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80.2 hrs on record (25.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This game is incredibly fun when you get some friends together to play this, and while that can be said for many different games too, this one just feels especially more true to that. I think the only short comings is the horror aspect (which honestly you shouldn't be playing this game for in my opinion), and the very repetitive environments, which feels like they boil down to desert, forest, snowfield, maintenance tunnels, and mansion, which a few you'll see the most of.
Posted 22 November, 2023.
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108.9 hrs on record (30.9 hrs at review time)
I cannot in good faith recommend this game to anyone. I absolutely love the gameplay and the foundation of the game is solid, some tweaks here and there would make the game absolutely amazing, but the fact that it's ONLINE ONLY hurts it so much. A day of it being down I can handle, I'm patient, TWO days is insane, BUT THREE DAYS? Experiencing THREE DAYS of being unable to play makes me think that this game and Starbreeze is going to die from just this one stupid decision. I'd strongly recommend to watch the game from a distance and see where everything goes from there for several months to see if they made P2P and/or offline a thing...and if the studio still even exists after all the waves of refunds. I've made a huge mistake pre-ordering and giving them $90.
Posted 21 September, 2023. Last edited 24 September, 2023.
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218.2 hrs on record
Early Access Review
The games been stuck in Alpha hell for the past 9 years, 10 when it hits December this year as of writing this, and the development of this game has been so agonizingly slow that I'm sure many of the people who played it around it's release have now been married and have kids. For whatever reason, the developers also like to change the way the game plays in very significant ways for what feels like every new alpha build, and while I get that's how alphas tend to go, this doesn't feel like it is making the game is going anywhere to enter beta, or god forbid even a full release with what little content they add. Don't get me wrong, the game still feels fun and it's great playing with friends, but I think it's probably going to stay in it's alpha state for another 10 years at this rate, probably forever which seems more realistic.
Posted 23 May, 2023.
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195.6 hrs on record (104.1 hrs at review time)
Elden Ring! One of the most anticipated games of recent times that many people have been looking forward to To give you the short and sweet version of what I think, it's a pretty solid 8.5/10, absolutely not a 10/10 which implies a flawless experience and perfection that some people call it. Now, let's start with the long part of the review.

First off, the game is absolutely beautiful and it all looks great, I haven't seen a place where I thought it looked ugly or that I thought lacked a lot of detail. There's almost always the Erdtree in view whenever you're on the surface, reminding you of where you ultimately need to go.

Combat as always with FromSoft feels pretty good with some small glaring issues that I'll get around to. You got multiple different ashes of war (basically special attacks with a FP cost to it) that could spice up fights a little. There's many different spells that are all different in their own ways with different use cases, along with buffs and heals you can apply to yourself and allies.

A lot of the main bosses are quite memorable to me and what their move sets are like, there isn't one I had encountered that just felt like reskin of another or just a slightly harder version of them. Although there are a couple optional bosses I find very lazy which I'll get around to later during my criticism.

Perhaps the biggest spotlight of this game is the open world, which rather than vomiting out pointless collecting, side quests, or whatever else the AAA publishers come out with, FromSoft has filled in the world rather well without making it feel like the open world is just a thing to lure in fans of it.

That's pretty much all the good I can think up of, but now let me get into the issues I find with the game. Unfortunately, as some might expect, a lot of the optional dungeon bosses are just elite enemies, or just the same enemy with a different typing which comes with open world games usually rather than making dozens and dozens of unique bosses. Sometimes the combat feels a little unresponsive, with me sometimes swinging twice despite pressing the attack button a moment ago. Summoning Torrent after getting defeated with the "Would you like to use a Flask on Torrent" window during combat is something I absolutely wish they made optional, I don't like having to deal with that while I'm getting chased by a big angry beast.

Some bosses feel a little overkill with their move sets which involve very long combos, which rather than having a skilled and well timed dodge would actually just result in you spam rolling in hopes you don't get hit. I've experienced one boss that kept spamming an arena wide AoE attack which gets quite annoying really quickly.

I've also experienced multiple crashes during my experience through the game, whether that was just loading or just getting summoned by someone. I've lost thousands of runes twice to very unforgiving bugs, one where I teleported via waystone and crashed in the load screen, then loading the save ended up with me falling into a gray void. Another where I jumped off torrent, levitated for several seconds while trying to get to my runes, then just dying unfairly.

Sometimes you get stuck on the terrain or it's annoying to deal with during a boss fight with rocks a little to high to roll over or such. I've had a moment where I was chased by rats and a statue's arm that stuck out a little had me get stuck on it, resulting in me getting completely overran by rats without being able to get out.

Sometimes target lock is a complete pain in the ass, where I'm attempting to target a large enemy charging me from my left, but for whatever reason it won't let me switch targets to focus on them. There were times where I'd just target on a enemy in the background rather than the one in front of me and it just feels like I'm fighting with the game to actually have a fighting chance.

Don't get me wrong, the game is extremely well made compared to the garbage we usually see pumped out year after year, but some of these issues have spoiled my experience and I wish for them to be fixed or changed. I feel most of the 10/10 reviews simply try ignoring these things which just shows willful ignorance on their part. I also wouldn't called this GOTY, not when we're on the third month of the year, but we'll see at the end of the year.

That's pretty much I've got to say for the game, I feel it's definitely worth a buy and you get a lot of bang for your buck out of this title. Just know you'll experience some annoyances here and there, but nothing that fuels the need to refund.
Posted 5 March, 2022. Last edited 5 March, 2022.
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0.0 hrs on record
I sure do love spending the $25 for some cool content only for them to remove it. :) But for real though, if I knew they'd remove stuff I would've never have given Bungie my money and they surely will never see another penny from me again. You're a clown if you try defending Bungie, nobody cares if you "already experienced" the content itself. How about you start thinking about the new players who can't experience it now and have to look it up on the internet?
Posted 22 February, 2022.
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12.6 hrs on record
I almost never play card games as I tend to find them boring or unappealing, but despite that I saw just how highly praised this game is, so I thought I'd give it a try blind as many recommend. I do not regret playing this at all and was truly surprised at how I not only enjoyed the card game, but everything else about it. Honestly that's all I'll say, do what many others say and play as blind as you can, your experience will be better that way!
Posted 1 January, 2022.
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2,498.3 hrs on record (877.4 hrs at review time)
Final Fantasty 14 is one of the best MMORPG's I've played and normally whenever I play a new MMORPG, I just jump off and play my other usual MMORPG. What Final Fantasy 14 does right compared to other games I've played is that it feels like the game respects your time for the most part and the classes are surprisingly very well balanced with each other. There's a meta, yes, but it's not like you're getting handicapping your team or yourself.

The story of the game is also one of the best I've experienced and it's the only MMORPG I've played that actually has one that's interesting rather than "okay here's a huge wall of text". They don't show you too much text in the character dialog as to not overwhelm you, which there's a lot of.

Crafting is also surprisingly fun from what I've done, instead of navigating boxes of UI and clicking a button, you actually have to use skills to improve the quality of the item and to create it. It may come off as a little hard to understand of complex, but once you get into it then you won't feel too clueless.

The unfortunate thing that a lot of MMORPG's tend to have is greed behind it with microtransactions or it feels like the community isn't listened at all. The only item I can think of that you can even remotely call pay to win is a motorcycle that gives you more speed, but that's absolutely not required to even enjoy the game. The director, Yoshi-P, seems very passionate about the game and has helped brought it out from the very poor state it was in at launch. So if you ever worry this game will fall into a hole that it can't quite get out, be reassured the people behind the game won't let that happen.
Posted 30 November, 2021.
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855.6 hrs on record (72.2 hrs at review time)
I've played this game long before it came to Steam, so please keep in mind my current hours aren't accurate to how many hours I've ACTUALLY played.

Anyways, I'd like to say I think this game is hands down the best MMORPG, I've played many other ones before and absolutely none of them have me coming back and enjoying myself as Oldschool Runescape has. There are 23 different skills in this game with different uses behind them, Slayer being my favorite out of them all. There are also 147 quests as of typing this, something about the quests that I love are the charming writing behind them or sometimes even the rewards. Unlike most MMORPG quest systems where it simply boils down to "Kill 10 of this thing" or "Gather 5 of this" then you get a slightly better piece of gear or some potions, maybe generic XP. A good couple of these quests here not only reward you with XP or brand new gear you can wear, but even CONTENT, yeah I know, a crazy concept most of these cookie cutter MMORPG's don't do. Of course not all of the quests are like that, some only simply give XP, but I've never found quests in other games as enjoyable as this one.

I think that's just about it! The game is a tad niche so it may not be your style and I get how some people may not enjoy how everyone looks to be made of 10 polygons, but I think that gives the game it's own unique look where you definitely know that it's Oldschool Runescape instead of some other game.
Posted 24 March, 2021.
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136.5 hrs on record (133.3 hrs at review time)
This game is beautifully well done, I love the writing, the gameplay despite it being turn based, and just everything else about it. Definitely a game I recommend to anyone.
Posted 30 November, 2020.
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185.7 hrs on record (11.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This game is ABSOLUTELY fantastic for a early access! Honestly the only issues I even have with this game is how player character models could look better.

First off, this game will very likely scare you at one point or another. Most games in the horror market haven't really given me a scare like this game, either I'll feel uneasy, jump, or flinch. This game is the only one that I can say got a good scream out of me. I also do sorta feel like some sorta ghost investigator with all the tools you are handed.

I can say the developers have done a really good job and I hope to see more come of this game in the future and to see how much more it could be improved.
Posted 5 October, 2020. Last edited 5 October, 2020.
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