Le Leon 26 sep 2023 om 15:26 
Thanks Nicko, sometimes people force my inner devil to comment to that kind of Neandertaler comment. Some games seems to attract lower IQ persons.

So you are still banned, i thought it might be for a time period. But yeah, it's easier to shut down negative criticism forever and keeping the fan sheeps active is more appealing (and self-delusion).

I know many people, even around me or in my own family, who are egocentric or blind and deef to the world around us and who have no idea/ignore, how tight bound our post-year-2000 world became.
To judge that easy about people, who are financially or politically supressed or even people, who are in physical and psychical danger like the Ukrainian, makes me truely sad and sick.

I bet 25 years from now smart AIs have built a higher empathy to mankind, than half of the humans have at that point. Most likely i won't live there anymore to see that, lucky me.
N1ck0 26 sep 2023 om 11:20 
LOL a year later and I see you once again respond with a magnificent comment to a self-centred entitled idiot on the CotW forums I'm banned on. Good job. The world needs more people like you. Peace.
N1ck0 13 mei 2022 om 11:07 
Thanks for the poetry you wrote. Especially the introduction about getting bashed for detailed constructive criticism versus simple bashing. So true, especially on Reddit. On Steam it isn't that bad if it wasn't for the trigger-happy moderator they elected.

But lately, with all the complains going their way, you're on the safe side criticising the game if you don't go overboard. But I've read some direct [deserved] insults towards the devs, and nothing was done AFAIK.

But in the same vain of what you said, even the company and their community management sycophant prefer baseless insults to detailed critics. It's easier to dismiss as hate and let the fanboys do the job.
N1ck0 13 mei 2022 om 8:40 
Just when I was mentioning the Hold-Breath audio missing for more than half a year, RedeemerBlood posted this last comment:


Funny coincidence. How does so few people complain about this when it's in-your-face and pretty immersion-breaking? Also makes it hard to tell when you will loose breath while zooming-in and targeting.

Yeah, some people really do have low standards. When they released Mississippi, more people complained about too much rain (which wasn't even a bug), than about this. And as a result, they reduced the rain significantly in Mississippi when it previously fitted the reserve perfectly, being a swampy region.

So yeah, the company is awful, but a lot of the customer-base also is. Sorry, last time I post. :Winking:

N1ck0 13 mei 2022 om 8:17 
Some more thoughts: All in all, I hate this God-awful company, and they gave me a hard time on social medias and here on Steam in the last few years. Every time I see the nasty mugs of their disingenuous "Community" Managing team members on their live stream acting like nothing more than salesmen buffoons, I feel like punching through my screen.

Not everyone has to agree with my stance on this company 100%, as not everyone had the same negative experience I had with them and their "Community" Management team members (moderators included).

At the time, I was the most vocal and consistent guy criticising the company as a whole, and not as many people were complaining. So I was an easy target for temp-ban harassment, and a final perma-ban at the end for "constant negativity" (what a load of BS). It is what it is. Would have loved to participate in the discussions, but can't anymore. Thanks for your time, and sorry for the novel.
N1ck0 13 mei 2022 om 8:12 
I "own" this game since about 2 years, and there was maybe only 2-3 builds max (which didn't last long), that didn't have any immersion or game-breaking bugs in it. I've got a bunch of reviews of their products, and it's pretty much all laid-out there.

As for people defending the company on the threads, it isn't that bad on Steam. You should see Reddit, a real fanboys' circle-jerk if I ever saw one. And while reading comments criticising the company here on Steam is refreshing in comparison, it's still depressing when you see that the latest thread they posted about their upcoming DLC has over 1K thumbs-up.

It doesn't measure-up against the criticism, and when fanboys accuse people complaining of being a vocal minority, I think they unfortunately got a point here. (2/2)
N1ck0 13 mei 2022 om 7:59 
Hi, I finally read your comment and have a few things to say. Well, in defence of software having more bugs these days is that software technology complexity isn't what it was in the 90s. More complexity means harder to have a polished product, especially if the source code isn't all that well written from the get go, and more and more content gets added later on.

You still got a point though, but EW from my experience is even worst than your average shoddy software developer. When someone in defence of this awful company says "name me one game that hasn't bugs in it", all I feel like responding is, name me one game that isn't shovelware that has something like the Hold-Breath audio, being an FPS, that is broken, and remains broken for more than half a year. (1/2)
N1ck0 11 mei 2022 om 13:58 
Excellent comments on the CotW forums. Glad some are still complaining about the lack of quality control and polish coming from these devs. Was easier back then to perma-ban a guy like me for "constant negativity".

Now the moderator would have to ban half the people. At least, it wouldn't make him an hypocrite if he did. A sellout sure, but not an hypocrite (he's currently both). Thanks for your comments again, we need more people like you speaking-up.
louisgospel 22 dec 2015 om 2:43 
Merry Xmas !!!
