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Análises recentes de James

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192.9 horas registradas (7.7 horas no momento da análise)
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So far so good, I started playing this as a trial to see whether I would like it and how good it was originally with a friend. Meanwhile, I have got addicted to playing it and so it is hard to stop playing when I start. It is a very good game so far and is what I have longed for with Banished. I like the fact that you can play with your friends, unlike banished! It also makes it more enjoyable trying to survive and work together and see who can build their town bigger and watch each other progress with survival.
Publicada em 23 de maio de 2022.
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1,143.2 horas registradas (770.3 horas no momento da análise)
Great game for passing time/ idling. But also great for when you're bored.
Publicada em 20 de dezembro de 2021.
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54.4 horas registradas (17.2 horas no momento da análise)
This game is great for a party of friends. 10 players is max but it is great even when playing with randoms online, however there is only text chat and no voice chat unless you join a discord or teamspeak server together.
Publicada em 5 de outubro de 2020.
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338.8 horas registradas (336.3 horas no momento da análise)
This game may be old but it is still ahead of a lot of games nowadays. It is always enjoyable and fun to return to even after it has been out for a decade. This game is worthwhile and will keep you occupied for a few hours a day.
Publicada em 3 de dezembro de 2019.
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8.5 horas registradas (7.8 horas no momento da análise)
An excellent Realistic FPS game. If you love to play Team Based games then this is right for you.
Publicada em 27 de novembro de 2019.
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0.2 horas registradas
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In the current state this is not a game at all, the map is poorly made. Very Early game stage but is laggy and not worth playing. Hopefully it will improve in the future.
Publicada em 12 de agosto de 2019.
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589.5 horas registradas (7.4 horas no momento da análise)
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This game is great for a group of friends and or anyone who communicates to the Squad/ Team mates.

I recommend playing this with a group of friends.
Publicada em 7 de agosto de 2019.
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36.2 horas registradas (18.9 horas no momento da análise)
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Good game, just still Early access.
Publicada em 30 de junho de 2019.
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2 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
2 pessoas acharam esta análise engraçada
69.7 horas registradas (64.2 horas no momento da análise)
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Do I recommend the game in it's current state, well it really depends on your preferences. If you like to support the development of games which are at the beginning of the Early Access cycle then sure, If you prefer more content and more things to do instead of just social features then I would recommend waiting for one of the next modules to release first.

This game may have slow development, but they are keeping to what they want it to be and not giving up any of the design control to Investors which is why I want the game so much. Keeping the design control stops people forcing game design changes or even adding features which no one wants.

If you want the full game then wait for the full game as the current state is just of a social module and not what all the other people thought it would be when it was clearly stated for them to read.
Publicada em 18 de fevereiro de 2019.
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2 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
242.6 horas registradas (233.5 horas no momento da análise)
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Such a great game,
1. NPC's glitch and fly / disappear when unseating them from your sails.
2. Just sailed my ship and went to a new region. It automatically killed me and made me lose connection to the server.
3. I have had Ghost ships spawn right in front of my galleon, but not just that, they spawned also to my right, left and behind me making it impossible to avoid them.
4. I docked my ship at an Island for the night (Lawless) and ship was destroyed when I got back on. The Island with the fountain of Youth when spawned becomes super glitchy and laggy due to 30 - 100 ships being docked at the location so that when they need it again then they can just spawn on the boat but this makes it so that "No One with bad internet be able to get there due to crashing and a glitch which is then caused for infinite loading screens"
Don't buy this as it is a reskin but only buy if on Sale.
Publicada em 24 de janeiro de 2019. Última edição em 24 de janeiro de 2019.
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