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1.0 hrs on record
Accidentally fell out of bounds at the very start of the game before doing anything, and instantly met with an unfortunate fate.
Posted 27 June.
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19.1 hrs on record
Haven't play as much as I'd like, since I kept having the game crash, or disconnecting me from games (This is after the launch server capacity issues), but the game was still fun when I could play it.

The PSN change that would've locked out heaps of regions, and had no reason to exist has been reversed. Democracy.
Posted 5 May. Last edited 6 May.
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1.7 hrs on record
So upset that god interrupted my alone time with my beautiful wife
Posted 24 November, 2023.
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6.6 hrs on record (5.3 hrs at review time)
I've had $7 worth of fun with this game
Posted 1 December, 2021.
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1.9 hrs on record
I am in waves of agony
Posted 1 July, 2020.
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271.9 hrs on record (181.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I efficiently maximise my pollution to infuriate the natives, before I turn my factory into a fortress and run over their homes in my tank.

Very enjoyable.
Posted 2 December, 2019.
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148.8 hrs on record (62.1 hrs at review time)
This is a terrific game, it's a improvement over older games in almost every way. There may not be every weapon, or combo from other games, but it doesn't need them.

What it does have, is a good variety of weapons to suit anyones personal tastes, great gameplay, much better visuals than any previous game. Every corner of this game is also filled with character and charm, the main base is filled with various different characters, decorations, palico's, and of course Poogie. That's only the main base as well, going outside of that you'll be create with terrifically made areas, with their own monsters and enviroments.

Except the rotten vale. No one likes the Rotten Value...

The only downsides I'd give this game, is that the optimisation really needs some work. But, given this is the first MH game they've ever done on PC, and how great it is to have it on PC now in the first place. I can live with that. My PC is not very good anyway, so it could just be my hardware.
Posted 21 November, 2018.
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3 people found this review helpful
35.2 hrs on record (34.0 hrs at review time)
This is one of the best games I have played in a long time, and I seriously mean that. This is one of the first games that had me geniunely similing all throughout. It made me laugh, and it made me sad, and I can't think of any other game that has made me feel so much. Plus it also has a great sound track.

I don't know if your looking to buy this or if you've already got it. But, if you don't have it, GET IT.

Also, definietly worthy of the “I'm Not Crying, There's Something In My Eye” award. Nothing's gotten me closer than this game
Posted 19 November, 2015. Last edited 25 November, 2016.
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81.6 hrs on record (70.1 hrs at review time)

Think that covers everything.
Posted 16 October, 2015.
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59.8 hrs on record (24.1 hrs at review time)
My journey in Talisman.

Start game as Elf, and begin traveling. My Elf soon discovers that he has a nack for lifting, so he begins to Lift all across the land. He soon becomes the strongest Elf, to the point that Dragons immediately burn up and die by simply being in his presence. The Elf soon becomes known as Bicelf, master the bicep and all things body building. The Elf then notices that a stream of protein powder has appeared in a forest, along with a stream of life in a another forest. Enraptured by its beauty he rushes to the first stream with great passion ,and proceeds to travel back and fourth between the streams, mixing them into the ultimate protein shake, till there was not a drop left.

However, while Bicelf the great was busy mixing his poretin shake, a Dwarf born of a noble lineage, decends into a pit of dispair in the tavern as he drinks his life away. Soon contracting every dicease, virus or cancer, from STD's to the common cold, as he performs many questionable acts within the tavern.

However, as time passed he came across a ball, the ball of which whispers to him of darkness. This strange combination of ball and disease soon beings to manifest as a being of pure death, with anything the Dwarf touches dying soon after. However, the Dwarfs toxic powers cannot be contained with his small body, and begisn to leak out, poisoning the entire land, slowly draining the life from anything it touches, with nothing able to stop this cloud of death, and when I say nothing I mean nothing no healer, no magican not even a angel could heal him.

Bicelf hearing of this taint on the land travels to meet it, and hope to end it. But the STD riddled Dwarf is a slippery one, eluding him at every turn, constantly keeping just out of reach. Unable to catch the Dwarf, the Dwarf proceeds to devour all who live, with the elf in hot pursuit. The Dwraf of whom chases after a strange ninja who, having lost all his honor has decended into killing innocent animals in the forest. Even becoming so desperate at one point, that he tried to turn his sword into gold. However, it failed him, leaving himself a sword that was one part sword and one part of what remained, but no one was interested in buying.

My Elf in pursuit of the Dwarf of death, continues to turn dragons to dust under his gaze, and vanquishing all evil he finds. But, is still unable to catch the Dwarf despite his efforts. Seeing how much of the land is now currupted, and no other option Bicelf turns to the crown of power, deciding the only option is to wipe the world clean, cleansing the world of the Dwarfs curruption, who has now widely called, The Destoryer of Worlds.

Bicelf begins his journey entering the inner region, melting the sentinal with a simple flex of his sweet pecks. Now, with his vast quantitys of mule's, a unicorn, the ring of power, the legendary crown of soloman, a battle axe, a mecernary who has follows Bicelf in the hopes of avenging his family, a alchemist (The same one who turned the ninjas sword to gold), some provisions, armour and most importantly the fabled talisman.Ready to go, Bicelf begins his journey into the wasteland.

Back in the outer region, the Dwarfs power grows, gaining strength from the lives he consumes. He finally catches the ninja, devouring his strength and stealing everything the ninja had left. Taking a fancy to the ninjas armor.

After a short journey my Elf reaches the doors to the great desert and begins his journey, in its harsh and unforgiving wastland. Soon after entering the wasteland, he runs into the Reaper, former lord of death (Second to the Dwarf). Death who, despite becoming second to the Dwarf still thinks himself the strongest. Hearing this, Bicelf is overcome with a masculine rage, declaring that nothing is stronger than he, and begins to beat the ever living ♥♥♥♥ out of death.

The battle lasts for a few minutes, before Bicelf gains the upper hand, body slamming death into the ground, and crushing him between his sweet solid biceps. Having beaten Death to death, and having done a exceedingly good job at it, our hero continues his journey to the crown. However, he is soon met along the journey a pack of wolves, which with a simple flex of his masculine and perfect gluteus maximus, he turns into smears by the shear shockwave of raw power his gluts create. Now, with the crown in sight, and with a end to his journey in sight, he stands before the crown taking a moment to savor this achivement, thinking about the moment he'll purge the destroyer of worlds, and finally free the world. But, for a second he wonders if this is the right thing, since after all this will kill everyone not just the Dwarf. But, if he doesn't do it, the Dwarf destroy the world anyway. After a moment, and a quick workout (He does his best thinking while he bulks), he realises he has to do this, grasping the crow and placing it atop his head, so beginning the purge of the Dwarf era.

The Dwarf however, whose power has grown beyond comprehension at this point, begins to feel the purge take hold, draining his life force. So, without a moments hestitation, he rushes to enter the inner region. However, as he comes upon the sentinal, he is struck down as the crowns affects have begun to weaken him.

The ninja having been begging for money on a dirt path nearby, and seeing this opportunity, runs out and uses a magic spell he learnt back in his old dojo, destroying all the items the Dwarf had.

As the items begin to fade into the infinite void, the ninja began to hear a faint whisper, telling him of the power of the dark ball the Dwarf possessed. But, despite the ninja's situation, his mind, though devoid of all honor still retains its strength, and he is able to resist the orb as it is finally over come by the void, and banished to its deapths. The Dwarf unable to reconsitute himself, thanks to the loss of his orb of power, and the purge draining his life force, begins to slip into the void with the orb, pulling his corruption with it. The Elf still wearing the crown, finishes the purge, cleansing the world of all life, including the ninja who was able to die with a shred of honor.

Bicelf however, now being to the sole being in existance, begins to perform a righteous workout, bulking up to a godly level, and from his sweat life was born anew.

Bicelf, no longer able to live among the world of mortals, writes down the events that have transpired, so that the future generations of this world could read of their creation. However, Bicelf could not stay for long as his muscles were so perfect and well toned, that he can no longer reside with the likes of mortals, since all who gaze on his perfect body would be overwelhemed by their shear power. Ascending to the relm of the gods instead, where he could become the god of lifting, inspiring a new generations of body builders.

Good game 10/10, would purge the world of life to stop a insideous STD riddled Dwarf again.

Play with friends if you want a good time.
Posted 3 July, 2015. Last edited 3 July, 2016.
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