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3 people found this review helpful
7.7 hrs on record (0.2 hrs at review time)
fun so far. no clue if its offline or only online, but i like it so far. will update review if needed if its online only. hope dev has a good launch week. interesting graphics too
Posted 14 March.
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0.6 hrs on record
fun game so far. like the premise, though map is way to small imo. otherwise, great indie timesink
Posted 10 March.
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15.0 hrs on record
i think game is good, but i think developer is a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ liar.

i had supported him on patreon for over a year and a half, before he shut it down. he promised people who supported him at a certain tier a certain perk, in this case a custom dog tag or such. i never asked for it, solely under personal principles of supporting to support, not to benefit, i recently asked about his promised tags thing, to memorialize someone who died who i loved. his response? no

I supported him a year and a half, just to be told the perk i was due would never occur. Think on that, and the concept of false promises, before you support this developer.

i am giving a thumbs up for amazing game, solely for the game play aspect, and i am publicly saying the developer can go to hell for lying to me, and by extension, betraying me after i supported him a year and a half with my hard earned money
Posted 27 February.
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87.7 hrs on record (85.5 hrs at review time)
Big boats like bong voyage and the like have trunks that are bugged and cannot be opened at all, so they are end game wastes of money, and bug was reported months ago, near launch, and such a simple issue has still not been fixed
Posted 15 December, 2024.
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A developer has responded on 17 Dec, 2024 @ 6:24am (view response)
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20.4 hrs on record (20.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
since 1.0 drops tomorrow, and i heard a rumor patreon will be shuttered to make way for a dlc, heres all patreon in game pet codes as of day prior to launch. I've been the supporting game and the devs for a few years, so i'm sharing the love before patreon is murdered

Uthabatafah - P9TAL7WFG
either/or - PL3KDYIER
Hylaeus - P60OLMULK
Gloaming - PMDBQLN6A
Fronzdie - PWOXH6FIO
Ebenshabat - PE50AU5MA
Ercolano - P9GZHMEIU
Lyy - PM2IU2W8S
Iopinax - PQK3VK5I1
Esbear - PJ5HNI5IJ
Man Opener - PCZIDS15L
Snakelite - PKUAO69VI
Moldfella - P43DUH95B
Lorent Epsome - PTK7I5CEC
an important fish - PMD2XF47Z
Gru-wof-ufo - PT2W0J4L4
You, but mechanical - PQIVIOZKC
a network of roots - PF4430323
Frillicent - PBRQ3I49U
Goshling - PON5EIBB7
mote cloud - PIPXNB9FC
Recall Star - PC4C9K4JF
unpleasant mirror - PLGBQ1H4L
Mniq Mnaq: PZZUZ8M7C
ooEEOOH, baboon girl: PFY1OW2W0
Fire-on-Asphalt: PW6Y7J2R9
Koharta: PAO5AD8H9
Small Problems: PG4MHRH0H
Bon te Bok: P1OZQCTV3

good luck to the devs with launch and i am super proud of them :D
Posted 4 December, 2024.
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0.0 hrs on record
lol people who are too lazy to download in a timely manner, or too poor to afford the game on their payday, are being uppity and whining. ignore these idiots who complain for no valid reason
Posted 29 November, 2024.
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2 people found this review helpful
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1,083.4 hrs on record (1,083.2 hrs at review time)
So, been putting off this review a while, hoping to hear from dev team about a minor dispute over their handling of a misunderstanding. And to be clear, this game is amazing. i would not have put 1k hours into it otherwise, and regardless, i still support the devs and their work. i wish there was a middle finger rating instead of just thumbs up or down, and solely due to developer misconduct resulting in attempted legal action (which was dismissed in small claims court due to jurisdiction issues)

So, around june or july or whenever the lgbtqps people have their designated month, i also had a road trip. started 3 days prior, and ended a day after due to a situation near the end of it. And i had no clue about this month, since i don't keep up with pointless holidays that do not result in employees taking time off or holidays involving the Jewish religion. It seems someone interpreted my message of "finally this month of debauchery and sin is done" as being about the lgbtqps species and their month, so got removed from the discord, which is fine by me, people should not discriminate. However, despite the server lead admin saying he talked with dev team as a whole, and claiming they knew it was a misunderstanding and no rules were breached ect, i still could not return. I asked why, and he never replied. no info on any issues ect.

So, i assume two possible reasons i cannot be allowed to return, despite him making it very clear they were talked to and knew it was a simple misunderstanding and warped misinterpretation of my comment:

1: they targeted me for being a Jew, since antisemitic intent is on the rise worldwide and i made it clear many times on their discord i am Jewish
2: they hate me for some reason. Likely from being rich, or jewish, or both
3. They are trying to save face or such since it was clearly a misunderstanding and was explained to the dev team by head admin

So, again, game is great, and i still support dev team regardless, but stuff does not add up, and no one wants to explain any current issues, just ignoring all questions. I even mailed them a package a few days to a week ago, via snail mail, with a letter and a shirt as a parting gift/sign of goodwill, to their corporate offices, in the hopes to hear back: FakeFish Oy, Kauppiaskatu 10c 40, 20100 Turku, Finland

I do not care about the discord thing, i just want to know what issue they have with me. And again, good luck to them all, and ffs, fix your damn bot, since it never told me anything about a second warning. My advice is just do ♥♥♥♥ manually. bots of any type always has failures in the long term
Posted 14 October, 2024.
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6 people found this review helpful
5.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
I stand with the developer for taking a stand and not taking a knee. No matter what views people have with lesbian gay bisexual transvestite queer pedosexual (lgbtqps) spectrum stuff, i view it as the dev views it, live and let live, and we all share the same planet, so why not get along despite differing views on legalized pedophilia? it is not the disability, but the person, who matters. The developer was being practical and making mechanics for a game to be fun and within his limits as a game dev. nothing more nothing less. He afaik does not have bigoted views, nor any reason to target those on the spectrum. He was just adding mechanics he could add, that fit in with the game theme, within his ability and skillset. don't like it? don't buy it. but do not ruin stuff for him, his family, or others, based on extremist modern views

On a related note about a flag tweet i saw, my family also survived the holocaust, and i personally have the upmost respect for the dev as a person, and i wish him the best. mad respect to his family for surviving that hell.
Posted 8 September, 2024. Last edited 8 September, 2024.
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0.2 hrs on record
Posted 1 June, 2024.
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63 people found this review helpful
11 people found this review funny
40.0 hrs on record
ten years ago, dev team made a kickstarter campaign, of which i helped back the project and bring it to life. ten years later, game is done, and still no in game backer content released to people who trusted crytivo. i cannot support liars. and neither should you.
Posted 11 May, 2024.
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