Czech Republic
Scammers kill count: 350+
Just don't try the "Please vote for my XYZ" scam or else you will be added to the counter on top.
Don't add me if you want to advertise some ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ like gambling sites...
I DO NOT accept any profiles with private BP that I find strange
Currently In-Game
Arma 3
Hello. I am DelT

"I will personally ensure that every furry or phlog pyro I meet ends where they belong - in hell."
- DelT 2022

Compettitive stuff:
ETF2L []
UGC []
Logs []

Past placements:
:Platinum__Medal: Highlander s17-mid with Stinghan Academy
:Medal_Gold: Highlander s18-mid with Monkey Mode under 18
:Bronze__Medal: Highlander s19-div2 with Monkey Mode
:Bronze__Medal: Highlander s20-div1 with Veni Vidi Vici - subbing
:Medal_Gold: Highlander s21-div1 with Gaeta Esports
:Bronze__Medal: Highlander s25-prem with TWICE
:Bronze__Medal: Highlander s26-prem with Feila eSports
:Platinum__Medal: Highlander s27-prem with TWICE
:Platinum__Medal: Highlander s29-prem with TWICE
:Bronze__Medal: Highlander s30-prem with Gacky Googmans

:Medal_Gold: Highlander s24-steel with Reverie E-sports
:Platinum__Medal: Highlander s26-silver with mc rambo comes to greece
:Platinum__Medal: Highlander s30-silver with Gentlemerc's Union
:Bronze__Medal: Highlander s33-silver with Gentlemerc's Union
:Medal_Gold: Highlander s34-silver with Gentlemerc's Union
:Bronze__Medal: Highlander s37-silver with Gentlemerc's Union

Countless times got into 4s/6s ugc playoffs thanks to default wins. lol

you can also visit my yt channel (I post fragmovies & compilations there from time to time)

Siliwan - Always a hella unit, always silly and always fun to play with!
Alex - The best gamer to ever touch the medic class(his arrows pound)
Extrasolar [*] - The biggest TF2 personality I've ever met. Loose cannon god, best maincaller ever and a super crazy man. Rest in peace my friend
Qohen - Wouldn't be where I am today without him. Still "Frau Qohen kinda quirky ngl"
MattJ - The man who actually made me strong, respect.
Sneaky - Thanks for bringing me to prem man, wouldn't have been here without you and Sprasty



Alex: NEVER absolutley NEVER let this person play portal 2…

Alex: 100 casuals? Okay. 10 lobbys? N- no. 1 offi? Only if sili is in

Mister: "Slaps Roof of delt" This bad boy can fit so much toxicity inside!

Mister: I am uncle danes bootleg bastard son

(Admins of DH): This guy is obviously a Spy main weeb

General Zimmer: Boobs = Big Ocean Of Busted Scums

Russman: dont drink and eate so much alchahol and chocolate

Fragshow: Happy New Year and get a girlfriend you basement dweller

Mister: happy new year and get some sun light you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ czeck vampire

Alex: Scammed my chocolate irl 10/10 will go to kfc with him again

you guys are way better than us anyway
we all are 4fun palyers
next time tell your players to dont play scrim
and focus on officials
4fun and doesn't wanna play for fun

Kapustak TF2
před 7 měsíci
mg hard classa

Qohen 16.08.19
delt was such a gamer in reverie esports

Qohen 08.08.19
I think tk and delt might have problems hearing -no ♥♥♥♥ sherlock

john fortnite kennedy:
Ask what not you can do for your logs, but what your logs can do for your team

DelT: "Anyways I'm gonna go I need to piss"
Sili: "Alright good luck and have fun"

Talking about breakfast
Siliwan: It's Sunday so instead of going to the church I pray to bacon

♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ fart to ground command, we're driving in a straight line to the radio tower.

Howi: you do realise that kneecaps are a privilege?

"backblast is a myth made by arma admins to promote spacing"
- an unknown TAB soldier

Howi: "Do you wanna know how long it brrt brrt's? It brrt brrt's for a very long time"

Howi: "Oh yeah right we're croatians" *shoots civilian*

Jeros: "I never destroy buildings on puropse"

Jeros: "It's not an execution, it's just a preemptive ending of life."

Siliwan the sketchy irishman — Today at 22:08
Someone care to elaborate or upload footage of todays mission
Liberti — Today at 22:09
i mean if you two wouldnt have played "hide Jeros's sausage" in Paris, but instead came to the mission instead of eachother, you'd know

Liberti: "What happend with Sili?"
SirHowi: "He said we needed content so i shot him."

DelT :"how do you wanna die? an ifv, a tank, a squad of russians? i have options."
Liberti :"getting ♥♥♥♥♥♥ by furries preferebly."

Samii: "Cmon lets not lose to Feila on vigil guys..."

"These demos are allergic to heaven... BLACK PEOPLE DON'T GO TO HEAVEN AHAHAHA"
- odin

"That heavy has a sandwich as a head. He became what he eats... What happens if I eat chocolate then? I will become a ♥♥♥♥♥♥."
- Odin

jyrkaas: prem scout < prem pyro
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Not for trade, just showcasing my pyro sets.
Artwork Showcase
DelT and the GM'sU bois in vc every day 23:00
4 1
Recent Activity
3,010 hrs on record
Currently In-Game
39 hrs on record
last played on 1 Mar
10,533 hrs on record
last played on 1 Mar
where can i find this mod ACE_COMBAT_RHS_AFRF3_Scopes
hi,i need help with your arma 3 scenario mod
hardy. 18 Dec, 2024 @ 11:38am 
heey, addded ;3
Batman 10 Dec, 2024 @ 12:14pm 
hi how can i get z tag mod for ur scenariio?
hardy. 6 Dec, 2024 @ 12:38pm 
heey, added ;3