You're probably reading my profile because you got triggered, so you're trying so hard to get the last word in. Remember to leave all hate mail down below~

If you're checking my profile you already lost the argument :BigClownSmile:

:BigClownSmile: Welcome to the kimmunity, I’m an e girl because I need male attention and validation from e-thirsty males to make myself feel better.... Look at this clown actually reading that cringe ♥♥♥♥ and taking it seriously...
Add me on insta and Snapchat @hopoffyourejectgomunchonsomeoneselsepp :BigClownSmile:

Imagine clicking the view more info button because you're that desperate to get some information on me :BigClownSmile:
for the losers who are actually reading this...
:steamsalty: Imagine needing attention and validation because you can't get it anywhere else :Mansbestfriend:

⭐ Imagine needing attention because it makes you feel like you're wanted and needed 😔

🌙 Imagine needing to insult me so maybe you could get attention because daddy didn't love you enough

⭐ Imagine edating 😂😂

🌙 Imagine still reading my profile because..... you're a reject? 🤔

⭐Imagine being chronically online....😬😬

uh..... here you are, still reading this taking every word to heart... :BigClownSmile:
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Yikes to you, because you're looking like a bigger clown now after scrolling through all of that... ^^
Deck My Balls 22 Nov, 2024 @ 8:50pm 
dxvil 22 Sep, 2024 @ 9:46pm 
woulda been +rep but im getting clowned for no reason
Lord Dwight 16 Sep, 2024 @ 1:04pm 
HOT 🔥 CLAUDETTES 👧 IN YOUR AREA 🗺️ are playing ⏯️ DEAD BY DAYLIGHT ☠️ Are YOU 👨‍🦲 hung 😏 like a HOOKED SURVIVOR 🎣 or is your C.OCK🍆 exhausted 😰 from being DEAD HARD??? Share 🤝 with ONE friend 👱 and NURSE 🏥 will click 🖱️ your FLASHLIGHT 🔦 until your SPINE CHILL 🐈 activates. Share 🤝 with FIVE friends 👧 and JANE ROMERO 💁‍♀️ will suck 🌬️ your SLIPPERY MEAT 🥩 in the KILLER SHACK 🏚️ Share 🤝 with TEN friends 👨‍👨‍👧‍👦 and get POUNDED 🔨 by a red rank SWF 👨‍👨‍👧‍👧 and covered in MURKY REAGENT 💦 Better HURRY 🏃 and BLOW 🌬️ another survivors GEN 💡 before C.UNTRESS 🐰 uses NOED 💀 (No One Escapes D.ICK 🍆)
ufo 11 Aug, 2024 @ 10:46pm 
+rep murdered my whole family
BlueWay 9 Jul, 2024 @ 6:58pm 
+rep let me witness a one sided E-Date break up XD
Morafym 10 Jun, 2024 @ 9:25am 
Let's score some wins today!