Do not forget to cry in comment section. For example: "-rep noob" or "-rep toxic."
Try being creative with the "-rep"
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This is you typing a funny comment (you are tilted at my incredible gaming performance)
Read the following statements thoroughly and identify whether they're true or false. Choose the right options accordingly. I. Bile is produced and stored in the liver and gall bladder, respectively. II. Common bile duct is the fusion of all the right and left hepatic ducts. III. Pancreas consists of two parts, exocrine and endocrine, which secretes insulin and glucagon hormone and pancreatic juices containing enzymes, respectively.
Don't care + didn't ask + you're white + cry about it + stay mad + get real + L + ratio + mald seethe cope harder + hoes mad + basic + skill issue + you fell off + the audacity + triggered + any askers + redpilled + get a life + ok and? + cringe + touch grass + donowalled + not based + you're a (insert stereotype) + not funny didn't laugh + you're* + grammar issue + go outside + get good + reported + ad hominem + GG! + ask deez + deez nutz + ez clap + fat + straight cash + ratio again + final ratio + stay mad + stay pressed + pedophile + cancelled + done for + mad free + freer than air + rip bozo + slight_smile + cringe again + mad cuz bad + lol + irrelevant + flat eather + cope + jealous + woke + go ahead whine about it + your problem + don't care even more + sex offender + sex defender + not okay + cry harder + glhf + problematic + on the wrong spectrum + irritable + irritated + riled up + fatherless + motherless + no father figure + down bad + outdated + take a shower + desperate + homeless + retarded + can't read + bitchless + living rent free in your head + ♥♥♥♥ country + sad + underdeveloped + uneducated + can't speak English + small meat stick + outskilled + brainless + you're black + cheated on + ez + rest in piss you wouldn't be missed + skill gap + clipped + get fake + ♥♥♥ about it + ooga booga + swag + size difference + cope doofus + stfu + no u + soy boy + egg + clueless + unfortunate + unemployed + underachiever + unknowledgeable + blox fruits better + you're gay + not an investor + talk to my lawyer + MOBA player + casual + not a gamer + Russian + lacking critical information + huff cyanide + gluten free + ♥♥♥♥ eater + dog ♥♥♥♥♥♥ + stuck in the tutorial + bottom + lost + who? + twitch viewer + xQc fan + Franzj fan + Intel + simp + lost to the United Kingdom + dog water + spectator + livid + not even comparable + cross + peeved + humiliated + ♥♥♥♥♥ + og coming through + immobilized + 2nd amendment + built different + laughed at + hippopotamus + lose harder + rise up + below minimum wage + new account + overweight + ugly + loser + when did I ask? + late + old + dirty + watch yo tone + rushed town hall + ? + low IQ + budget + football fan + American + western + liberal + atheist + L collector + wrong opinion + W hater + shackled + blind + delusional + redditor + incorrect + hysterical + missing out + XD + fuming + lost it + negative + unaware + laughable + twitter user + Democrat + tumor for a brain + couldn't be me + fell for it + simple minded + below average + bruh + you missed + can't play + attention ♥♥♥♥♥ + vaccinated + drowned + let that sink in + 1989 年天安门大屠杀 + misinformed + can't think + erectile dysfunction + schizophrenic + intellectual disability + Bipolar I disorder + mentally insufficient + milk hater + dub denier + annoying + liar + cuck + borderline personality disorder + opinion rejected + die + check mate + you're quite retarded ngl + negative k/d + undeveloped brain + living in a ♥♥♥♥ hole + but who asked? + limited learning capability + backward + jumpscared + you forgot the funny + struggle + trolled + plundered + no wenches + marooned + you have scurvy + dueled + executed + outmatched + not even close + unvaccinated + communist + suspicious + you wish + pranked + divorced parents + communication issue + you tried + crazy frog + clipped + a walking joke + keep yapping + I said watch yo tone mf + shiver + you got testicular torsion + cry harder ♥♥♥♥♥ + disrespected + you have been medicated + stay lame + dilate + free thinker + cocainer + cement block + nerd + K.O'd + pull your pants up + expired registration + empty wallet + doxxed + weed smoker + drug addict + hacked + alt F4 + registered sex offender + oblivious + question reality + Fortnite dabbing + Last of Us defender + funko pop collector + marvel fan + does it hurt? + we do a little bit of trolling + lol okay ♥♥♥♥♥♥ + you smell like you farted + couldn't compete + tiktok user + ask for help + nn dog + noob + get owned + think it through + think twice + not a valid argument + you lost before you started + Damage Given to "♥♥♥♥♥♥" - 433 in 1 hit + dildo for a chair + give up + Заткнись ♥♥♥♥ + you can't breathe + bing chilling + get railed + cover yourself in oil + vibe check + flattened + You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to talk to a lawyer for advice before we ask you any questions. You have the right to have a lawyer with you during questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you before any questioning if you wish. If you decide to answer questions now without a lawyer present, you have the right to stop answering at any time.
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♡♥Baby Hikaru♥♡ 22 Feb @ 6:56am 
Drelalace 20 Feb @ 10:25am 
+rep Lovely guy!
zel 12 Feb @ 12:00pm 
-rep doesn't know who jpegmafia is +rep for knowing sewerslvt
dozu 5 Feb @ 6:23pm 
+rep cute :steamhappy:
ROS Lewsit 2 Feb @ 1:14pm 
İMAM EFENDİ 25 Jan @ 2:02pm 
-rep toxic ♥♥♥♥♥