many classes fine but everyone of them are seeded with abilities that feel gimmicky as heck. I guess they wanted to add more player usage of controls in combat but this simply wasn't the right way to do it: it simply adds the attributes monotonous and cumbersome to what is a core part of the game... combat.

I would say no to this, if this was a buy to play build then yes it retains its value since you can get about 60 hours through the game before you are no longer interested in getting 100% completion on a map. Then yes this may even be a buy on steam sale type of game. However it's a cash shop kind of game which makes it harder to describe... so I'll split this into two parts.

One - if you do use the cash shop then yes you essentially speed up your experience of what the game has to offer, it's nice to get you to the above mentioned 60 hours, at which point you've probably found yourself considering the value of the game and decided to shelf it for a while only to find you never return amid memories of noted bots, spammers, and most importantly gimmicky skills that didn't make you feel like a badass and made combat a chore. So yes the cash shop can be worth it if you want to experience more of the game before reaching the 60-80 hour range.

You also get to look nice but again you may look unique but your abilities are sad perverted reflections of the ones RO offered.

Two - I haven't spoken to anyone who kept playing past the 1st month, and I think like most of them I really wanted this game to be great, I didn't care if it was the next RO just that it was a great game. You do at the begining get a pretty nice thematic area of learn the game in. It in my opinion really pulls you in. It's later on things become bland and a grind fest. I was litterally only grinding to progress the story. I didn't care to make my character stronger, I didn't care about what abilities I got because they were all gimmicks. I knew how to play but you get level blocked by both which npcs are willing to talk to you based on your level and enemies that will 1 shot you if you aren't on their level.

You start to notice how gimmicky your abilities are at higher levels more clearly when creatures become hp walls. You spend so much time doing ridiculous things to get your spells to do the most they can do before they fade away that it just gets old. I'm not sure what they were thinking of when they made some of these abilities. So no this isn't something worth my time at least is what I decided later on.

In conclusion I can't recommend this game no matter how much I want to, maybe I can check it out in a few more months but there are some deep problems with the design choices on abilities anyway if you do get it enjoy.

Postat 4 martie 2017.
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0.7 ore înregistrate
Do not get this game, it is a total cash grab and a damn trap using "Total War" in it's title.

1. I bought it, the game didn't work for the first month and a half.
2. It got an update and started working for me then 2 out of the 3 campaigns are without a faction.
3. The elven campaign has 2 factions but you have to buy your camapaign hero with real money. (see 5)
4. If you try to play any of the other 2 campaigns without factions you get an error
5. You can't actually play the 3rd campaign with a faction because you need to buy a hero
6. I was an idiot who paid full price for this only to realize it was a damn trap.
7. This is no good, I miss Total War: Shogun... =(

I'm hoping the UI was just obtuse and that the game really isn't a cash grab, going to give it another shot down the road, if this is what it appears to be though, do not get this game.
Postat 7 ianuarie 2017.
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