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3 people found this review helpful
0.2 hrs on record
It doesn't work.
Posted 24 August, 2022. Last edited 24 August, 2022.
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1 person found this review helpful
2.8 hrs on record
Curtinho, mas muito bom.
Posted 12 August, 2022. Last edited 24 September, 2022.
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1 person found this review helpful
41.5 hrs on record (2.6 hrs at review time)
Posted 5 August, 2022.
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0.3 hrs on record
FaTe oF DyNaStY Is nOt a sInCeReLy mAdE GaMe fOr gAmErS, iT'S A BaReBoNeS GaMe jAm/dEmO GaMe tHaT WaS SlApPeD ToGeThEr iN A CoUpLe oF DaYs aNd tHeN DuMpEd oN StEaM So tHe "DeVeLoPeRs" CoUlD FeEl gOoD AbOuT ThEmSeLvEs, WiThOuT AnY CoNsIdErAtIoN FoR AcTuAl gAmErS WhO HaVe tO WaDe tHrOuGh aLl tHiS StUfF In sEaRcH Of gEnUiNeLy mAdE GaMeS. tHiS Is a sImPlE LoW PoLy "VoXeL ArT" sTyLe fIrSt pErSoN AdVeNtUrE GaMe. DoN'T GeT Me wRoNg, DeSpItE ThE BaD GrApHiCs, It lOoKs pRoMiSiNg, BuT ThErE'S AbOuT 5-6 ClIcKs uNtIl yOu fInIsH ThE WhOlE ThInG... iT'S ThAt sHaLlOw. It's a 3 mInUtE GaMe aT BeSt. BuT ThEn, It wAs nEvEr iNtEnDeD To bE A ReAl gAmE. aNd tHaT'S A PrObLeM.

FrOm a tEcHnIcAl pErSpEcTiVe, ThE GaMe dOeSn't mEeT BaSiC MiNiMuM ReQuIrEmEnTs tHaT MoSt pC GaMeRs eXpEcT As sTaNdArD.

ThErE'S No oPtIoNs tO ChAnGe tHe rEsOlUtIoN FoR ThE GaMe oR CuStOmIsE ThE GrApHiCs sEtTiNgS. tHeRe's nO WaY FoR GaMeRs tO EnSuRe tHiS Is rUnNiNg aT ThE NaTiVe rEsOlUtIoN Of tHeIr dIsPlAyS... tHeRe's nO GuArAnTeE ThIs gAmE WiLl lOoK RiGhT On aNy pC As a rEsUlT Of tHiS HaMfIsTeD DeSiGn dEcIsIoN. tHeRe's nO WaY FoR GaMeRs tO TrY ImPrOvE ThE LoW QuAlItY GrApHiCs.

tHe gAmE FeAtUrEs lAzY LoW-PoLyGoN VoXeL "mInEcRaFt"-LiKe "ArT", MaKiNg tHiS LoOk lIkE A BaReLy fUnCtIoNaL 3d gAmE FrOm tHe 1990s. A LoT Of aMaTeUr dEvElOpErS SeE MiNeCrAfT'S SuCcEsS AnD AsSuMe iT'S BeCaUsE It lOoKs bAd, NoT BeCaUsE It hAd uNiQuE AnD ApPeAlInG GaMe mEcHaNiCs, AnD ThEy tRy tO EmUlAtE ThE SuCcEsS WiThOuT UnDeRsTaNdInG It. It aLsO HaPpEnS To bE EaSy, AnD DoEsN'T NeEd aNy pRoPeR TaLeNt iN TeRmS Of gAmE DeVeLoPmEnT/GrApHiC ArTiStS EtC. tHaT'S WhY ReViEwErS ArE FaCeD WiTh sO MaNy oF ThEsE TeRrIbLe gAmEs wItH CoNfRoNtInGlY BaD GrApHiCs. DeVeLoPeRs mUsT LeArN ThAt mInEcRaFt sUcCeEdEd dEsPiTe tHe bAd gRaPhIcS, nOt bEcAuSe oF ThEm.

tHe cOnTrOlS CaN'T Be cUsToMiSeD, wHiCh wIlL Be aN AnNoYaNcE FoR MaNy, BuT It cAn aLsO ReNdEr tHe gAmE UnPlAyAbLe fOr dIfFeReNtLy-aBlEd gAmErS.

ThEsE TeChNiCaL DeFeCtS PuSh tHiS GaMe bElOw aCcEpTaBlE StAnDaRdS FoR AnY MoDeRn pC GaMe.

iT'S ImPoRtAnT To nOtE, iN CoNcLuSiOn, ThAt tHiS IsN'T A SiNcErElY MaDe, PrOfEsSiOnAl gAmE, iT'S A GaMe jAm/dEmO PrOjEcT. gAmE JaM AnD OtHeR StUdEnT/PrOjEcT GaMeS ArE NoT MaDe fOr gAmErS, tHeY'Re mAdE FoR ThE BeNeFiT Of sTrOkInG ThE EgO Of dEvElOpErS. iT'S ObViOuSlY NoT PoSsIbLe fOr a gAmE SlApPeD ToGeThEr oVeR A FeW DaYs tO Be oF ThE SaMe qUaLiTy aS A PrOpErLy, SiNcErElY MaDe gAmE FrOm a fUlL DeVeLoPmEnT TeAm wItH A FuLl bUdGeT WhO TaKe tHe rIgHt aMoUnT Of tImE AnD PuT In gEnUiNe hArD WoRk tO CrEaTe a pRoDuCt fOr gAmErS. sUrE, iT Is pOsSiBlE To sLaP ToGeThEr a gAmE In sUcH A MaNnEr, UnPrOfEsSiOnAlLy. ThIs iS A LoT LiKe dRiViNg a cAr uSiNg oNlY YoUr fEeT. jUsT BeCaUsE It cAn bE DoNe, DoEsN'T MeAn iT'S A GoOd iDeA, aNd oFtEn eNdS Up iN DiSaStEr.

i'm sUrE ThEy tHiNk iT'S ReMaRkAbLe tHeY WeRe aBlE To mAkE A GaMe wItHoUt dEdIcAtInG ThE RiGhT ReSoUrCeS AnD TaLeNt tO ThE JoB, bUt wE MuSt aSk wHy tHiS BeNeFiTs gAmErS... aNd iT DoEsN'T. iT'S PoLlUtInG StEaM AnD MaKiNg iT HaRdEr fOr gAmErS To fInD GeNuInE GaMeS AnD FoR GeNuInE InDiE DeVeLoPeRs wHo pUt mOnThS Or yEaRs iNtO MaKiNg pRoPeR GaMeS FiNd aN AuDiEnCe.

Jokes aside, Fun and short game, fun puzzles, but lacking a little on the narative.
Posted 14 July, 2022. Last edited 14 July, 2022.
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0.6 hrs on record
Achei o player muito lento. Seria um jogo muito divertido se fosse mais rápido de jogar.
Posted 13 July, 2022. Last edited 14 September, 2022.
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1.0 hrs on record
Posted 13 July, 2022.
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3 people found this review helpful
1.0 hrs on record
Não é por causa da idade, do jogo ou por causa de gráficos do mesmo que eu não gostei, mas infelizmente o jogo é lento, e é chato de jogar.

Um jogo estilo pokemon que possuí mecânicas diferentes e até interessantes.

É difícil de se localizar dentro do jogo pois não existe nenhum tipo de mapa.
Personagem incrivelmente lento.
Interface confusa.
Posted 18 February, 2022.
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1 person found this review helpful
11.5 hrs on record (10.0 hrs at review time)
Muito bom.
Posted 20 January, 2022.
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1 person found this review helpful
1.2 hrs on record (1.2 hrs at review time)
Ótimo jogo para aprender novas palavras em alguma linguagem que você está estudando.
É bem similar ao jogo Influent, porém possui mais palavras e mapas, mas acaba sendo bem mais simples em outros aspectos. Mas é totalmente gratuito!
Posted 19 January, 2022. Last edited 19 January, 2022.
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1 person found this review helpful
309.2 hrs on record (10.0 hrs at review time)
Posted 12 January, 2022.
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