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Tercatat 33.4 jam (Telah dimainkan 7.5 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
I got this game gifted to me, but I would definitely pay for it if I could.

Terrorhedron takes the tower defense formula and, figuratively and literally, BUILDS upon it. You can create massive arrays of platforms to mount turrets, lasers and the like, even placing platforms on each other to enable a turret to reach unimaginable areas that a "typical" tower defense game wouldn't allow. The game also has an added bonus of some catchy chiptune music.

I'd highly recommend this to anyone that loves the tower defense genre or even people that just want a game to lay back and relax.
Diposting pada 17 Oktober 2015.
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Tercatat 271.2 jam (Telah dimainkan 73.8 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
rFactor is an amazing racing sim that holds up very well today since it was released in 2006. While the cars and tracks you start out with are decent, you can expand your choices by downloading some of the thousands of mods that add cars and tracks. Want to change Ayrton Senna's fate at Imola? Download the F1 1994 mod. Enjoy watching the IZOD IndyCar series and wish you were a driver? There are mods for that. Prefer slower-paced vehicles and touring cars? Plenty of mods for that too. rFactor is a game that is able to be tailored to your tastes by the mods that you download and that sets it apart from other racing games. Worth buying at full price.
Diposting pada 2 Juli 2015.
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Tercatat 0.8 jam (Telah dimainkan 0.4 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
If you ever get bored of Just Cause 2 (because let's face it, everyone plays that heaps more and no-one gives a crap about this game) this is actually a decent game to start playing. You'll laugh at differences in Tom Sheldon's voice and probably cry at the fact that you still don't have a grappling hook after the first mission. Oh, and instead of stronghold takeovers, you get to team up with 2 factions (2 WHOLE FACTIONS!) to "liberate" a village. It's pretty fun blowing up roadblocks. You're on the fun team in the liberation by the way, you get to play capture the flag! The cops have to settle for capture the frags...

Overall, I'd say this is a solid game which, while released in '06, still holds up well today for a Just Cause 2 fan.

Diposting pada 5 Januari 2015.
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Tercatat 16.2 jam (Telah dimainkan 3.5 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Disclaimer: If there was an option to give the game a "mixed feelings" option instead of just Yes or No, I would choose that. Since Yes and No are the two options, however, I'll give it a Yes.

With the livery of every single car, the engine sounds, gears and everything else changed to match the 2014 season, I expected great things from this game. However... after I bought it (on sale, mind you), I remembered how quickly I got bored of F1 2013, and that game had many more features such as the Classic cars and tracks. I started to think I had made a massive mistake.

Once I got into the game, though, I felt like it wasn't all that bad. The cars were nice to drive and the new tracks were very well done. I did face the same problem I did in 2013 and that was the Intermediate difficulty was too easy for me and the Expert difficulty was just too hard, but that's probably just me.

Overall I would recommend this game, but I'd advise you only buy it if it's on sale. It's not worth paying full price for it if you have any of the older games.
Diposting pada 29 Desember 2014.
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Tercatat 21.1 jam (Telah dimainkan 7.3 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
I made a team comprising of the main cast of The Big Bang Theory, made their special weapon an air strike called "Bazinga!" and rained Rubik's Cubes down on everyone.

10/10 would bazinga again
Diposting pada 24 Desember 2014.
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Tercatat 0.7 jam
The first hour of a game is usually the hook, it's meant to reel you in and like the game when you first play it.
I didn't even get to the end of the hour while playing this.

Even with friends, there's barely any entertainment in it. You're just beating up the same enemy every 5 seconds, running to grab gold, fighting a boss and then fighting each other for the girl at the end of the level.

If you want a game by The Behemoth, just buy BattleBlock Theater. Much more value for money.
Diposting pada 23 Desember 2014.
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Tercatat 46.8 jam (Telah dimainkan 16.5 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Ah, Payday. I got the game while it was free and I'm glad I did. A fun game where you play as one of four members of a group which robs banks and conducts other similar heists. Playing with friends is highly recommended as you will either bask in glory when you all finish that perfect bank job or yell and curse at that one guy who won't help you back up. You start off with basic weapons and skills, but these are upgraded when heists are completed, objectives are achieved, et cetera. You will find yourself constantly replaying First World Bank because it's the only one where you have a chance of finishing, but the missions are also randomised a slightly different way each time you play them.

If you consider buying this game but end up going for Payday 2 instead, try and get this during a sale. The assault waves in Payday 2 are still strong, but it always seems like the cops never leave you alone in this. If you get to a stage where you find Payday 2 is too easy for you, come to this. It is still a very fun and challenging game with friends and that is what keeps me playing it.
Diposting pada 17 November 2014.
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Tercatat 34.0 jam (Telah dimainkan 11.9 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
BattleBlock Theater is a great game. The narration is funny, the co-op is great with friends and the level editor has a really well-thought-out system for controller use. Controllers are recommended for the best experience. The customisation in the game is somewhat extensive as you can unlock different "prisoners" (just different heads your character can use) and weapons from the gift shop in game. I would highly recommend this to anyone who needs a game to just sit back and laugh at. Screw Steam sales, just buy it. Now.
Diposting pada 12 November 2014.
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Tercatat 252.9 jam (Telah dimainkan 216.1 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Yes, the game is, or for most people, WAS good.

But OVERKILL themselves are not.

At least stay true to your word, then people might trust you.

Again, the game is great, logged many hours on it, love it. But OVERKILL need to get their stuff together if they wanna keep a healthy, thriving playerbase.
Diposting pada 8 November 2014. Terakhir diedit pada 17 Oktober 2015.
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Tercatat 0.9 jam (Telah dimainkan 0.7 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Throw myself on a grenade someone else threw, they died.
Dive 10 metres away from a grenade being thrown, I died.

10/10 would action again
Diposting pada 27 Oktober 2014.
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