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投稿日: 2015年11月1日 3時35分
更新日: 2015年11月1日 10時58分

In one word: Desperate.


A Smash Bros clone so unabashed that it even copies the same aesthetic, announcer included, as well as the clunky menu screen that doesn't make sense outside of a console, where no mouse makes it a necessary evil. Then again, there's no mouse support, for reasons.

Now only if it played like Smash and not like a poorly visible, completely unbalanced and at times broken, low-poly fighting game.
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21 件のコメント
※Tapu Lele※ 2016年3月17日 12時58分 
Oh, my mistake!
※Tapu Lele※ 2016年3月17日 4時07分 
I believe they`re making mouse support avalible soon.
Goofball 2015年12月14日 1時40分 
No don't stop him! As I said before mgflow58's retarded arguments are BEAUTIFUL! I love this drama! If he needs a subject, he can attack me if he wants, just keep going!
Lightly Used 1993 Suzuki Jimny 2015年11月3日 7時08分 
Oh and yeah I got it via Bundle.

For the record, I do agree mostly with what DaavPuke is saying now.

People are allowed to criticize and telling us that we "can't handle your points" is also insulting and fallacious.
DaavPuke 2015年11月3日 7時00分 
I can 100% assure you that your actions are offensive. As being the active dispenser of offenses in that and not the recipient (me, non-developer commenters here), you don't get to decide being offensive or not. Telling people they're unfit for not wanting to deal with aggressive replies, for instance, is definitely an offense.

Whatever other personal attacks you keep flinging (pointless, offensive, confusion, misleading, etc, etc), I'll leave as they are.

Also, using "caveat emptor" but at the same time smashing down on any and all negative feedback of the game seems disingenuous. Buyers can't beware if no one can say a bad word about the game.
Lightly Used 1993 Suzuki Jimny 2015年11月3日 6時41分 
(comment limit)

First of all, the reason I am unsure whether to even activate this game or gift it to someone is because I am unsure whether it A) is generally Good B) is Good enough for my Standards/Taste and C) has actual potential to become Good/Better. This thoughts have come into my mind from reading this and other reviews, watching videos and browsing the forum. It's not "just" his review and video.

Second of all, although he may have been harsh and mocking in his videos, for the most part, the things he points out are legitimate concerns.

Some may be his own personal ones - like not liking "clone games" and "obvious ripoffs" - while others are very objective flaws (for example, the double cursor in the menu and lack of Mouse controls in the same)

IMO, nothing wrong with a clone - there is no Smash Bros for PC.

Additionally, although some indie devs will make awesome stuff, not all of them can create gems from the get-go... So it being WIP is fine and understandable.

Lightly Used 1993 Suzuki Jimny 2015年11月3日 6時39分 

You're very aggressive, very angry and very insulting. Please stop.

Even if you're 100% unbiased and 100% believe that DaavPuke is being unfair and/or an asshole, it is no excuse for you to behave the way you are. It's really insufferable.

My personal opinion that it doesn't look promising is my own and I don't see why you'd react so hatefully and brashly because of it.

Grow up, man. That not only means keeping your mouth shut and not pointlessly arguing and flinging insults, no, that also means accepting the opinions of others *as legitimate ones*.
Goofball 2015年11月3日 6時23分 
The guy creates content for the game but then refuses to accept being called a developer because some arbitrary stipulations to the definition of "developer" that he created, all the while he knows what you are trying to convey. I walked into some beautiful drama here! I love it!
Lightly Used 1993 Suzuki Jimny 2015年11月3日 6時13分 
Can you stop being so condescending? Real assholish behavior right here.

I am thinking about not using my key because everything I've seen about the game makes me think that it's bad/not good enough for my personal taste.

This review is just a small part of it.

The game doesn't look promising.