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14 people found this review helpful
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32.7 hrs on record (2.4 hrs at review time)
赤石 豪赤 太爽拉
Posted 20 June, 2024.
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0.0 hrs on record
我还是会在亚服玩 因为steam充钱八折 我实在不相信网易能比倒余额便宜 不过一个神话皮四百多也确实逆天
Posted 17 April, 2024.
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2.5 hrs on record (2.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
优点 题材新颖 模拟器类多人厨房游戏 从厨房模拟器单人 一直很喜欢厨房类游戏 可能和以前的工作职业有关系 勉强还不错的体验
缺点 绞肉机 和汤类菜品没法和厨房模拟器相比
虽然UI非常类似 玩法也很像 但是工具类太少 不够智能 做汤没有卖勺子 一次倒碗里全撒了
顾客老到处乱跑 在多人联机的情况下挡住人 甚至是走进后厨区域 让我无法动弹 感觉后续可以直接设定一块区域 较大的厨房 然后让NPC无法走入其中 或者是玩家互相之间能穿透 而不是堵住 包括有些情况下 在新的一天开始后直接掉入虚空环境 玩家联机时掉线会出现模型重叠等 瞬移 突脸的情况 这是一款欢乐游戏 而不是恐怖游戏...
经常穿模 人位移 瞬移倒天上 酒吧 玩法很好 但是体验不行 等待后续好评以及修复后会改好评

Advantages Novel Theme Simulator Multiplayer Kitchen Games From Kitchen Simulator Single Player Always Likes Kitchen Games May Have Something to Do with Previous Work Profession Relatively Good Experience
Disadvantages: meat grinder and soup dishes can't be compared with kitchen simulator
Although the UI is very similar and the playing method is very similar, there are too few tools and not enough intelligence to make soup without selling spoons and pouring all the dishes at once.
Customers always run around blocking people when many people are in the room, even walking into the back kitchen area makes me unable to move. I feel that I can directly set a kitchen with a larger area and then make NPC unable to walk into it, or players can penetrate each other instead of blocking, including in some cases, when players drop directly into the void environment at the beginning of a new day, models overlap and other transient faces will appear when players drop online. This is one happy game instead horror game...
At least the coordination of tools and dishes needs to be convenient to the cooking simulator.
Character models often penetrate and appear later. If they are repaired, I will give them favorable comments because I still like to play.
Posted 20 January, 2024. Last edited 20 January, 2024.
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1 person found this review helpful
15.5 hrs on record (1.6 hrs at review time)
和前两次测试没啥意思 打排位就有挂 免费+小蓝熊等于战地老套路 转换器遍地跑真是见多不怪了 超贵的皮肤内购让你还不如原皮对射 当然 大哥也是这样的 当一个快餐玩完得了 最近什么游戏都是火一阵然后歇逼凉的透透的了
Posted 10 December, 2023. Last edited 12 December, 2023.
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3 people found this review helpful
105.8 hrs on record (41.1 hrs at review time)
沃日历嘛 新游两个月就-30% 不是嘴硬不打折吗?隔着秋促一毛不降 结束了开始降价了 现在余额又便宜 75折再加七折一个b游戏隔着五十多块就搞定了? 冲着刚开原价买的甚至扭蛋全抽完当喂狗了是吧 以后不会再信国产这种合家欢游戏宣发一点儿 吃相是真的难看啊 几个兄弟被我拉来买的豪华版现在全和🤡似的 你真行啊 隔着游戏问题还要翻墙去外面看就算了
一天就几把两三千在线我踏马匹配打AI去? 因为刚更新舍不得没人玩所以就靠打折拉一波人数再割一些没买的人过来被那些钻石尼莫油条揍几天然后准备跑路? 下次准备-50%还是-70%还是限免一周啊?
眉目的东西 几个月就更了这点玩意 实在不行咱出创意工坊多活几年吧 优化了个毛也不知道 皮肤也没出几个 地图从发售也没更新几个 真的吃相难看
Posted 20 September, 2023. Last edited 4 December, 2023.
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1 person found this review helpful
359.1 hrs on record (5.4 hrs at review time)
又骂又玩家峰值在线 匹到的又全是唐氏 鱼卵
APEX猛猛输 OW嘎嘎推 到底是什么问题会变成这样?所以不如
Rock and Stone!
Posted 14 August, 2023. Last edited 14 August, 2023.
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2 people found this review helpful
282.8 hrs on record (273.3 hrs at review time)
Posted 7 August, 2023.
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3 people found this review helpful
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5.6 hrs on record
全是开挂玩的 甚至还有写淘宝店名字的 结果还没打赢三个人 甚至还有拿左轮锁头的 用小蓝熊反作弊的 都是放屁 游戏体验很差 新手被三十多级的暴虐 就和躲猫猫你刚玩 人家老油条一样 没法演NPC 包括游戏内有很多BUG 椅子按E互动 坐上去是反着的 包括尸体走路等等 优化并不好 漏洞很多 不过整体游戏乐趣还是有的 和朋友开黑比较有意思 以后改了之后再修改好评

There are many BUG chairs in the game. Press E to interact and sit on them in reverse, including corpses walking, etc.About many people's grade advantage bullying novice.This is acceptable after all just playing. but too many cheaters with the worth Easy Anti-Cheat. I paid $12 to play games, not to get killed by a cheater like this.
Posted 27 March, 2023. Last edited 27 March, 2023.
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63.2 hrs on record (61.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
刷到泰坦巨人通关 鉴定为英灵原神殿

开服就租了十人服 因为没搞好还开了两次 退款到账户 没法退回微信 那就算了 下个月过期再续 游戏性方面来说 可玩性太少 各种任务点拉的很长拖时间 打怪格挡没弹反 boss战掉帧 砍树掉帧 飞行老遭雷劈 体力系统倒是优化了不少 刷刷装备也还可以 建造资源获取难度太大 消耗和获得不成正比 建造系统繁琐且容易按错(能在q里造完非要有的东西在建造里有的东西开背包造) 咱就不能高级物品在对应工作台里造 背包里只造常用篝火箱子床铺这种简易的吗 非得全混在一起 七十块钱定价 能玩的东西太少 就俩boss就没了 铁锭玩到现在都不知道咋得 装备倒是需要那玩意修理 金币获取难度更是难上加难 一个骨战斧加满双手技能三四下就没体力搁那罚站 战斗过程就是靠装备吃食物然后站着撸 实在不行咱可以加后续弹反 英灵神殿那种也可以啊 总体来说目前问题比较多 失望大于期望 没法值得一个好评 但是还会继续玩 之后改了的话就改好评:)
Posted 23 November, 2022. Last edited 1 February, 2023.
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A developer has responded on 23 Nov, 2022 @ 6:33pm (view response)
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