A Terrifying, Lethal, Inescapable and Sagacious Dragon   Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
Why yes I am in a cult that worships a multi-eyed shadow fiend that will devour our dreams. Your point?
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Ye Olde Liste of Remarkably Random In-Game Quotes
- BorealDragon: Hello ghost, are you French? Do you like Pizza? What is your social security number?
- BorealDragon: Do you ever just give up?
- Saruchan: It's a worm made of snek!
- BorealDragon: Can I have boozooki? I like boozooki...
- Saruchan: Die to Holy Lightning, mister spider!
- Saruchan: Look! I have chainmail covering my arse!
- DragonOfTime: Are you sure you don't want to ♥♥♥♥ this guy? He's got shiny stuff on his forehead.
- Saruchan: I'd really like it if there were insertable virginities.
- BorealDragon: You're not a part of my family, so it isn't gross.
- DragonOfTime: Stop laying your pedges around in my room, they're all moist!
- DragonOfTime: There's this woman, she has a log of wood and EUARGH... and a pair of scissors and EUARGH.... It's all very horrible to look at...
- DragonOfTime: Trading with yourself is the masturbation of commerce.
- BorealDragon: Quick! My city needs more incest!
- DragonOfTime: I wish I had bouncy intestines.
- DragonOfTime (on The Hobbit): and then the dwarves enter the goblins' crack, and it's all dark and then Gandalf does a thing!
- The Lime Lady: It's like a lesbian centipede!
- DragonOfTime: I need a Majestic Pleasure Yacht :'(
- BorealDragon: "W"-DAMNIT
- Lueosi: Captain, stop drinking moonshine. You're hitting everything.
- BorealDragon: Bring your mallet, spanner and your DAMN COMMON SENSE.
- BorealDragon: I'm trying to steer, but it's not working!
- TouchiHakufu: Can I have a link to orkshit?
- DragonOfTime: We should name our ship "The Lost Pants"
-DragonOfTime: I must teach you how to read books!
BorealDragon: I read my study material!
DragonOfTime: Well I don't!
- BorealDragon: I am your sandvich.
- BorealDragon: Wait.... Vlad's a...
TouchiHakufu: Indeed. How scary, and now he's trying to kill us!
- TouchiHakufu: Northstar... looks like a toothpick with wings!
- BorealDragon: Oh hello, disposable wife!
- Necrospaz: You could call milk "Cow's Juice"
Dragonoftime: Or "Nipple Nectar!"
- BorealDragon: What do we fancy?
Necrospaz: Whatever tickles your fancies
Dragonoftime: What fancies do you need us to tickle?
- Touchihakufu: All I heard from that 10 minutes of conversation is "LIGHTBLADE"
- BorealDragon: It's kinda hard to capture 5 points in one life.
Dragonoftime: I know something harder.
BorealDragon: Your dangly bits?
Dragonoftime: ...they actually are!
- Dragonoftime: At your service, fap10
- Dragonoftime (after 3rd consecutive Guns of Icarus death): Well... thank you for flying Ryanair.
- Dragonoftime: Don't meddle in my achievements if you value your sausage...
- Dragonoftime: You're an idiot, captain.
- Dragonoftime: You're ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ useless, Brian.
- Dragonoftime: There is no such thing as "too many henchmen".
- Dragonoftime: My subconsciousness also wants hats.
Ky 9 Jun, 2021 @ 9:29am 
Do you have access to the Harvester 3D model? I've been doing some 3d printing and would like to print a harvy.
Babtou luisant 21 Nov, 2017 @ 11:40am 
Skylord in coming <3
Oink 27 Oct, 2014 @ 7:56pm 
Hello, stumbled on your Battleforge group, figured out that it is basically dead. Recognized your username from the old forums time but you probably don't remember me haha. Just wanted to drop by and say hello !
PUS7EK 16 Jul, 2014 @ 1:42pm 
hi, i have a question about Battle Forge, i heard supposedly there are people who want to resume it? its true ?
Al Sa-Her 16 Jul, 2014 @ 7:52am 
+rep :)
Ky 15 May, 2014 @ 12:00pm 
You so purty!