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3 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
9.3 hodin celkem (0.5 hodin v době psaní recenze)
I tried to save scum to pick a different choice to prevent a character from dying.


I came here immediately to endorse this game wholeheartedly. Well played, devs.
Odesláno 26. srpna 2022.
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9.1 hodin celkem (5.7 hodin v době psaní recenze)
A fantastic experience, that doesn't lean on the nostalgia factor of its setting. My current playtime is after a single run meeting just 3 of the 19 characters this game has for you to encounter randomly with each playthrough.

Fans of Chinese Parents will love this.
Odesláno 14. října 2021.
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1.7 hodin celkem
I feel like the gunplay has been pushed aside for every other design choice the devs made when making this sequel.

You have so many options, including a few new ones, so I think they thought it best to try and make you use all of them equally in order to stand a chance. But in doing so, the combat feels like a complex equation on the harder difficulties, rather than a test of skill.

How much ammo do I have for my weapons?
Which attachment do I need to take down this enemy?
Is my melee attack on cooldown?
Is my flamethrower on cooldown?
Is my grenade on cooldown?
How much chainsaw fuel do I have?

All of these things took away my enjoyment of the shooting mechanics. Enemies aren't fun to try and take down, they're annoying. It feels like they tried to fix a problem with D2016 that didn't exist.

Soundtrack is still good, Game runs very smoothly for how good it looks, options are plentiful.

But it's not fun any more.

Odesláno 20. března 2020.
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0.8 hodin celkem (0.8 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Recenze předběžného přístupu
Runs better than it's competitors, with the same amount of features except for coop/team modes (But hey, it's still in Early Access)

And it features very interesting WW2 weapons and vehicles...
And you can have a wok as back armour...
And you're telling me it's a joke?

Well it's a damn good one.
Odesláno 17. června 2018.
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12.7 hodin celkem (10.5 hodin v době psaní recenze)
10/10 Best Life Simulator
Odesláno 24. listopadu 2016.
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2 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
4.7 hodin celkem
The least disappointing thing about this game was when my refund was accepted.
Odesláno 17. října 2016.
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49.1 hodin celkem (6.2 hodin v době psaní recenze)
I think i'll do something different than everyone else so far: I'll review this game for what IT IS rather than what it was either meant to be or promised to be.

Firstly, this game runs acceptably well. Inb4 "BUT MAH PERFORMANCES" It's a hit and miss problem, i guess i was one of the lucky ones with my 4790k and GTX 780 I get 60fps 1080p on maximum settings at 95 FOV, although that is pushing my GPU to the limits of its temperature.

Graphically speaking this game isn't the best looking out there, planet surface textures aren't the best when you stick your face in the dirt and smell the pixels. There's also some rather noticable texture pop-in when entering a planet's atmosphere. The shadows aren't the highest resolution either but they do the job.

(TLDR: This game isn't E3 Witcher 3)

However what this game does have is Aesthetic style in bucket loads. The combination of the colour palette and artistic style makes this game very pleasing to play. The styles and designs of the ships and alien lifeforms isn't the most varied but it's definitely interesting.

That being said, a game this large couldn't possibly be as infinitely varied as everyone expects it would be. Yeah there are a lot of colour swaps on the plantlife which can make remembering whether you've encountered a species before quite difficult.

Now for the gameplay: This game isn't Elite Dangerous or Star Citizen and if you think it was then you're the idiot here. This is an exploration and self developement game, not a fast paced, balls to the wall space action game.
And i'm glad it isn't because we already have enough of those on the market. This is a relaxing experience where you can progress down the paths at whatever pace you wish. Or maybe you want to be the richest ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ in the galaxy with the best ship and upgrades. Or maybe you just wanna explore and see what you find in the further corners of this massive universe.

I hate sandbox games, games with no direction or sense of purpose. I don't buy a game to make my own fun, yet this game gives the impression that that's exactly what it is. But it doesn't shove you down a linear corridor or force you into 5 minute cutscenes to show you how "cinematic" it is.

This game packs your backpack and gently gives you a push out the front door. And a spaceship.

I don't know who i would recommend this game to, but I would recommend that they try it for a few hours before they make any commitment.
Odesláno 12. srpna 2016.
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3 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
9 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako vtipnou
280.0 hodin celkem (57.3 hodin v době psaní recenze)
This game is infuriation incarnate and that is why i love it.

The Aesthetic is top notch, it envelopes you into this grim-dark medieval fantasy world with an art style which at first appears simplistic but is actually very deep (and meaningful) which along with the excellent narrator helps build this world as an unforgiving nightmare in which you struggle at every step to escape.

And that seems to be a big complain with a lot of people: RNG based Difficulty.

There are plenty of things you can do to mitigate the RNG like equiping different skills, taking out different combinations of party members, equiping different items etc. (TLDR: GIT GUD)

There's always going to be an element of RNG which will work against you, but if it didn't it wouldn't make such an interesting game.

The best thing about this game is the emotions it causes you to feel:

-Immense joy, as your Hellion crits the last enemy when the rest of the party is knocking on Death's Door.

-Insatiable Anger, as your Hellion dies after failing to disarm a trap 1 square outside the room, causing the rest of the party to die from simultaneous heart attacks.

-Instant Regret, as you start a new game after rage-quitting and delete your 60 week save.

TLDR: 10/10 would headbutt keyboard again.
Odesláno 3. července 2016.
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2.1 hodin celkem
Honestly a very disappointing Spin-off from such a good game.

The main disappointment in which you CAN compare this game to Hunipop is he Writing and humour. THERE ISN'T ANY!

Huniepop was different from other match-3 games because of two main things: Well drawn scantily clad anime waifus and a decent amount of well written self-conscious diaglogue. The first of these things drew people in and the second kept them playing because they realised that this game had some actual effort put into it.

Hunicam however has barely any dialogue, mostly just Kyu's tutorial which is delivered fairly half-assedly. The meat of the game trys to keep you invloved by forcing you to click buildins whilst you're managing your girls, but honestly it's just boring. And i like management games! I was really looking forward to the idea of this game, but it's just not enjoyable to play.

Sorry Huniepot, you're one of my favourite developers but i didn't like the way you decided to go with this game. Best of luck with your next one though!
Odesláno 5. dubna 2016.
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Tato recenze byla zabanována moderátorem, protože její obsah porušoval Smlouvu o užívání služby Steam. Recenzent ji nemůže upravovat.
19 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
81 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako vtipnou
14.7 hodin celkem (6.2 hodin v době psaní recenze)
(text recenze je skrytý)
Odesláno 9. března 2015.
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