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39.3 hrs on record (38.0 hrs at review time)
It's minecraft, turned 2D, with boosters and a weapons station. In a mine.
Posted 28 November, 2024.
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14.1 hrs on record (8.1 hrs at review time)
You're a pizza slice trying to save animals, veggies run and try to attack you, they drop coins and gems, you spend the gems to buy toppings for your pizza that give you upgrades! Lasers, extra guns, energy fields - more gems, more upgrades! But only for that round!

Money is spent for permanent upgrades - to make the harder levels easier, so you move to harder and the loop goes on and on!

It's essentially Robotron, turned into a Pizza shooter!
Posted 11 August, 2024.
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0.5 hrs on record
Nice little game - expands on the Portal universe and although is literally an instruction manual for the deck, does it in a new and entertaining way!
Posted 27 November, 2022.
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0.0 hrs on record
Well, we're back for more!

Still sitting in my own room with the same old filth around me, yet i'm happy to clean up other peoples train stations.

Not a lot you can really say about the DLC that hasn't been said about the main game! It's more of the same. If you enjoyed picking up all the rubbish before, if you enjoyed recycling, if you enjoyed seeing how far you could throw bags into skips... you'll just be enjoying it all over again!

I still have the same gripes as i had before. Things do clip into walls (although they are lenient in that they won't punish you with 99% if some items do!), some items are VERY awkward (looking at you mattress!) and jump all over the place and there's no logic.... if i want a bathroom with 12 sinks and no toilets then that's fine!

But at the end of the day, you wouldn't really be looking at the DLC if you didn't like the main game - so.. go on.. do it!
Posted 5 April, 2022.
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A developer has responded on 12 Apr, 2022 @ 4:38pm (view response)
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2.2 hrs on record
It's your basic first person 'red baron' arcade shooter. Unfortunately, there's very little more than that.

Most missions are just a "shoot everyone" or "shoot all the enemy bases", with a couple of top down "drop bombs on things" and some "fly through all the things" thrown in to try to mix it up a little.

But, without the things thrown in, it is very very repetitive. There's also the issue of earning starts for finishing quickly or scoring a lot, which means you end up playing so far, hitting a skill wall and having to keep replaying missions having earnt enough stars to unlock a couple of power ups and repeat this over and over, meaning the game looks really long, but you're just doing the same things with a power up added in.

Don't get me wrong, it's fun, it's frustrating, but there's not enough to keep you coming back for more and more unless you do just want to keep doing the same but slightly harder mission each time you play.
Posted 31 October, 2021.
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21.2 hrs on record (15.2 hrs at review time)
On the upside, Ryse Son of Rome is a very good game, with a good story and good voice acting. It's unusual for a game to keep me interested throughout, but I was actually interested in what was to come. If you enjoy the 'Batman' style fighting games where you can swap from person to person, etc. you should be right at home here.

However. It is clearly a console port. The controls are a bit... 'meh' from time to time. You can stand at something and try to activate it, but if you are halfway through an animation, it will just keep replaying it until you stop...wait... and then activate it. Ugh. Blocks sometimes just don't work and trying to avoid hits often turn out as rolling into an invisible wall and getting hit anyway! The camera is too far zoomed in and you often find yourself wondering what is happening and dieing because the fight is blocked by a bush or a flag suddenly waving over the entire screen from the background!

But even with all the negatives, it does turn into a good enjoyable game that gives a good 8 hours of main storyline play. There are the usual collectables, but i would seriously suggest ignoring them for a second walkthrough as hunting them down does distract from the story.
Posted 22 October, 2021.
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3 people found this review helpful
15.7 hrs on record (11.8 hrs at review time)
Let's face it, I'm going to finish the game, so I will keep playing it, but I really can't recommend it as a fun time.

At it's basic level, Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts is the same game as most other similar sniping games. You creep around a map throwing things at walls to tempt people over, kill them in stealth, then move on to the next person and repeat until you've either killed everyone, or enough to complete the level and save the hostages, or collect the items you were sent for.

You play to earn money for your character and obtain upgrade rewards to get 'better' weapons and add attachments and gadgets to help improve your performance and to make things easier on yourself. Be that a silencer, zoom, drone or similar.

I should love the game, but the number of bugs and issues are just too much to make it more annoying than fun. Firstly, it suffers from the same issue that most of these types of games suffer from - you get seen, or someone finds a dead body, enemies all hide and are really alert for 5 minutes, then go back to business and forget that anything ever happened! People are able to see you through walls, snipers can see you through walls that you can't see them through. You can get stuck in trees unable to move (usually due to trying to do a takedown on someone and your character model jumping to their location), people can warp - you see them in one location, them instantly they are somewhere else! Crashes to desktops, invisible walls, being in the water swimming and being unable to climb out onto the smallest of ledges! Being unable to take someone down because they are on a tiny ledge a few centimetres high!!! (EDIT: also want to add in the really helpful stealth mechanic of not being able to crouch crawl downstairs and getting stuck on the ledge, meaning you have to either walk away and walk back or jump... and the best getting stuck standing in a doorway so you have to restart your checkpoint!)

The list of bugs just go on and on and on and they really ruin the fun.

There is no save system, you get ONE checkpoint that you get put back to if you die. But note that if you die, you MAY get re spawned in the path of enemies that you originally snuck past, so your save is ruined and you need to start from scratch on that entire level. There are only a handful of maps, all with several objectives and you will have to play them over and over to get all the objectives, to upgrade all your guns, etc.

In the end, I really wanted to like the game, but the bugs really make it un-enjoyable. I only have it because it came from a Humble Bundle, I really do think it would have been a refunded item if it had been bought from the store! :(
Posted 18 June, 2021. Last edited 21 June, 2021.
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22.5 hrs on record (13.5 hrs at review time)
What am i doing with my life? I'm sitting in my room, rubbish and bits all around me, I don't want to clean it up, but here i am going through various train stations cleaning them all up!

TSR isn't the kind of game i would usually buy. The only reason i had it was because it appeared in my Humble Bundle and i expect was in there as an advert for their next game coming out in the next few days. But, strangely enough, i actually enjoyed the game.

It's a basic premise, there's a train station, you go there with various tools (paintbrush, crowbar, grinder, etc) and have to basically clean the place up! Be it scraping graffiti off walls, removing rust from train tracks, smashing old furniture or whatever means the game wants you to do. Can it get tedious? Picking up bottle after bottle.. yes it can. If you go through the game without using tool upgrades - OH YES it can! After you've repaired chair 10 in the same train, you wonder when it's going to end.

After cleaning it out, its time to re-furnish it! Adding chairs, benches, plants, CCTV, TVs, toilets, sinks, whatever a train station needs to keep running.

And thats it! Clean and repair - very simple. There's even a recycling section to earn your character a bit of extra cash along the way to allow you to buy more expensive furniture. If you like that sort of game, you'll be at home here.

HOWEVER - there are issues. The game is buggy! Before you start, read up on how to activate acheivements, or they won't work! Things can fall through the floor (although the game is forgiving in this regard, it'll allow 1 or 2 to go astray and you can still get 100%), if you do go through the game without upgrades, it will get boring doing too many of the same thing - and the game can be finished in about 12-13 hours if you go for 100% and all acheivements which isn't very long. There is also unfortunately no way for the game to say that your furniture makes no sense! A bathroom with 10 urinals and no sinks, or a bathroom with nothing but 10 hand dryers? Yeah thats fine.

But after is said and done, if it's relatively cheap, i would go for it - it's strangely relaxing!
Posted 13 March, 2021.
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A developer has responded on 15 Mar, 2021 @ 2:11am (view response)
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480.6 hrs on record (2.6 hrs at review time)
Creeper World was always described to me as 'Reverse Tower Defense' and in a way it's right. Your basic mission is to land your base on a planet and try to repel and destroy oncoming creeper - a 'moss'-like substance that grows from a spawner and flows over the land. (People who like Jeff Waynes War of the Worlds could say it's the "Red Weed")

CW4 is the classic format - started in CW1, branched off for CW2, but returned for CW3, but this time it's in 3D which brings its own challenges. Missile launchers no longer cover a circle on a 2D map, now its a 3D bubble and you need to take things like this into account.

If you like tower defence, or strategy games, you'll probably like this! KnuckleCracker has released a demo that covers the first few levels of the game - you'll have limited weapons, but you should know if it interests you or not from the demo. The demo made it a purchase for me on release!

As well as the built in maps, there is a map builder, random map maker, daily 'feature' map and an on-line area where people can submit maps they have made (and if Particle Fleet, KC last games submitted maps is anything to go by - there will be a lot of them!), so there will be plenty of maps to play!!
Posted 3 December, 2020. Last edited 24 November, 2021.
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2 people found this review helpful
1.7 hrs on record
How the hell do you describe this game?

Firstly, it is very short. There's just under 40 levels to go through, you can complete the entire thing in under an hour, so it's not something that is going to last you days and days of playing.

It's a relatively simple idea - you run a waste disposal company, items come from the left of the screen, you have to hide/burn/remove - just get them gone or out of sight. I was REALLY hoping this would turn into a game with lots of complex puzzles, how do you fit all those into the space given, but there's very very little (if any) of that - most items fit perfectly well without much thinking about it.

After a few levels, it seems like you are just doing endless random things for random people, although the game DOES put together a story, levels are linked (slightly) and it does end up with an actual ending to what has been happening over the levels.

Its very simple! It's not going to tax your brain, it's pretty much just a lot of click and drag, only a few levels has an actual 'puzzle' to them - but if you can get it for cheap (i think i had it in a Humble Bundle) then it's certainly going to fill an hour of your time up - i dont think i would pay the £5.79 the UK price goes for, but its on sale now for under £2 which.... yeah... worth a punt.
Posted 12 September, 2020.
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