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2 people found this review helpful
1.1 hrs on record
What a terrible terrible terrible downgrade from the Just Cause 3.
Graphics are literally digusting.
Explosions are copy-paste and much worse quality than JC3
Water? More like mud.
Vegetation and NPC quality is on GTA: San Adreas level

it blows my mind how lazy and incompetent people become after a successful game then just make this dog water game.
This disgusted me so bad, if Just Cause 5 ever comes out, I will not care. Done with this.
Posted 25 June, 2023. Last edited 25 June, 2023.
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132.7 hrs on record (102.2 hrs at review time)
Days Gone is a beautiful game, open world survival to be precise, that is telling a story of Deacon St. John. I will do my best to rate every aspect of the game;

The Story:
In my view after finishing the game twice, a lot of work has been put in the story itself that explains Deacon's journey, it is worth playing every minute even the side quests and story lines are fun to do as they level up your experience. The story is emotional, something that lots of SP games lack, you really WANT to know what happens next and next and next...you can tell developers really took their time to make a game with so many cool characters and the story line that just keep bombing you with surprises, and the way how the other part of the story/map just blends in, it's truly amazing. And to top if all off, I can say that there wasn't a single annoying character for me, not a single one. Maybe even the best story I ever played. I truly don't even mind not having a CO-OP, it would be cool and very exciting but like I said I don't mind not having it, it is worth playing solo. 10/10

The Combat:
So the combat is in my opinion maybe too slow, specifically I mean the little dash you make with default SPACE button, it is way too slow and short, I think this should definitely be longer because you WILL be surrounded a lots of times. The zombies part is okay, if they hit you, your character will be knocked back a little, as you should be. Zombies will also 'dodge' your bullets sometimes when they bum rush you, I think this really adds a intense side to the combat as you rarely expect it and when it happens you probably will get hit. The 'focus' skill that slows the time for you is the perfect tool too handle big Zombie hordes, when you max it out it maybe feels a little bit OP but it's there to help you. Final thought for the combat; it's really satisfying, killing zombies and humans, with guns or melee weapons is super fun to do as you even have a chance to bust some limbs with melee attacks. 9/10

The weapons:
Honestly I don't know what is there much to say here, the variety of weapons is decent, from sidearms to auto rifles and snipers/LMGs, there is a bunch. I like how the game in Survival mode limits the ammunition so you gotta use it wisely. I will say however, you do kinda feel OP when starting New Game + with all off the unlocks, I do not recommend playing New Game+ even in Survival II I felt too strong with end game weapons, maybe it's just me but I'll put it here. 10/10

The bike:
Your main transportation, Deacon's bike, I wanna say a few things. I actually expected a little bit more, the 'survival' part of you driving a bike in post - apocalypse is point on, you have to regularly refuel it, and even repair it in order to drive it. But in a open - world survival zombie game, where zombies can HEAR you from a mile away, I really expected a motorcycle horn, the big hordes that you can lure with horn would be amazing, and bike's customization is fine but adding a little bit more camouflages would spice the game even more. Also maybe a little bit disappointing, you can not add any weapons to the bike, you can only use your secondary. The driving physics are fine, you will not survive big drops, you will come off the bike if you crash it in high speed, overall pretty good. 9/10

The graphics, animations, cinematic's :
Ran this game with RTX3060, Ryzen 5 5600 and had absolute no problems, the game's vegetation is beautiful, at night just try to look at the sky you will be amazed :), facial details are not 100% like some other games but still characters look really realistic. The effects like explosions, fire and stuff like that are point on, no complaints. There are some bugs with melee attacks animations where It could look like you're finishing off a zombie, and your character will punch the air, not the zombie. Happened really rarely for me. The cinematic's in this game are amazing, they are not shot, they are not boring. I can only say one not positive thing, there is A LOT of dialogues in this game, I mean the mostly for everything and everywhere. 10/10

Few more 'cons':
No swimming, yea there's that. Most of the time you will not even need it, but there are a lot of lakes in this game. You have your bike for transportation. You not being able to swim is tied to the story.

Vendors, I think the vendors in the early game, offer you maybe too little. I just think you should be able to get some 'better' weapons sooner.

Even with some things that could have been added or done better, I still think this is the best survival zombie game a money can buy. I dose not offer CO OP but the story is definitely worth playing.
I am rooting for a sequel.
Posted 17 July, 2022. Last edited 17 July, 2022.
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12 people found this review helpful
120.2 hrs on record (38.7 hrs at review time)
This game is one of those that Ubisoft didn't managed to f@ck up, it's a very big open world game with much things to explore and beautifull landscape. One thing that botters me is that your character may glitch when simply running across rocks or trees. There are so many diffrent ways you can approach the enemy using stealth in this game and that makes this one of the better stealth assasin games I ever played, plus the Predator free DLC is D.O.P.E.
Posted 27 December, 2017.
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2 people found this review helpful
1,128.3 hrs on record (939.2 hrs at review time)
Bought the game in Nov 2016 so I cant speak for the early days of this game which people say were awfull,the game is fun and there is alot of things to do,the thing that suprised me the most,when you hit max lv30 in game,things start to get even better,you can do HVTs,insane numbers of new weapons,new missions and alot more,if you want a game that you can grid the living hell out of it I recommend The Division!!!
Posted 25 June, 2017. Last edited 26 November, 2018.
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2 people found this review helpful
64.9 hrs on record (50.5 hrs at review time)
I just can't believe that this game is Call of Duty.... It's not that i don't like it like every third person says "because of future setting" I don't like it because they passed every possible way of reality in CoD

I played every call of duty since 2004 and it really makes me sad to see once a good franchise to die like this...Black ops III is a god compared to this game,let me tell you my opinions

Loading screens are almost instant
Weapon variants are back(i'm a big fan of these)
Game is very challenging,a lot of camo challenges,calling card and so makes the game fun
Decent graphics(nothing compared to battlefield 1 though)

As of now 23rd November 2016 this game has no VAC protection and that makes this game a hackers paradies
VERY VERY LOW player base,almost unplayable my predictions are that game will die in early march 2017
Frame rate locked at 90
The FOV has not been managed correctly
This my personal opinion but I don't like the fact that firearm weapons in this game are almost extinct and being replaced by energy weapons
Game gone to far,I mean freaking black hole lethals,anti gravity granades IN CALL OF DUTY!?!
To many dual wield weapons,seriously make the community stupider and there's no skill to it

My final advice-don't buy call of duty on PC except if the developer is TREYARCH
Posted 23 November, 2016.
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8 people found this review helpful
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44.4 hrs on record (34.2 hrs at review time)
I dont understand why this game has so many negative reviews,it runs with no problems,no lag,no crashes,the only thing I mind is frames being locked at 30 on Xray moves I guess they wanted it to be more "cinematic" other than that game is awesome and I love it!

PS: Playing with keyboard isnt so hard so get you settings right and you are good to go!
Posted 27 October, 2016.
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15 people found this review helpful
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10.8 hrs on record (10.8 hrs at review time)

Since this is SH games first CoD I wont be to harsh on this review but the fact is this company dosent give a damn thing about PC platform, the FOV is constantly reseting to 65 while in game it is very frustrating,there is no anti cheat program made by the devs and hackers are the reason this game has 200 players by now and why it died so fast,the movement in this game is full space mode,you can fly,jump,double jump all day long,imagine a piece of wood completly messed up unprocessed well thats the movement system in AW and the processed wood with decorations thats BO3,the game is fun and earning elite weapons in grinding and fun,they did a very good job with exo zombies but i dont see a reason why they didnt put one map for free,I hope the devs will read the responses from PC community and pay a little more attention to us in 2017.
Posted 1 September, 2016. Last edited 5 September, 2016.
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1 person found this review helpful
14.2 hrs on record (9.9 hrs at review time)
The only game in 2016 that did not disappointed me.
Posted 25 June, 2016.
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4 people found this review helpful
649.7 hrs on record (553.8 hrs at review time)

The only reason this game has Mixed overall reviews is because of the first month when it was launched it was ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Crashing,framerate dropping,glitches,textures not loading is just some of the many problems the game HAD. The developers (Treyarch) are only devs who care about PC community when it comes to Call of Duty, right now SH Games Advanced Warfare has less then 200 players,Black Ops 3 has 9.000 players,Infinite Warfare less then 1,000.Almost every issues has been fixed by developers month after launch, If you have a decent PC you should be able to run this game 60FPS. If you want to play Call of Duty that has players playing on PC buy this game I guarantee you will not be disappointed. Also in my 500 hours spent in multiplayer I never saw a single hacker,unlike other developers,treyarch made anticheat for their game.


When it comes to weapon balancing Treyarch has always been top notch,but in Black Ops 3 you will find SubMachine guns to be a little more stronger then other weapons,specifically Kuda,VMP and Vesper,but other than that every other weapon is great!

RIPPER,the one thing this game didnt need is a no cooldown specialist weapon blade that barely has any counterplay,it hasnt been nerfed either so this is definetly one thing that sucks in this game in my opinion.
Posted 10 March, 2016. Last edited 25 June, 2017.
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6 people found this review helpful
263.7 hrs on record (195.1 hrs at review time)
THIS is what i call an open world SURVIVAL game,you can climb on almost everything,every building,windows,cars this is how a REAL zombie games should look like fight with all you got,also coop is so enjoyable playing campaing with friends,invasion i played over 30hours i never saw a single cheater(game didnt had VAC until feb 2016),the developers really care about this game and the community,adding legend levels and bunch of other stuff,very well optimized unlike alot of game released in 2015/2016,so overal if you are looking for a game to kill zombies and play with your friends coop with 0 lag then Dying Light is the game for you! Definetly worth it!
Posted 2 September, 2015. Last edited 27 November, 2016.
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