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1 person found this review helpful
88.7 hrs on record (43.6 hrs at review time)
This brings all the humour of the previous Loathing games and adds a spin of its own to it. The soundtrack is absolutely stellar. and CATS. YOU CAN PET THE CATS.

Game of the year.
Posted 23 November, 2022.
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23.9 hrs on record (13.2 hrs at review time)
An incredibly rich experience that shows the strifes and struggles of Alex Chen as she learns how to use her power to get to the truth.
Posted 25 November, 2021.
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0.5 hrs on record (0.3 hrs at review time)
This game is fast. It's nuts. Imagine you were playing the original Doom, but then amp the speed up by a thousand and make it extra slick and tense. The visual style is great, but it is VERY fast paced. I recommend turning off the flashing lights in the settings.
Posted 29 November, 2020.
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174.7 hrs on record (94.8 hrs at review time)
I played the original Katamari Damacy on PS2 and absolutely adored it, and this remake is incredibly favourable to the source. Just as vibrant, just as crazy, just as insane.

This game is so cathartic and has an absolutely amazing soundtrack to boot, and is definitely a lot of fun to play. However, it does feel slightly easier than the original Katamari Damacy, but whether that's because some stages had an increased time limit (which some of them do, for example, replaying Make A Star 1 has a 4 minute time limit as opposed to 3) or if it was because I've since gotten used to the controls is still up for debate.

Best played with a controller, definitely. The keyboard controls don't feel quite right.

All in all, if you want an introduction to the zany and crazy world of the Katamari universe, definitely pick this up!
Posted 16 November, 2019.
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11 people found this review helpful
19.6 hrs on record (13.7 hrs at review time)
They say that the hardest battles are fought in the mind. And this game illustrates that wonderfully.

You play as Senua, a Celtic warrior on a perilous journey to Helheim to save the soul of her lover Dillion. And on her quest, she has to face various mythical beasts if she is to bargain with Hela, ruler of Helheim. But not only does she have to fight physical beats, she also has to contend with the demons in her mind.

This is not just a game, this is a full-on experience of what it's like to deal with psychosis, and goes to show that dealing with it is not cool or edgy in any way. It's very respectful in this sense and the fact that the dev team took great care with this shows through.

But not just that. Senua herself is a wonderful protagonist, strong and resilient even as she descends further into darkness on her quest. Her story is not explicitly told, rather through flashes that you have to piece together to get a full picture. And it is done well. As you get further into it, you begin to understand more about Senua, her story and the things she has endured to get to where she is now.

The sound design is excellent, very atmospheric and really gives you a sense of the environment, as well as the various voices you hear among your travels. Graphically it looks amazing, even on the lowest settings.

The combat feels good, the controls are tight, and it feels like a gritty and realistic fight, like you can feel the effort as Senua battles her foes. She also reacts to being injured, moving more slowly and taking longer to attack and dodge the more injured she is.

The puzzles are interesting, such as having to find the shapes of runes in the environments. However, there aren't that many puzzles and finding the runes can get a little repetitive after a while, but that is literally the only (albeit very nitpicky) negative I have.

All in all this is not just a game, this is an experience and one well worth playing through, just to experience Senua's journey as she is seeing it in her mind.
Posted 11 March, 2019.
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7.6 hrs on record
Now THIS is how you remake a classic game for the more modern market. Take a game that many people loved and have fond memories for (the original Tomb Raider) and give it not only a new facelift with new graphics, but add in new game mechanics and make the puzzles a little bit different.

I'd always loved the original Tomb Raider as a kid and playing this remake was definitely a nice balance of nostalgia and new things. It was nice to see levels like the City of Vilcabmba given a new lease of life and with the new mechanics added, it felt like a breath of fresh air into an already-seen area. Yes, the sense of deja vu is there but it feels a bit fresher.

And there is one cheeky nod to an old puzzle in one of the levels, which I thought was a neat touch.

Sometimes the new puzzles can be confusing if you're used to how things worked in the original TR but once you get the hang of it, it's not so bad.

All in all this is a very faithful revisit to the game that introduced us to the tough adventurer Lara Croft (and no, I'm not talking about the rebooted series. I like to pretend that that version of Lara doesn't exist).
Posted 20 February, 2019.
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0.6 hrs on record
I'm a huge fan of the Broken Sword series and have been for a very long time. So naturally I picked up the bundle of all the games when it was on sale.

Unfortunately this one is easily the weakest, and I didn't get too far in it. I wanted to get into the story, dig into George's next adventure and see what terrible situation he was going to wind up in this time. But even on the lowest graphics settings the framerate is awful and the game runs in a very janky manner. The controls also feel a little weird. It seemed to be going for some sort of hybrid approach between free 3D movement (as in The Sleeping Dragon) while combining point-and-click from the first two games, but it felt strangely awkward to use.

I may revisit this one at some point, but I got too frustrated with the jankiness to continue. If you're going to introduce someone to the Broken Sword series, don't use this one. I'd only really recommend this if you're a diehard fan of the series. Maybe there's a mod out there to fix the weirdness, but I have yet to find it.

But as it stands right now I can't really give a full recommendation. Which is a shame because the story premise was rather intriguing.
Posted 20 February, 2019.
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4.2 hrs on record (1.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
It's a short little game (so far) but it's fun. You get to get off with a shark and who wouldn't? The art style is nice, the minigame is rather enjoyable (Similar in the vein of HuniePop but not quite). The other characters are interesting too, especially the boss.

Only problems are is that one of the lines is by an incorrect speaker and there are a few typos in the text but as the game is still in early access and the devs are still working on it, I'm sure those little ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ will be ironed out in time.

For £0.79 you get to get it on with a hot shark. And it's reasonably priced for the content, although there will be more to come and I am looking forward to it!

Posted 29 January, 2018.
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2 people found this review helpful
1.8 hrs on record
I honestly don't know what was going through the developers' heads when they made this. Your job is simple: clean up a mess left behind. Why? How? None of these questions are answered.

There is one plus point to the game and that's that it runs fast. Bad news? Uh... pretty much everything else. This is a poor man's Viscera Cleanup Detail and to even compare it to that feels weird. At least Viscera Cleanup Detail was fun while you were cleaning various locations! This... clean a few rooms and a few low quality blood decals.

The music and sounds are good so I suppose that's another plus point. But plus points are few and far between in a game... wait did I say game? There's really not enough substance here to warrant the title of 'game'.

The premise could have been something interesting: the only surviving employee of a facility has to find out what happened to their coworkers while cleaning up the messes and discovering a terrible truth. But the execution is honestly terrible.

At least I only paid £0.08 for it with a coupon so that's nice at least.

Employee Recycling Center? More like Achievement Farming Center.

I personally couldn't recommend this at all. Even at £0.79 there isn't enough substance to justify paying that. Unless you want an achievement and trading card farmer that'll take you two hours or so, if that.
Posted 25 September, 2017.
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8 people found this review helpful
0.3 hrs on record (0.2 hrs at review time)
Can you get better value for money on adrenaline rushes on Steam? Not really and here's why.

The original Swarmriders was an absolute blast. High octane action gunning down a swarm while riding in a super fast motorcycle (and also the start point of the titular Blade Saint). But this version improves on the original immensely. As well as the core gameplay of gunning down the huge swarm, there's also the introduction of the Manastrike and the Melter/Shield powerups from the later UBERMOSH games.

The music is just as intense as the action and it really gets the heart racing.

If I did have any complaints then it would be that there is some occasional slowdown when there's a lot going on at once but that doesn't detract from the fun at all.

All in all, very fun and highly recommended. (Though if you're not sure, try the original Swarmriders first. It's free to play.)
Posted 24 September, 2017.
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