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게시 일시: 2023년 8월 31일 오전 1시 10분

Things you should know before you buy, you are not buying a faction with 3 unique and interesting legendary lords
You are buying a faction with 3 starting positions, mechanic differences are far too insignificant so much so even the starting armies play a bigger role.

Resources diverge out in the middle and require you to juggle them for first 20 turns but this is of no positive either as on subsequent campaigns it feels like an unnecessary chore
you acquire both labour and gold by doing the same actions, which happen to be exact same actions every other faction always does
You don't have to do anything different like vassalizing factions to harness labour from them, making deals with factions like dark elves or skaven or anything else
You just fight, raid and send caravans

If you took away things like the seats and compass on campaign map Cathay and Chaos Dwarfs would have next to no difference in terms of gameplay, both have unnecessary juggling one of resources and the other of harmony
And of course there is powercreep, if you know what you are doing you will reach that 20 turn peak in single digit turns which often involves razing settlements for raw resource boost and rushing buildings (did I mention chorfs can build their buildings instantly if they got labour they can spend?)

What would I recommend as improvements is to
- reduce or remove gold from equation as it makes no sense for them to care about gold and sticks out like a sore thumb as a resource with 'nothing to do'
- change the way you acquire labour to aforementioned ways and remove or drastically reduce simply capturing people in battles
- add significant enough differences between legendary lords like Zhatan being able to simply capture labour from battles fought or Astragoth having extra inventory slots that he can utilize in customizing his mecha walker, just differences that stand out or slightly change how you play
- make it so rebellions matter, not just them being more powerful and taking away some labour with them but also make the act of crushing a rebellion rewarding and meaningful as it is of big significance their story
- vassalizing should play a role because the only gameplay part where you feel the diminishing numbers of dawizharr as a race is when you are buying caps +1 at a time (which also sucks)
- Laborers units and hobgoblins should be tied to labour resource
- stop making manticore copies

for me this scores a 4/10 for its price, a shallow product with a mask of depth
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