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14 people found this review helpful
140.0 hrs on record (128.8 hrs at review time)
Lot of people wont talk about or address this so I will now in this Review. The Finals is overall a
great game. Awesome Maps, Amazing Soundtrack and Fun Events. Unfortunately this game has a HUGE Cheating Problem.

Some Enemies just know exactly where you are = ESP
Some Enemies have perfect aim = Aimbot

I don't doubt there are some players who are actually good. but the closer you get to The Finals after doing the knockout rounds, you'll soon know who the cheaters are. some people are so blatant with it, it's hilarious and some are decent at hiding it. The Lack of Kill Cams and Play Ending Spotlights make it hard to spot but also easy to cheat because there's no one watching you.

Like i said Fun Game which is ruined by Cheaters....Everything from the Presentation to the Commentators is Great!. but i cannot personally recommend this game until Embark fixes the cheater problem. Easy Anti-Cheat is a joke to the gaming community and can be easily bypassed. Just look at the many sites selling The Finals Hacks now and you see that this problem is only rising. Embark HAS NO SYSTEMS IN PLAY TO SPOT OR DETECT THESE CHEATERS. Embark will not punish those who use cheats because they don't know who is cheating.

The more you play, the easier it will be to find the cheater in the group, they may even be in your own party. If their cross-hair is snapping to a Target, or their aim is smoothly following a target the closer they get. once you see the signs you cannot unsee it. in Ranked there's at least one cheater per team but if you make it to The Finals chances are the Other Team is the cheaters.

I understand how this may make me sound, but play the game and PAY CLOSE ATTENTION. you'll see it!
Posted 19 November, 2024. Last edited 19 November, 2024.
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10.4 hrs on record
Overwatch Used to be great but Overwatch have devolved. The once great beacon of light for the Hero Shooter Genre has now shown their true colors. This game Does Not Care or Respect you or your time! It's no longer the game you can love because the developers only care about money now. You will not earn anything by just playing instead they just want you to Open your wallets for everything even the Old Stuff.

Do not Trust Blizzard's Lies, They will Drain the Very Fun out of you if they Detect it. Diablo 4 is a Horrible Mess and Overwatch 2 is as well. Greedy all around.

I suggest you play Team Fortress 2, ExoPrimals, or even Paladins If you want a Fun Similar Game to play. It may not be Pretty or Glamorous but it's better than Overwatch.

TLDR; Do not play this game, you earn nothing but is expected to pay for all of your content. The Skins and Content are too Expensive.

The 10 Hours i played was Generous, Overwatch will never see another hour from me. Overwatch I used to love you but Now i don't even know who you are anymore. I'm not sure you know either, and that's sad.
Posted 13 August, 2023.
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193.1 hrs on record (40.8 hrs at review time)
I have to change my review to reflect how i feel about the game currently.

Exoprimal was a great game, It had a Strong Start. I put in so many hours and had fun.
but Capcom was just too slow with any meaningful updates, no new Heroes/Exo just the Same ones with Different Variations. Matchmaking is taking longer to find players. Steam Players went down to the Double Digits.

Exoprimal is Offically on Maintence Mode Starting July 11th. Sad to see a good game go down due to lack of inspiration and creativity. Exoprimal is Creatively Bankrupt. GG
Posted 16 July, 2023. Last edited 5 July, 2024.
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232.0 hrs on record (125.6 hrs at review time)

Like all Bethesda Games, This game has faults but there are far more Pros to crush the Cons I have poured over 120+ Hours into this game with that said here's my Review.

I am a Huge fan of the Fallout Universe and Lore, but this will not influence my review for I authentically really like this game, the presentation of it is really solid from the UI to the Combat, But I felt a lot of things were missing from this game that was present from the previous fallout titles. Here are things that I have experienced.

Crafting was fun but limiting to a degree sure the DLCs added more functionality to the crafting that makes this more worthwhile but I felt like with the Mods that are out there now there could've been more added to the game. But crafting is fun Nothing makes me more happy than carefully looting the wasteland for Materials that can help me make better guns. A Feature Fallout 4 is missing that was in previous Games was Maintenance for your weapons More Specifically Jury-Rigging on the fly. Anyways I like this system because it saves Caps I instead can use the caps to buy materials instead of Weapons. The best Legendary weapons are found anyways from Special Enemies on Higher Difficulties.

I felt like There was no Evil Option in this game, No Morality like in Fallout 3 and New Vegas. No Sick and Twisted way to get back at enemies, No Rude Interactions everything is Forced Choice. You can go through all the Dialog from a Save Point and you can see there really is no "NO" Option everything has to be done if not right now then later but your character never really declines anyone. Sure you can be sarcastic but no NPC really responds in offense like in Fallout 3 which made your decisions Impactful. In fact the only "Real" Choice you do get is to what faction you're going to join. Still I felt the Story was great from what I can remember. (I deviated off the main story for loong periods of time, Exploring)

Base Building: Lets talk about this for a moment, though the Base building was fun for me. the Limitations on "Where" you can build really bothered me for realistically there were like 4 Locations worth building on. Sanctuary (if you can stand the NPCs Squatting there), Red Rocket (Not Far from Sanctuary, Seriously felt like they added this area to isolate yourself from the annoying NPCs in Sanctuary) The Castle (Nice fortified place to call home, if you can stand the constant violin music...more power to you) and Spectacle Island (My all-time favorite Home...Complete Isolation from everyone, Extremely Large Building area and no annoying NPCs) Just a nice paradise for me and Kate to call Home.

The World felt Dangerous, I played on a much Harder Difficulty because I love the challenge. From Super Mutants to ghouls even the colossal enemies like Swan gave me a shock. The enemies aren't the only thing to look out for, Radiation, Rad Roaches, Mirelurks, Mole-Rats. These things that are small and fight in large numbers can be just as detrimental to your playstyle and then you have the Behemoths, Deathclaws, Yao Guai, Raiders, Synths and Coursers. everything out there is trying to kill you...and that's what makes it fun! :)

Overall I felt like Fallout 4 is a more Streamlined Experience of a game..A Barebones Version of what Future Fallout games will fall on as a Foundation. Fallout 4 makes me happy and I cant wait for the next Adventure. (That's not Multiplayer) I'm looking at you Soldier 76! hahaha...
Posted 13 March, 2021.
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8.9 hrs on record

Unravel 2 is a Visual Novel by DreamBig Games. At First glance it seems to have a basic menu until you hover over the characters. Each Character has a puzzle and a brief introduction, including games they have been featured in before. I Personally like this feature because if you like a particular girl and can trace to other games she's been in or will be in.

At the moment of Writing this review Unravel 2 has Five Storylines to follow featuring Six girls, The Story is also told in the perspective of a unknown guy.
The Story has you following Six girls Agnes, Maddy, Eve, Akisha, Kelly and Amelia through their adventures.

The Girls and Scenes in this game are really Beautifully Rendered. The Rendering of the characters are crisp and very sexy. Each Girl has their own puzzle based on the Story they're Introduced. No Puzzle was overly difficult as you have the Hint button to help you out if you were to get stuck. The completion is the reward.

The Music was nice to my ears. each song played was rhythmic and it was something to listen to while working on the puzzles. much better than silence. Overall Unravel 2 is a good game, A Solid Light Visual Novel with puzzle elements, A Story Mode and A Puzzle Mode As of this time there is no Gallery with unique Images of the girls and No Achievements, I assume Achievements will be coming soon. Solid Game for what it's going for.
Posted 11 March, 2021. Last edited 11 March, 2021.
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5.6 hrs on record
Wet Girl is a short, indie title thats all about, Getting Wet. You are a guy hired to sabotage the competition making girls wet with your water gun and throwing the girls off kilter. Watch out for the Bouncers in later levels.

I thought the game was good, The girls dances were great, really wish the clothes could come off if wet completely but i guess See-Through will have to Suffice, But let's be honest it's all about that Final Stage.. The "Big Payoff" the reason we bought this game.

To finish this review. Wet Girl is a good game, really short, achievements are easily obtained and if you download the free Stage 8 you get treated to a really nice bonus.
Posted 18 February, 2021.
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14.7 hrs on record
DLC Quest is a short, indie, comedy platformer all about, buying DLC. Ironically, there are no REAL DLC to buy, just the in game ones purchased by collecting coins.

DLC Quest is very funny in it's approach, you will get a kick out of the little story they have for you, most of it is pretty simple. The game itself, and about 16 of its achievements, can be beaten and gotten in about 2 and a half hours. None the less, it is a great game. There are two campaigns in the game. One of them is the standard DLC Quest Adventure campaign, in which you have to save the Princess, by buying DLC. The second campaign, Live Freemium or DIE, is a mode where there is a boss, the shopkeeper, and many different areas to explore. The two Game Modes are different from each other, with both of them having different DLC packs.

Over all, this is a great little game, and since it's only $3, it's worth it, too. The game adds plenty of comedy, from the dialogue, to the Achievements, this a terrific game.
Posted 18 February, 2021.
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35.4 hrs on record (17.4 hrs at review time)
Amazingly Simple yet gives you a taste of complexity. LYNE will make you think and that's a good thing. I'm all for puzzles and I'm glad I had a chance to sit down and really play this one.
Posted 26 August, 2015.
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