Ugly azz
Goldmaster 29 ต.ค. @ 11: 51am 
let's work together to win
Felomeena 25 ก.ย. @ 9: 01am 
+rep AWP prodigy
Ballath 24 ก.ย. @ 9: 58am 
fantastic team synergy
⪓ ETHANZ ⪔ 23 ก.ย. @ 12: 04pm 
+rep pretty good player
Little Piggie <3 9 ก.ย. @ 10: 20pm 
+rep Funny little lad with some skill :csgoct:
Steelbearer 13 ก.ค. @ 8: 49am 
tactical genius, great calls, let's keep coordinating our plays