Culda Andrei   Romania
Don't you have something better to do?

| Kitty0706 died in 25.01.2015 (before my birthday came in 31.01.2015). He died because of leukemia.. He inspired the young me and always made me laugh.. such a talented guy, rest in piece Collin, it was one of the worsts gifts ever.. |
Sin conexión
De ce iti pasa? / Why do you care?

Nu ii pasa nimanui cati ani am sau ♥♥♥ ma cheama! Oricum, daca vrei sa imi dai add, trebuie sa lasi in comentarii motivul. La fel si cu un grup de Steam, nu accept invitatii fara sa-mi spuneti de ce sa intru. (Asta pentru ca sunt deja in foarte multe grupuri si nu vreau sa fiu bombardat de anunturi si alte cacaturi)

Daca ai profilul pe privat, o sa-l resping.

Dupa ce mi-ai dat add as aprecia sa nu ma spamezi cu invitatii sa ma joc, ci sa intrebi daca as
putea/vrea sa intru.

Eu nu sunt o banca ca sa-ti dau bani, iteme gratis si jocuri! Daca insistati pe tema asta, va sterg si va dau block. Foarte rar s-ar putea sa mai fac cadou un joc la prietenii mai apropiati.

VAC BAN-ul.. da.. stiu ca la majoritatea persoanelor nu o sa le pese, dar este un numar mic care explodeaza cand il vad.. Acel VAC l-am luat chiar de cand am inceput sa folosesc Steam-ul, am facut rost de CS:S si m-a intrebat un prieten daca ar vrea sa intram pe un server de rusi cu cod ca nu o sa patim nimic, numa ca o sa ne luam ban pe acel server de la admini.. Eu nestiind foarte bine engleza si nu am bagat de seama cand scria "Cheating will result in a permanent ban", eu de 12 ani a intrat cu cod si l-a durut in cur.. Am invatat acum din aceasta treaba si sper sa nu ma urasca nimeni pentru acel VAC deoarece sunt un om si am facut o greseala.. nu sunt perfect..

O mica conversatie : 💎Mr.Wanker💎: ey
Putin OBAMA Vodka: am crezut ca m-ai sters
💎Mr.Wanker💎: dc?
Putin OBAMA Vodka: cand ti-am scris aia nu te-am mai vazut online
Putin OBAMA Vodka: vrei sa joci
Putin OBAMA Vodka: ?
💎Mr.Wanker💎: da sigut dar poti sa ma ajuti sa fac lvl 10 ?
Putin OBAMA Vodka: n-am mai jucat de muuuuuuuult
Putin OBAMA Vodka: nu mai stiu juca bine
Putin OBAMA Vodka: fac eu srv sa jucam numa noi doi?
💎Mr.Wanker💎: pe steam
Putin OBAMA Vodka: aaaaaaa
Putin OBAMA Vodka: pe steam
💎Mr.Wanker💎: da
Putin OBAMA Vodka: pai iti trebe trading card-uri
💎Mr.Wanker💎: vreau si eu sa fac lvl 10
💎Mr.Wanker💎: da
Putin OBAMA Vodka: eu nu pot sa-ti dau sau sa iti fac rost
Putin OBAMA Vodka: pe alte conturi n-am si pe asta nu pot face trade
💎Mr.Wanker💎: sugi pula ca te-am hackuit
(dupa ma sterge de la prieteni)

Random ♥♥♥♥:
Tino: cand faci laba
Tino: opreste-te
Tino: si gandeste-te
Tino: ca te vede doamne doamne
Putin OBAMA Vodka: ce pula mea :))


No one cares how old I am or what my name is! Anyway, if you want to add me, you need to leave a comment with the reason. That applies to a Stream Group aswell, I don't accept invites without you saying why I should enter. (This is because I am already in a lot of Steam Groups and I don't want to get assaulted by announcements and other ♥♥♥♥)

If your profile is on private, I will ignore the invitation. (and having a suspicious name like [unknown])

After you added me I'd like if you will not spam me with invites to play and to ask if i I can/I want to enter.

I'm not a bank to give you money, free items and games! If you insist on this subject, I will delete and block you. Very rarely I might give a free game as a gift to my close friends.

The VAC BAN.. yes.. I know the majority will not care, but there's a small number which explode when they see it.. That VAC I received was actually when I started using Steam, I bought CS:S and a friend asked me if I want to go with him on a russian server with cheats because "we will be fine", we get banned only by admins on their servers.. Me not knowing English that well (and even today I'm bad at it), I didn't notice when it wrote "Cheating will result in a permanent ban", 12 year old me played with cheats and "it hurt him in the ass" (that's how we romanians say sometimes instead of "not caring").. And now I've learned from this thing and I hope no one will hate me just because of that VAC because I'm a human and I made a mistake.. I'm not perfect..
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