Floof D Buckson   United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Currently Online
Featured Artwork Showcase
Balloonicorn heaven by tujik
9 3 1
Info About me
i am a Balloonicorn Enthusiast/Collector and Youtuber who goes by Floof204 on YouTube

i do poorly made ms paint commissions for 1 item

also yes i am a Furry and have been a Furry Since Roughly 2014

i have been a Fan of TF2 Since 2009 and still play and love it to This Very Day

i am a Creator of Floof[ my Character/Persona ] and am always looking for Things to Put Floof in

i myself have been Working on a tF2 original animated series idea for 3 or so years as of 2024 and Would Like Any Help i can get at all With it

i am also am up for Helping anyone with any TF2 related projects

i want to be Famous Some Day Like Muselk was or Soundsmith Snork mr Swipes fatmagic yup kup Uncle Dane or any of the top dogs of Tf2 i just want to Liked and Appreciated

i also am a massive Fan of The Balloonicorn and am Trying to hit the Record of Most balloonicorns owned and am allways trying to obtain More

if you still want to know anything about me then hmu with a Friend Request and i Shall add and Answer any questions that i am Comfortable With Answering

Balloonicorn Donator List

all Donatorswill be Listed here


[H]Nice - 6 Balloonicorns:balloonicorn:

<Le Fishe - 3 Balloonicorns:balloonicorn:

Spicy frogfeet - 13 Balloonicorns:balloonicorn:

Appul Light - 4 BallooniCorns:balloonicorn:

aristeaa - 1 balloonicorn:balloonicorn:

Mauricio Macri - 1 Balloonicorn:balloonicorn:

da703337 - 1 Balloonicorn:balloonicorn:

KingSlime - 1 Balloonicorn:balloonicorn:

Blubbery Moosh - 1 Balloonicorn:balloonicorn:

beersy - 1 Genuine quality balloonicorn :balloonicorn: [lost it ina scam :( ]

Lazuli -1 Balloonicorn:balloonicorn:

Taffy_Protogen -1 Balloonicorn:balloonicorn

mr,Ani -1 Ballooniphones :balloonicorn:

i like to golf -1 Balloonicorn

LOVESTORYX -1 Balloonicorn (given as a commison payment)

Thanks to all Those who have Donated Thus Far :luv:
MY GREAT BALLOONICORN COLLECTION [that needs help growing]

[total Ballonicorn Stuff gathered thus far] :luv::balloonicorn::luv:

Ballooniphones -0 (got stolen)

BallooniHoodie -0 (got stolen)

Balloonicorns - 35 :balloonicorn:

Strange balloonicorns - 1 :balloonicorn:

Genuine balloonicorns - 0 (had one gifted to me but got stolen :( )

party Trick taunts - 0 (had one but got stolen)

Strange balloonicorns - 1

Combustible cutie - 0 (had one but got stolen)

Sniper Rifle Balloonicorn Warpaint - 0

Flamethrower Balloonicorn Warpaint - 0

Balloonicorn unusuals/pyroland/pastal trance - 0

Items Up For Trade
Items Owned
Trades Made
Market Transactions
stuff i want "pyroland day dream" unusual on a good all class hat

Cloud 9 unusual

"pastal trance" unusual on a high five

"fountain of delight" on the pyro piano taunt

Please note the following listed items are not on sale


-Unknown Mann


-Freeman Fashion

-Strange Hazardous Environment Vest

-Motley Sleeves

i am selling nearly all of my Scout items tho as i dont play scout that much or at all lul
Neocrayola 21 hours ago 
didn't know you were chill like that
te te te te te teto 21 hours ago 
fr ong spit your facts indeed
Neocrayola 21 hours ago 
penis gang
te te te te te teto 21 hours ago 
i dont tell you how to play the game and you dont tell me how to play the game, so just move on
RVW 21 hours ago 
casual, playing the game casually, however you want, you have the choice to be friendly, but nobody has to respect it. The majority of players join a first person SHOOTER to shoot people, big suprise. if you wanna be friendly, be friendly, dont expect everyone to be friendly too, like you said yourself, respect other people. competetive is nowhere near casual, since you played yourself you should be able to see that. You dont get to dictate how other people should play the game, other people dont get to dictate how you should play the game
te te te te te teto 21 hours ago 
arguing with a parrot, do you read what you wrote? " casual is for EVERYONE so be respectfull" that implies friendlies, sub classes, trolls, people who shoot enemies, that counts everyone, you and me respectively, we see the game differently, i respect your sheer dedication to being friendly, but i just play the game how i want and you how you want