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84.9 hrs on record (74.4 hrs at review time)
Posted 27 November, 2024.
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3.6 hrs on record (1.0 hrs at review time)
Posted 20 November, 2024.
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1.6 hrs on record
As an aspiring Entomologist any game dedicated to bugs gets my attention. This game has been on my wishlist for awhile now and I'm so glad for a demo. On a technical front I have a dual boot machine with Linux Mint / Windows 10 running with a RTX 4070, 32gb DDR5 ram, and an Intel i5-12400f. The game boots and I can play though the entire demo on both operating systems.

With High settings on a 4k TV I get 40FPS on Windows and despite only getting 27FPS on Linux I didn't notice until I looked at the FPS display in the corner as the gameplay was always smooth. The graphical fidelity on Windows is so much better, clearer textures all around and the game is stunning to look at. The textures and lighting are triple A quality and the movement of the models have so much attention paid to them. The realistic idle grooming animations and the movement of the mandibles are a joy to observe.

The game has some charm with some more cartoony movement as well. Being able to fling yourself as you jump; watching fellow ants bash other insects into the ground before throwing them gave me some laughs. You can talk to other ants and they describe things from their point of view. This perspective extends to the games built in encyclopedia.

The animations are smooth but the controls for moving around are good on flat ground but become very frustrating when trying to scale any object. The controls turn backwards when upside down for example. When exploring a new item in the world the little white dots you have to touch are hard to see and hard to get to due to the controls fighting you. I wish for more than two camera positions for the main ant, something closer would be nice but isn't a deal breaker.

Gameplay is a real time strategy style where you control little bases, upgrading them to support your personal ant army. You guide them around the map to conquer other insect bases, upgrade new bases and gain new army abilities. Rinse and repeat. There might be more of course this is just the demo review. I plan on purchasing this title, as an achievement hunter I do hope that I don't have to rely on PVP to 100% this title.

In conclusion the game has a lot of detail put into it and the gameplay has a solid loop. With some quality of life improvements and optimization I can see this title being a great time with solid reviews.
Posted 16 October, 2024.
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5 people found this review helpful
15.4 hrs on record
Starting with the positives I can say about this game are;
1. That this game is quite charming. The artstyle for all the furniture pieces are great and I didn't come across any I disliked to have in my cafe. There are multiple categories of furniture, decor, kitchen appliances, and plants. The cat items are pretty neutral and can fit into any other styles selected which is nice.

2. I can relate to the NPC characters and not be bored when speaking to them. They all each have a small 5 part story-arch, plus some late game conversations that are quite fun to engage with. I really liked Arwel and I hope he and the others return in the sequel.

3. There are many cats to adopt, a lot more then the game first lets on. They all have unique looks and traits to them. There are some that are more special than others and that'll be all I'll say about them to avoid spoilers.

4. The main characters customization options are gender neutral and cute. The game also has some LGBT content with-in its story.

My opinions that aren't so positive are;
1. The main characters customization options are lacking overall. I especially would have liked for more hairstyles. Also the ability to change clothes which is non-existent.

2. You can't really seem to choose one style for your cafe to be. As you have to serve all types of customers to get specific currency. They all are very different in terms of taste. You could ignore this and design the cafe as you wish but especially in the early game it can be difficult to get money with is system.

3. A major currency problem is it seems you have to serve the witches constantly in order to afford food for everyone else as they are the only group that gives you the money you use for food. No-one else's currency can do this. This seems to no longer be a problem late game though due to a certain cat you can adopt to makes you get all currencies from every customer type.

4. Everything is expensive at the shops and I can only buy 1-3 pieces of furniture/decor daily late game. This causes the grind of the game to wear on me. I've 100% this games achievements and haven't earned enough currency to come close to completed the look of the cafe I want. I'll return to this title but after 10 hours I was quite burned out on the game-play loop.

5. The game never crashed on me but it did have a few minor graphical quirks and minor lag. The graphical quirks I speak of are sometimes the floor tiles don't align properly and animations from people and animals interacting with objects could use some work. Also if you rename a worker it asks you what this cats name should be. Nothing game breaking but a little annoying; things I believe could have been polished out upon release.

6. The game is quickly beaten though you can play indefinitely. The game auto-saves at the end of everyday but you need to create your own manual game saves as the game does not make hard saves for you.

I do recommend this game if you like a modern Diner-Dash style title. The game-play loop is simple yet challenging to get everything perfect. It's not a punishing title and is quite lenient when you make mistakes so I'd say it's a fast paced casual title with easy achievements for the determined. Due to the game being quite short I recommend to grab it when on sale.
Posted 15 August, 2024.
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9 people found this review helpful
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0.0 hrs on record
This works as of August 2024. If you own the game on Ubisoft and on Steam you can buy this twice with the same Ubisoft account. Pretty good value for the in-game currency.
Posted 14 August, 2024.
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6 people found this review helpful
5.9 hrs on record
A boring graphic novel game, a clicking simulator. You do make customers drinks but you can only choose three ingredients per drink at a rate of about three drinks per day. They have to be an exact mix and the ingredients have to be in the right order.

There are only a handful of customers that visit you through-out the entire game. Most repeatedly ask for the same order everyday. It has a lackluster latte art mini-game that has no effect on anything, the customers don't care. Though in order to play said mini-game you'd have to make the wrong order most of the time because it only appears on qualifying drinks.

Now I know this game is supposed to be about the story not the game-play per say but out of all the characters I only was interested in one and they are a late game character only seen about three times total. I was so incredibly bored clicking and sifting though all the dialogue. All of which you never get to choose what you can say. It's linear, all scripted, no change.

I really tried, I 100% this title because I'm an achievement hunter but it was such a waste overall. I cannot recommend this "game".
Posted 7 August, 2024. Last edited 16 August, 2024.
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5 people found this review helpful
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1.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Game seems stagnant in terms of updates now, they also never added controller support. The mouse and keyboard controls are awful. The guns have so much recoil they are impossible to use although I keep getting killed from the other side of the map by everyone else.
Posted 27 June, 2024. Last edited 16 August, 2024.
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1.1 hrs on record
Sheepy: A Short Adventure is very much worth the time you play it. The game is pretty simple overall, basic platforming that gets more challenging as you go but not a plat-former where feel like giving up due to difficulty. It keeps me engaged but not enraged, a perfect balance here. It also plays just fine on keyboard despite the recommendation for a controller.

I found getting achievements more difficult than expected, only getting half of the total ones in one go around. I'm happy to replay this title for more achievements because I'm surprised how much more there is to explore considering I thought I was pretty thorough. Beautiful visuals and soundtrack. Plus you can't beat free.
Posted 7 February, 2024. Last edited 7 February, 2024.
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1 person found this review helpful
0.6 hrs on record
I am a fan of the COTW game and have always wanted to try out a fishing game. The game was good, mechanics weren't too difficult to pick up. Sadly I ended up returning this game due to the graphics.

No matter how high or low I set the game, mixed the settings, or adjusted the brightness it was so bright and blurry. Tried resolutions 1080, 1440, and 4K but nothing made a difference. The water wasn't satisfying to look at either. Even with the built in zoom feature I could barely see my bobber. The game legit hurt my eyes so in the end was unplayable for me. If they overhaul the graphics I will reconsider purchasing but in its current state I just can't do it.
Posted 3 September, 2023. Last edited 16 August, 2024.
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A developer has responded on 5 Sep, 2023 @ 1:24am (view response)
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39.1 hrs on record (0.6 hrs at review time)
A great remaster of a classic flash-game and so many achievements! Much more toppings and more challenging customer orders. ❤️

Posted 31 March, 2023. Last edited 21 November, 2023.
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