Brandon "Kushies" Picard   Detroit, Michigan, United States
Looking for strong legit Player for CS:GO Competitive team. Please be at least 18+ formed, and not just give up on a team effort. Eventuly want the team to play in minor cups and work up to pros one day.

Kirjautunut ulos
Brownies 16.6.2022 klo 16.33 
where have you gone?
Nor Noote csgoroll.com 22.5.2018 klo 1.53 
Good player
Jackson 19.8.2017 klo 20.37 
+rep pubg gold
Kushies 11.7.2017 klo 19.05 
Droppy Sloppy 8.7.2017 klo 9.34 
The fitness gram 😆🍆 cummy test💦 is a multistage sex position 😻 that progressively gets more difficult as 💓daddy gets 😵😵 harder. The 20 meter 😍 💦 ♥♥♥♥ will line up with your🍎💧ass in 30 seconds. Lube up for daddy 💗🍆. The 👊💦 riding speed starts slowly but progressively gets harder as 😉😝 daddy gets worked up. Remember not to 😲 ♥♥♥ early or else 😩 daddy will 👏💦 spank you. After you hear 💖☺ daddy moan, then you can 🍆💦 ♥♥♥. The cowboy👅 position will begin now.On your mark, Get ready 😭🍆,
Kushies 25.12.2016 klo 7.10 