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2.4 hrs on record (1.3 hrs at review time)
I just fell, guys.
Posted 28 November, 2020.
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28.2 hrs on record (28.2 hrs at review time)
I remember when this beauty first came out in 2012.
One of the first games me and my buddy bought on steam. And it was great, it had everything, building, griefing, zombies, Classic mode(Large skale battle with tons of people and one shot one kill and bolt action rifles, all skill no BS.) and team deathmatch with classes.

Then all of a sudden Jagex had an Idea.
Game died. 0/10.
Speak about turning an oasis into a desert.
Posted 8 August, 2020. Last edited 8 August, 2020.
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18.7 hrs on record
You get to see a naked pregnant jew lady with nice juggs shooting nazis with two machine guns.

One of the most badass run and gun games there is, with a stealth option which i think one one as thought of trying.

8/10. Good story that follows the first one.
Posted 8 August, 2020.
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205.9 hrs on record (133.3 hrs at review time)
It's all fun and games until your 1000 chicken strong farm runs out of grass and start eating your settlers...

9/10 -Fun when the the world doesn't try to kill you 24/7.
Posted 8 August, 2020. Last edited 3 November, 2020.
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729.7 hrs on record (325.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
A simple, yet a complex game. There are more then one way to do things, and you can always be more efficient . Truly a masterpiece. Also, those pesky bitters are always in the way of my massproduction and environmental desstruction plans!
Posted 21 November, 2018. Last edited 23 December, 2018.
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517.1 hrs on record (159.5 hrs at review time)
Great game. After the new update: 8.5/10.
Was forced by my brother to play this game. Thrown in as the German Rich, with him as little Italy by my side. This being my first game, I did not know ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Pausing every 5 min to ask, "How do I do this and that". All I did was producing guns and units. Forgetting to research better guns, gear, and build factories and roads. Turns out guns from 1918 does not beat guns from 1942. He started great but as poor Italy, he did not stand a chance with a helpless, underdeveloped Germany as his teammate. . :(

At First, I felt the game was too complicated and chaotic. After a few games with him, and by myself, I found more, as the hours passed and myself loving it more. I even forced my classmate to get this game, and like me. He felt the game was complicated at first. Not realizing you could make more than one division at a time.

My fav game must be when I conquered the entire world (accept china and India) as little ol' fascist, backstabbing Norway :D Making everyone my puppet because I did not have the manpower myself. 8/10 game.
dia) as little ol' fasict, backstabing Norway :D Puppeting everyone cuz' I don't have the manpower myself. 8/10 game.
Posted 22 March, 2018.
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315.5 hrs on record (221.7 hrs at review time)
Main menu does not support 1440p nor 21:9. But the main gameplay and loading screens does scale beautifully and gives a nice gameplay experience still to this date in 2020.
Quality game from 2009.

Posted 11 January, 2017. Last edited 8 August, 2020.
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215.9 hrs on record (137.7 hrs at review time)
City Skylines is an amazing game. One of, if not, the best city building game there is. I currently have 145 hours in this game. And with new DLC's coming, I will have 100s of more hours to come in this game. The snowfall DLC looks and feels great. With freezing roads, saunas and new hats for Chirper :D Feels like home :'). Even the in game radio is great. The "commercials" is hilarious. Haven't tried the Natrual Disasters DLC yet, but it looks promising, in addition, it will add new and fun challanges. Also, my biggest city got to a population of 370K. Which I hope to get to 400K :D

And the modding community is awesome. With great mods, that improves the game alot. Recommended mods are:
*All Spaces unlockable.(Enables you to unlock all the building squers.)
*Toggle Traffic lights. (Enables you to toggle off traffic lights in each intersections for smooth traffic.)

I will personaly give Cities Skylines a 9/10. For the main reason it needs mods to fix the small probles with traffic, which wouldn't be necessary to use mods for. An example of this is the toggle traffic lights mod.
(I will try to update this review when I've tried the new DLC's :))
Posted 30 December, 2016. Last edited 30 December, 2016.
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72.0 hrs on record (4.1 hrs at review time)
It finally runs, like black people shoud (hehe top quality joke). Doesn't look at good as the trailers. Clumsy driving. Was not what I hoped 2K would deliver, from such a franchise.
Posted 7 October, 2016. Last edited 9 March, 2017.
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3.4 hrs on record (2.9 hrs at review time)
They said Ajax was hunting ghosts.. So you could say, he was a Ghostbuster.

Posted 21 September, 2016.
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