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Recent reviews by Bash935 ツ

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2.4 hrs on record (0.9 hrs at review time)
Best hour I've ever spent, this indie game has big potential;

Great Story
Great Music (very ambient)
Great Platformer

Struggled with the 2nd fight in the game, but very easy to pick up, plus fights i don't think were really intended to be there, just added a touch of difficulty

Thanks for making this game ♥
Posted 10 February, 2024.
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28.4 hrs on record (13.8 hrs at review time)
Ok, please hear me out, this is actually gonna be a somewhat serious review, i'm on in-game day like, 21-23 so "technically" I've beaten the game, but not completed it 100%

First and foremost, the obvious, if you Like/love MLP and don't mind a game where you go around like a crazed (yet somewhat sophisticated) pervert and has sex with the characters (basically, different names but it's a very thin line) you come to know and possibly really like, Fluttershy aka Butters is bae personally.
You will most likely LOVE the game, cause I love the game

They make tons of references, especially the reference where Trixie aka Moxie tries to do some amazing spell, but it becomes out of control and a galaxy bear/cub rages and Twilight aka Lily has to save the day, and after all that, they were hardly on friendly terms... anyways.

They each have their own nice / surprising story, and great quirks n bodies, very little sausage fest (which suits me, a straight male) excluding your own, my fav routes so far are Butters (duh), Riku aka R.D., and Cream / PinkyPie.

One thing that threw me off was instead of Applejack being the adult, her lil filly/sis in the show was instead...

10/10 imo ^_^
Posted 18 September, 2021.
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60.2 hrs on record (59.9 hrs at review time)
(Even though Konami pushed it out the door at the end)
A VERY great and in-depth game (through the tapes) MGSV is a masterpiece, if you can I would play MGS3 and maybe MGS1 before this, but you don't even have to be stealthy most of the time, although the game gives you bonuses for it, you've got more freedom for playing it the way you want to.

On Xbox One i have like 100-200 hours and completed it, this version i'm ~50% through and loving it just the same, going through it a little quicker cause i know the missions instead of going through them blind.

The Multiplayer is pretty fun too, but you do have the ppl who've no lifed it and are just invis. running around and going crazy xP so maybe don't take MGO too seriously... hoping there's some kinda sbmm but idk
Posted 4 April, 2021.
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1 person found this review helpful
984.7 hrs on record (622.7 hrs at review time)
Great game, terrible customer service.
Posted 22 March, 2021.
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1,233.2 hrs on record (1,032.2 hrs at review time)
Yes, Rumble.

(I miss casual rumble but what can you do.)
Posted 4 July, 2020.
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6,203.7 hrs on record (3,326.6 hrs at review time)
For the most part, why I have so many hours is modded, and "Pay for advantage" (as well as an XP system, every 30 min in my server you get an XP which can lead to rewards, the top being 100xp+ 101xp aka prestige, an M249) ...used correctly, basically P2W but I'm not gonna call that, esp for me cause i'm terrible, also I have a life, mainly the job aspect as well as something called "other games".

for you to enjoy this game, you need a few things, the main thing being time to grind resources and getting "gud", second is trustworthy friends, if you ever trust a random stop trusting him, and re-evaluate your decision making... js, next is preferably a less-toxic server, cause lets be real, not only existent in Rust are toxic ppl with toxic behavior, such as ppl who KOS no matter what (Kill on site)

If i had to rate i'd give it
1.5/5 graphics
4/5 Grind system/game mechanics
?/5 community (depends, on average low? out of 5)
Posted 6 November, 2019.
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1.0 hrs on record
Small, but cute :) kinda gives you backstory, but honestly I wasn't super happy with how little it gave as far as backstory goes...
Posted 22 February, 2016.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 entries