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10 people found this review helpful
167.1 hrs on record (129.8 hrs at review time)
This is the worst Borderlands game in the series but is not actually a bad game. It does everything a good game should do right with good characters,good classes,good story and so on. It fails because it does everything wrong for a good Borderlands game. It lacks end game content aside from two bosses who don't drop anything noteworthy,after your first or second playthrough going through the story isn't fun anymore unlike Borderlands 2. Aside from the odd uniques and one or two legendaries the guns are the exact same as Borderlands 2 with lasers being a good but under developed addition. Also the majority of guns you either have to get as a world drop or from the grinder since loot midgets no longer exist and the majority of legendaries aren't actually dropped from a boss. As for the DLC aspect of this game it didn't help much. The Holodome was a worse version of the arenas from BL2 that was shipped with 10 levels which due to the scaling issues and lack of areas to farm XP you need to use gibbed to get to level 60 and its even worse for level 70. However the Claptastic Voyage DLC was one of the best things Gearbox has made which actually addressed many of the issues with TPS but the scale of the addressing was too small to actually do anything major along with it being too late to save the game. Once 2K Australia went under work on another DLC was stopped and the game left in a very bad state.

If you aren't a big Borderlands fan you might enjoy this game but if you're a big fan of the series and are thinking of picking this up wait till its on sale or just ignore it completely.
Posted 2 August, 2015.
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