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1 person found this review helpful
0.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Love me some Orks and vehicular combat.

+ Great fun in quick bursts, very arcade-y
+ Controls feel smooth
+ Driving and general physics feel great
+ Well stylized visuals and good sense of speed
+ Weapons are satisfying to use
+ It runs fine on the Steam Deck

- Doesn't play too well on gamepad, you'll want to use keyboard and mouse
- Menus are a bit clunky
- No ingame chat

It's free, so why not give it a try?
Posted 7 August, 2024.
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175.7 hrs on record (149.2 hrs at review time)
Funee dorfs go mining, in spehz
Posted 21 November, 2023.
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2,816.4 hrs on record (524.0 hrs at review time)
One of those games that you will hate for various reasons, but keep getting back to it
Posted 31 March, 2023. Last edited 27 July, 2023.
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2.8 hrs on record
95% off and went in with low expectations.
Still got disappointed... Annoying characters, ♥♥♥♥ tier soundtrack, gameplay constantly gets interrupted by so called 'progression' and worst of all, the driving doesn't even feel good.
Posted 17 October, 2022.
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44.0 hrs on record (41.3 hrs at review time)
Best tower defense game I have played in a long time
Posted 24 November, 2021.
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13.9 hrs on record (10.2 hrs at review time)
I really want to be able to enjoy this game, as I've been waiting for a new arena shooter to play every now and then, but between the unintuitive HUD, the often terrible map design, the unhelpful audio, the conflicting colour choices and skins, the crossplay with aim-assist for the console players, the questionable gamemode design choices and the (mostly personal) problems with the portals, I really can't say my play sessions end with positive feelings.

Sure most of these things are fixable and I'm certain many of them are going to improve as development goes on, but I'm not confident it will ever get to the point that I will personally enjoy it enough to play it more often and recommend it to my friends.

The gunplay is fine, I don't think any of them are particularly unbalanced, the way guns are acquired during gameplay is what you would expect, the health system is okay, even though I prefer the quake style with health and armor packs rather than passive regeneration.
Unlike UT, Quake, etc. there are no power-ups spawning in any of the gamemodes, but I'll take a wild guess and say they would most likely break most of the gamemodes due to the existence of the portals.
There is no classic CTF, but yeah, portals would make that very unfun. The capture-zone-based gamemodes don't mix that well with the portals I feel, but maybe that's just me. The rotating gamemodes are okay I suppose, some more creative than others, none of them really that special, the instagib mode is pretty janky though, due to how the railgun works.
I'm not that fond of the trend of shooters replacing rocketjumping with jetpacks, especially considering there would be many possibilities to combine them with the portals, but that's just a minor thing compared to the rest.

Most importantly though, the portals in general aren't very fun to me and I feel there are major flaws to them, even when looking at them from an objective standpoint.
Likely a technical limitation, but not being able to see through allied and enemy portals leads to very annoying deaths, allied portals can block you from placing and using portals yourself, the counterplay against enemy portals is quite limited considering portals have no cooldown and can be instantly replaced and closed, a lot of the maps have spots only reachable through portals or large portal pads in their deathpits leading not only to often very awkward fights for objectives and slowly respawning weapons, but also lots of annoying camping to deal with.

To summarize: There are multiple, but fixable objective flaws and problems, but the main sellingpoint of this game throws me off. Sure, without the portals this game wouldn't be very original, but with some polishing the gameplay would otherwise be solid enough for a modern arena shooter.

I would definitely recommend trying Splitgate if you like arena shooters, but this is not for me. I would tag this review as neutral or informational rather than negative, but the review system is a bit too limited for that and there are too many objective problems with the game for me to set it to positive.
Posted 17 August, 2021. Last edited 17 August, 2021.
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523.4 hrs on record
Edit: No Steam Deck support, another huge turn off, but I guess that was to bei expected. Ubisoft already milked the game pretty dry, no need to appeal to Deck users. Such a shame as this would probably play well on the Deck and offer a still pretty much unique racing game experience (if you can ignore the battlepass crap, that is).

TL;DR: Getting shafted by what is essentially greed sucks, especially when the thing that you paid for doesn't actually deliver enough to be recommendable.

Such a shame it had to go this way, I really like the possibility to have cars, bikes, boats, airplanes and even hovercraft available in the same game, especially with the weekly time/score based competition.
Sadly, the game is lacking in almost every aspect and only very little has been and is being done about that.
- The performance is getting worse, despite the graphics not getting any better.
- Having to launch the uplay app every time I want to play this game is annoying, but I guess that is something we will have to live with these days, looking at how many other games have similar situations going on
- Content for most vehicles besides cars and bikes is running thin, there haven't been new tracks or vehicles or air and water based racing in a long time.
- There is next to no street or touring bike exclusive content, sure it's nice that they let you use bikes on the same tracks as the cars, but the bikes massively outperform the cars in PvE and there are only a few bike limited tracks in PvE and even less in PvP.
- The rate at which new cars get introduced is fine, I guess. What isn't fine is how overly expensive all the vehicles are when compared to the amount of cash you get as rewards.
- The micro transactions used to be completely optional, basically only allowing players to shorten the grind to obtain all the vehicles they want or need using a premium currency, but I guess that doesn't bring in enough money. So they decided to add cosmetics which are mostly unlocked using the premium currency, but as that somehow wasn't enough either they just couldn't resist following the most recent micro transaction content trend and introduce battlepasses. If this was a free to play, fair enough, but as you might spot on the store page, this isn't one, in fact, they even want you to buy the season pass. But as that isn't enough either they have made it impossible to collect enough premium currency to obtain their battle pass without paying at least 10€. To make it even more insulting, half of the currency you can earn during each "season" is locked behind the premium pass, the free rewards are extremely weak, however the rewards behind the paywall are vehicles that outperform the limited selection of non-premium vehicles you can get for the leaderboard (summit) events during the battlepass 'series' (season), rather than the usual, completely acceptable cosmetics.
- The fact that there are so many cars which you cannot get via gameplay but only via micro transactions by now is just not okay. Especially not when there are ranked activities which require a new class of vehicle and most of the vehicles of that class are locked behind that nasty paywall and the "free" ones are the worst performing ones.

As you might be able to tell, the last points are what drove me to post a review for this. I absolutely despise having micro transactions in games that already have a price tag up front, season passes are already bad enough on their own, but now you can't even expect those to grant you access to all content of a game you already paid for.
The Battlepass and the way they "justified" the recent changes is intolerable to me, not only did they take away the possibility to obtain the premium currency for free on daily basis, they also introduced loads of cars which are obtainable with the help of premium currency only.
So, why did they remove the possibility to obtain larger amounts of premium currency for free? From their announcement you can gather that they didn't want too many daily activities overlapping with eachother (fair enough, could have integrated the currency rewards into the ingame progression systems, but well, didn't happen) and, to no ones surprise, that they didn't feel like they got enough money out of the game to keep up the support for the game.
With that reasoning in mind I really get the feeling that they don't actually want this game or rather the series to keep going, choosing to go the lazy route, adding content that basically is just fancy reskins instead of improving and continuing the content that is already there.
I guess we will see how this will work out for them and wether or not this will mean the end for The Crew in the long term.
Posted 6 December, 2020. Last edited 24 October, 2022.
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442.2 hrs on record (441.9 hrs at review time)
Pre Ebin Games Borderlands rules
Posted 28 June, 2019.
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5.9 hrs on record (5.8 hrs at review time)
Best animal simulator around.
- On spot physics, graphics and abilities
- Great AI
- Incredibly immersive
- Completely free of bugs and glitches
- Bacon

Most realism you can get in a simulation.
Posted 22 November, 2017.
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18,571.1 hrs on record (29.6 hrs at review time)
Mein Favorit zwischen den Spielen dieser Art (gibt bestimmt einen Namen für solche).

Mittlerweile außerhalb des Browsers "spielbar", auch auf Smartphone erhätlich.
Nette Beschäftigung für nebenbei, besser als diese Clicker-Spiele (wie z.B. Clicker Heroes).

8/8 - 'liek a skyrim-comic-simulator' - ign
Posted 25 February, 2016.
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