Jacob / Jake   United States
All profile information can be found in the custom information box below!
Information About Myself
◾️ 25 ( 08 / 24 / 1999 )
◾️ Male ( He / Him )
◾️ ADHD ( Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder )
◾️ O.D.D ( Oppositional Defiant Disorder )
◾️ Bipolar
◾️ Sea Of Thieves Guild Captain of the Shrouded Serpents ( Level 360 )
◾️ WWE Fan #CMPunk
◾️ NFL Fan of the Los Angeles Chargers
◾️ Anime Fan of Yu-Gi-Oh & Bleach TYBW
◾️ #StraightEdge
Itens disponíveis para troca
Trocas feitas
Transações no Mercado
- Professional Killstreak Shotgun Kit ( 26.53 Keys )
Killstreaker: Cerebral Discharge
Sheen: Mean Green
Killstreaks Active

- Unusual Taunt: The Road Rager ( 15 Keys )
Unusual Effect: Sakura Blessings

- Starboard Crusader ( 1.1 Keys )
Commando Grade Hat

- Strange Vaccinator ( 3.30 Keys )
Parts Attached: Allied Healing Done
Arte em destaque
My Usual Discord Profile Picture
Jogo favorito
Horas de jogo
Atividade recente
2.610 hrs em registo
jogado pela última vez a 17 de mar.
87 hrs em registo
jogado pela última vez a 17 de mar.
53 hrs em registo
jogado pela última vez a 9 de mar.
Proezas   27 de 50
Taoist Shakespeare 17 dez. 2022 às 17:43 
Happy holidays to you too, old friend.
gamerexpress ttv 15 set. 2022 às 11:31 
not sure if you remember me or if youre the jacob that once went by firewolf but if so...how you been old friend
Cally Emeraldaz 15 abr. 2020 às 17:00 
Pretty good thx c:
JakeDGSnake 15 abr. 2020 às 16:25 
I'm great, how're you?
Cally Emeraldaz 12 abr. 2020 às 19:12 
hey there jacob, been a while, how are you?