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Vitrine des évaluations
4 653 heures de jeu
You've heard of patient zero? Well I'm patience zero.
Vitrine des créations à la une
11 6
--> Bro :Pdog:
--> Mama :al_flower:
--> Boyf :necroheart:
--> Curator :100ft:
--> guides :LilVinceHead:   
--> Discord :brownchicken: [discord.gg]
   Leave a comment in your language! :ab_germanflag: :starsandstripes: :FRAflag: :flagukraine: :RUSflag: :japanflag: :merdeka:
Items à échanger
1 362
Items possédés
Échanges effectués
3 054
Transactions sur le marché
Want/Own List:

Virtual Boy [1995] ❌
PS2 [2000] ✔️
XBox [2001] ❌
PSP [2004] ❌
Wii [2006] ✔️
DSI [2008] ✔️
Cute Goth GF [1984] ❌
3DS [2011] ✔️
Switch [2017] ✔️
RG350 [2019] ✔️
RG351 [2020] ✔️

Current GPU : GT-1050ti

                                        My fav games :epilove:
Knack 2
• Left 4 Dead 2 why can you see your arms but not your legs? volvo plz fix
Wip3out Remastered: BallisticNG
• A Hat In Time
• Dragon Quest: Rocket Slime (NTR)
• Nintendogs (NTR)
• Terraria
• Psychonauts
• Captain Toad (HAC)
• N+ (NPlusPlus) (NTR)
Animal Crossing: PG > NL > Wild World > NH :tanuki:
• Jak 3 (PS2) >Jak2>Jak1>Jak X
• Warioware Gold (CTR) > Inc>Touched
• Star Wars: Battlefront 2
Ratchet Deadlocked :theShipWrench:
• Avatar 2, 3, 4,and 5!
• Stanley Parable did you get the broom closet ending? the broom closet ending was my favourite!
Saints 3 :sr4eagle: [saintsrow.fandom.com]
• Bad Rats: the Rats Revenge
• Downhill Donimation (PS2)
• Kao 2
• Sunset Overdrive
• New Super Lucky's Tale
• Voodoo Vince :LilVinceHead:
• Steamworld Heist (CTR)
• Mario Kart DS > 7 > Wii > 8 > 64
• Worms 2 :HolyGrenade:
• Unbox
• F-zero X (N64)
• Roundabout
Half Life 2 :headcrab:
• Go Vacation (HAC)
Tony Hawks Pro Baiter (PS2)
• Rock of Ages

                                        My worst games ever :portiapoop:
× Fable 3
× Skyrim
× Yooka-Laylee
× Super Mario Odyssey
× Fallout 3
× Harry Potter and The Terrible Computer Game
× The Elder Scrolls 5
× Oblivion 2
× Spyro: Ruined Trilogy
× Doom 3
× Fallout 4
× GTA 3
× GTA Vice City
× The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion
× GTA San Andreas
× GTA 4
× GTA 5
× Bad Rats: the Rats Revenge
× Elder Scrolls: Skyrim
× Fallout: New Vegas
× Skyrim
× Fallout 76

Playlist :jeffrey::Speech_Musical:

My Nintendo --> ˢᵂ⁻6460-0769-4212
Dream Address: DB 8333 4690 0906


Why are you doing this to me xD
I wont send air per post, I wont send snow per post, I wont send a dog per post, I wont send a mom per post XD
And then I am the bad guy xD"

     Lunar years age calculation [www.wolframalpha.com]

-Comment with the super secret pass: "Undecimber"
to recieve a surprise gift
_:47_barcode:_ [nick-name.ru] Contact: 767F522 zenn22@gmx.de 767F522

cl_interp 0; cl_interp_ratio -1; cl_updaterate 100; cl_cmdrate 100; rate 100000
Vitrine des récompenses
Récompenses reçues
Récompenses données
Jeu favori
Activité récente
4 653 h en tout
dernière utilisation le 28 sept. 2024
1 152 h en tout
dernière utilisation le 28 sept. 2024
13,3 h en tout
dernière utilisation le 26 sept. 2024
S.T.A.R.S Leon S. K. 15 févr. à 12h57 
💗⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡔⠋⠀⢰⠎:rainfir::luckclover::lilyheart::cmwz:Wonderful WeekEND :ratsdiamond::cmwx::happyclover::rainsec:
💗⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 💗⠈⠙⠫⠿⠿⠿⠛⠋⠁💗:abutterfly::bfly::wl5butterfly:
Aleep 26 janv. à 16h13 
jorkin it to you right now
S.T.A.R.S Leon S. K. 4 janv. à 3h29 
:LIS_butterfly: ´`)
  ,·´ ¸,·´`)
 (¸,·´ (¸𝓗𝓪𝓹𝓹𝔂 𝓝𝓮𝔀 𝓨𝓮𝓪𝓻 〃´`)
               ,·´ ¸,·´`)
               (¸,·´ (¸:LIS_butterfly:2025

:butterfly2: :butterfly: :abutterfly: :bluebutterfly: :ph_butterfly: :hotk3_blue_butterfly: :fauna: :rarebutterfly: :bfly: :butterflymm1:

:mgh_17: :bluerose: :mind_rose: :nekorose: :redishrose: :rosebud: :rflower: :moonflower:

:ratsdiamond: :_crystal_: :hotk3_crystal::cmwz:

:feelings: :cmwx: :lilyheart: :we_are_your_children: :neonheart: :cure::rainbowlove:

:sharebear: :toyR::jodies_teddy_bear: :teddyquest: :cuteteddy: :ivabear: :fhappy: :winter2019happydog: :balloonicorn: :happydays: :happystar2022:

:happyclover: :lucky: :luckyme: :luckclover: :ws_peace: :sunshinefaerie: :rainbowsmile:
Holar 25 déc. 2024 à 13h24 
:retrotorch::retrotorch::krstar::steamflake::Gradestar::Gradestar::ghsmile: I wish you and your family peace, warmth, hope, and comfort this Christmas season. May the new year 2025 bring you lightness, inspiration, and happiness! I believe next year will be better than its reputation. ;) :ghsmile::Gradestar::Gradestar::steamflake::krstar::retrotorch::retrotorch:

:retrotorch::retrotorch::krstar::steamflake::Gradestar::Gradestar::ghsmile: Für die Weihnachtszeit wünsche ich Dir und Deiner Familie Ruhe, Herzenswärme, Hoffnung und Frieden. Und möge das neue Jahr 2025 Dir Leichtigkeit, Inspiration und Glück verschaffen! Ich glaube das nächste Jahr wird besser als sein Ruf. ;) :ghsmile::Gradestar::Gradestar::steamflake::krstar::retrotorch::retrotorch:
.::fAERiEN::. 24 déc. 2024 à 18h04 
..::::::::::::::MERRY ChRiSTMAS 2024::::::::::::::..
StrukiTru 24 déc. 2024 à 8h34 
:nekoheart::_hyp_::_X_::_M_::_A_::_S_: :nkSanta:
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀:healthsd::wintersnowman2023: :_2_::_5_: :lis_star::lunar2019piginablanket: