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3.0 hrs on record (3.0 hrs at review time)
It good
Posted 26 November, 2021.
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1 person found this review helpful
1,663.7 hrs on record (1,387.2 hrs at review time)
Its ok
Posted 7 November, 2019.
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1 person found this review helpful
414.2 hrs on record (337.6 hrs at review time)
I do recommend this game, even though it has a lot of issues. So, let's start with the negative aspects:

-Sometimes extremely laggy, even on high end computers (GTX 1060 6GB + 16 GB RAM)
-Not a good optimization option
-most of the hackers are from China, which is the reason for the trend "region lock china"
-Vehicle Physics aren't well programmed.

BUT I do like the game due to a few other positive aspects.

-Enjoyable with 1-3 teammates
-Event mode every weekend
-A large amount of weapons
-The interacting between player and developer
-Possibility of FPP and TPP
-Go BIG or go home (more riskful places = better loot)

All in all it has earned its hype in the past and should stay alive imo.
they just have to REGION LOCK CHINA
Posted 10 April, 2018. Last edited 23 November, 2018.
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49.5 hrs on record (39.1 hrs at review time)
So, lets start.
Starbound, a huge open-world game; with a build-up like No Man Sky (Starbound got released earlier). You're your self made character, which can be an avian, a human, a glitch, a novakid and many more diffrent species, needs to save the universe. A giant purple monster attacked the humans earth, which searched up all the diffrent species and bring them together, and got destroyed. You could escape, but with only a very broken ship. Signals from the home computer S.A.I.L tell you about a mysterious person, which he captured it's sequens. As you find out that he is friendly, you two are starting building your base, upgrading your equipment and defeating the monster, which destroyed the earth.

Pro arguments:
+Complete Open-World
+Building what comes into your imagination
+Supporting the Steam Workshop for free, by other users designed, mods
+Even after the main Story ended, you still can have much fun
+Option to replay the boss-levels from the diffrent chapters
+Supporting multiplayer
+Very nice graphics

Contra arguments:
-Possibility to get bored after the while (Mainstream farming, building)
-Sometimes connections in the story not 100% clear
-Not able to play with ur friends on the same ship (partner-ship)
-Not really playable for system-weak computers or laptops (when don't want to
low down the settings)
-No good side-quest system

To sum it up, Starbound is a really cute game with cool music and general system. It's obviously perfect for people which likes Science-Fiction and 2D adventures. But its recommended for everyone, to at least test the game!
Posted 31 March, 2017. Last edited 26 November, 2017.
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