Watch out, she'll eat you up!
Am overly emotional dork and roleplayer with a dumb sense of humor. Sometimes I eat my friends, and turnabout is fair play! So if that sounds funny or you just wanna punish me by making me dinner, or just wanna say hi, feel free to add me!
Currently Offline
RP Stuff
I like everything from casual RP where we're just emoting and playing as our self-insert personas to long-term action/adventure fandom RPs with romance as a sub-genre. You can get my brain racing with excitement by offering to play one of my fave fandom characters or to some degree my fave tropes. My comfort zone is 0.5 to 2 paragraphs and I have advanced literacy with a focus on body language and emotions in my writing. I RP with people of both genders IC and OOC, including people getting eaten, but romance is WxW

Favorite Fandom Characters: Princess Peach or Daisy, Arle Nadja, Raffina, Ringo Ando, Amitie, Witch, or Ally (Puyo), Iris, Lillie, Marnie, Leaf, Dawn, Hilda, Rosa, Serena, or Shauna (Pokemon), Roll Light, Roll Caskett, Ciel, or Ashe (Megaman), Namine or Kairi (Kingdom Hearts), Inner Senshi (Sailor Moon), Princess Zelda (TP>LBW>BOTW=ST), Amy Rose, Sally Acorn, Honey the Cat (Sonic), Akko , Dianna, or Lotte (Little Witch Academia), Shantae, Tifa, Aerith, or Yuffie (FF7)
Favorite Tropes: Girly Bruiser [], Magical Girl [], Showing Up Chauvinists [], Girls vs Boys [], The Power of Sisterhood [], Doppelganger [], Butt Kicks You [], Dominance Through Furniture [], Getting Eaten Is Harmless [], Balloon Belly [], Family of Choice []

Annoying Bottom Behavior
Is it so wrong to dream of another girl eating me whole and keeping me down to show she's tougher than me and making me call her Mom since I already look the part curled up in her tum and I do cause she made me but then I keep doing it after I get out cause I memorized her heartbeat while I was in there and now I have weird embarrassing feelings and I'm not as mad about being a butt baby as I should be but it's okay because she chose to keep me instead of digesting me and I owe her that level of respect for carrying me in her belly it's totally reasonable I swear?

But really--I'm the type of broken where if you ask me to call you Mom, I'll just kinda do it without much pushing. Like, if you want that kinda relationship with me and you don't mind me being clingy/affectionate I'll yield to you and start easing into that role. That's not even a kink thing I will just give being found family a chance on the spot. So if you want that... let me know!
Artwork Showcase
I play for keeps
10 3
KaksiTeo 17 Sep, 2024 @ 5:35pm 
is she uhh dead
MickeyDankMouse 6 Feb, 2021 @ 7:56pm 
Big Puff 28 Mar, 2018 @ 5:59am 
veggietales Larry church hymn go dummy hard
MickeyDankMouse 23 Dec, 2017 @ 8:01pm 
:FlashFreeze:Merry Christmas And Happy New Year:FlashFreeze:
名前のない 10 Oct, 2017 @ 4:09am 
You're Good son really Good, Maybe even the best.
veииα 16 Jul, 2017 @ 2:08pm 
Wish chu a great upcoming week and always stay positive and healthy. Take care~:sein::nekoheart: