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Senaste recensioner av Forgot My Name was Handsome

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6.5 timmar totalt (3.7 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Idk what everyone is complaining about as far as it being worse than the original. It honestly brings me back to the old days of blasting around the first grid on PS3. My only two complaints, are that they really borked the interior views. Like come on, you modeled them, might as well at least give us clear textures. My second complaint is ♥♥♥♥ THE AI IN ENDURANCE RACING. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, they don't experience any tire wear, make godlike qualifying laps, and there's always at least two that will no matter the circumstance, always be faster than you. Its painful enough giving it your all, only to place 3rd every. Single. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. TIME. Due to the Mclarens having Jesus tires and God drivers. All in all, its a good sendoff, just avoid endurance racing like the plague.
Upplagd 8 juli 2019.
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1,089.9 timmar totalt (454.9 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Just so you know this is my very first Monster Hunter game, and I must say, in hooked. This will be a relatively streamlined review, cause people have short attention spans.
1. It's one very gorgeous game, clean vivid colors, with improving graphics settings with every update.
2. There's quite a variety of weapons to use and monsters to hunt, plus with how the equipment system is, you can of course make specialized loadouts to suit your playstyle.
3. I'm still on the fence about this but the online community is great. (For the most part) The game does give you the option to play completely solo.
4. It's grindy, but in a good way. No paywalls for particular weapons or gear, no lootboxes, and not terribly bad rng for special items.
5. Capcom is actively making sure the game is catching up with the console version, so you certainly aren't missing out on events, and if you are it won't be for long.
1. This is one HUGE honking pc port. So there are issues with optimization. Specifically with your online connection. The servers tend to go through huge lag spikes during large events (Like Kulve Taroth).
2. RNG... There are certain items (gems and decorations to be precise) that can make or break a build. The issue is that drop rates can be an absolute pain which can lead to Borderlands levels of grinding which for most if not some can really be tasking.
3. Elitists. These guys really hurt the Monster Hunter community, claiming the game is too easy and that all casual hunters, or even new hunters are bad. You'll run into them every blue moon online, and they will ruin the experience if you let them.
4. This one is problematic but hitboxes are a noticable issue. Negigante is definetly one great example. His signature divebomb can and will end you if you are directly beneath him. Note he is at least 20-30 ft above you at the start of the dive, but his hitbox during the attack is literally a decent portion of the area around and below him. So prepare for some real bs carts every now and then.
5. Capcom's stance on mods. At one point there was going to be a steam workshop, but it was removed. There are visual mods and performance mods that really enhance the game, but they leave you subject to being banned. "Use these at your own risk"is the quote they gave the community.
All in all, this is a really good game to get if you're into a game centered around boss battles, blocking, dodge-rolling, and item farming. Hope this helps you in your future endeavors.
Upplagd 22 november 2018.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
576.1 timmar totalt (346.7 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
I've had this game for years, mainly on console but came over to pc for the new content. This game is probably one the best for those who genuinely love to grind your way to the top. A lot of bad reviews are mainly because of false bans, but people forget that you have the option to LEAVE THE SERVER WITH THE MODDER AND FIND A NEW ONE. This game isnt for everyone, but I would still recommend it. It's best you make friends with someone around lvl 150+ if you plan on getting anywhere online, or you and some friends can coordinate for grindfests. Rockstar has admittidly strayed from their usual formula of cars worth the money, and entertaining missions for gameplay modes to bait out true grinders and people who can afford to buy tons of shark cards. The cars arent really worth the price (the new ones especially minus the Pariah) and with the recent updates older vehicles and aircraft are worthless. Rockstar hasnt legitimately balanced any vehicles since the Banshee 900R controversy, but all in all, if you want to grind in online and want a decent story mode, buy it. Just make sure your rig can run this, because this game is punishing on lower end systems, and if you're on a laptop like me.......... get a super powerful cooling pad. Cause between the shadows and the stuff to render, your internals are gonna get slow cooked. Thanks for reading, hope this helped.
Upplagd 14 april 2018.
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5,485.7 timmar totalt (141.9 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
Don't run this on a potato, test the tech demo first.
But honestly im in love with this game. The community is active, with plenty of mods, and the creators are constantly working on improving the game. It has tons of potential, from rp to just messing around, it gets the Handsome seal of approval!
Upplagd 31 juli 2016.
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