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13.6 hrs on record (12.6 hrs at review time)

Liberty and Democracy has prevailed. Long live the free peoples of Super Earth.


I guess its my fault for not reading the fine gold print, still its absurd for Arrowhead to pull this move, knowing very well they cashed in on unsuspecting customers esp. those in countries where PSN is not supported. I went into this believing I would be playing a steam only game, but yet again I must create another mindless account for a service I don't even use. This coupled with the fact that the game already comes with nProtect bloat that some users might find troublesome.

Better security with Sony is a joke, just because it was in 2011 doesn't mean gamer's have forgotten one of the most significant data breaches in history. To quote others in-case you need a refresher.

April 2011: Hackers Access Personal Data of 77 Million Sony PlayStation Network Users

May 2011: Personal Details on 25 Million Sony Online Entertainment Customers Stolen

June 2011: Sony Pictures Website Hacked, Exposing One Million Accounts

November 2014: Hackers Steal 100 Terabytes of Data from Sony Pictures

August 2017: Hacker Group Accesses Sony Social Media Accounts

September 2023: Sony Investigates Alleged Hack

October 2023: Sony Notifies Employees of Data Breach
Posted 3 May, 2024. Last edited 7 May, 2024.
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124.8 hrs on record
Buyers Beware, wanted to give my honest review since they're having a sale and people may be thinking of purchasing. I highly recommend you dont, years later and the game is still overrun with 'modders', hackers and your occasional griefers.

Sure you may get an hour or so of game time here and there. But most often then not your game will crash randomly and its nothing to do with your system or settings but rather by the game closing out because hackers on servers force players in sessions to be kicked, in essence confusing the game code and simply causing it to close the application.

Rockstar has been aware of the rampant hackers and problems for years but don't care to do any real changes resulting in a similar situation to TitanFall2 in that it was being held hostage in the same manner, until maybe a year ago when EA finally stepped up and 'fixed' the servers.

Overall its a great game, basically red dead with an online element tacked on allowing for a continued adventure in the west, which is fun mainly with friends but a very disappointing experience in the end.

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe, horses hooves on fire off the roads of New Austin, I've watched entire ships flying in the sky above Strawberry, cowboys with giant floating glittering metal balls orbiting around them. Meteor strikes in the form of dynamite exploding all around me, whole playerbase on servers being mass teleported to places all at once. All those moments will remain in time, like horse manure in the dirt, time for this game to die.
Posted 10 February, 2024. Last edited 11 February, 2024.
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0.7 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Abandonware. Yet another early access title that never made do on its promises or ideas.
Posted 28 August, 2023.
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2.4 hrs on record
Extremely disappointing entree into the series. Which might be why it finally buried the franchise. The worst part of the game overall would have to be the driving mechanics and physics. The very thing that was suppose to make this game interesting, feels entirely off with this one.

The smallest bump on the road will send your car flying and doing multiple gymnastics rolls in the air. Even with a fully maxed stability, your car swerves at times for no apparent reason and it has nothing to do with the terrain. Cars feel floaty and the ones that are suppose to 'tackle' the terrain go bonkers with the slightest clip of an object.

The rewards are small and make grinding each derby tedious and boring just so you can buy a new car that doesn't fare any better than the last one because of the atrocious physics. Its a wonder why I never played this but I can't recommend it even for fans of the series.
Posted 24 August, 2023.
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71.6 hrs on record
Posted 2 February, 2023.
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261.1 hrs on record
Did you ever wish for Honey I shrunk The Kids to be a game? Then this game is for you. Fun, creative and a joy to explore.
Posted 25 November, 2022.
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3.1 hrs on record (2.4 hrs at review time)
Reinstalled this years later and played the most current version, I can safely say its no longer a buggy atrocious mess. Everything feels a bit more refined then when it was under the previous owners. Why on earth a new studio would take it upon themselves to try and resurrect this title is beyond me but I've seen redemption stories in the past, so its not unheard of. Unfortunately unless this game receives a complete overhaul in visuals and combat, I don't see this game ever crawling its way out of such a horrid past. Is it worth two dollars on sale?, sure, but don't expect anything beyond what was already created initially. Compared to survival games that have been around for years as well as new ones in development, this one feels like its been lost to time. Dated and dull by today's standards.
Posted 27 September, 2022.
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A developer has responded on 27 Sep, 2022 @ 6:32pm (view response)
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431.1 hrs on record (123.5 hrs at review time)
Gladius is arguably one of the best turned based strategy games ever made and you probably never heard of it. I overlooked this little hidden gem because of its mixed reviews, very bland graphics and varied opinions on its difficulty. But boy was I wrong. This game is addicting. The best way to to describe is that its like Civ but without all the boring economy stuff. In other words if you typically found yourself waging war or immediately fighting in civ, then this is the game for you.You wont find any sort of diplomacy or religion or tech victories. But don't let that discourage you, there is plenty of meat on its bones to keep you entertained for hours on end.

The basic warfare of civ is child's play compared to this one. Its not overly difficult either as some people make it out to be. You essentially capture resource nodes scattered about the map while dealing with the occasional neutral threat gradually progressing through a research tree, getting new units, buffs to support them, city growth so on an so forth. All the while exploring until you eventually meet your adversary in battle. Learning which units counter what and which plays well to others weaknesses is extremely rewarding and lends itself to multiple play sessions with each of the different races. And yes there is some degree of city management. You have to watch your resources and population in order to keep up with the demands of war. Its a nice little balancing act but isn't too bothersome to get in the way. Each faction is very unique and handles differently enough.So If your a fan of 40k your definitely going to love it. You can also change the game settings to fit your play skill if need be, such as terrain density, the amount of wildlife, game pacing and of course difficulty.

The only complaints I have with it, if any, are very few. One of which is the gawd awful graphics. The aesthetic is dark, bland and dull and not in a 40k type of way. The textures are muddled and the models are somewhat simplistic. But thankfully this games saving grace is the ability to mod it. It has a good workshop of must have mods that make the game better. You can even edit the code in notepad++ yourself with a little know how. Secondly, and this is just a minor gripe, is the ugly looking UI. It's basic and uninspired like a browser window with no colorful art to speak of.

Lastly, and I must address this, is the amount of content withheld to be sold as dlc. Such as the additional unit packs. Normally I'm okay with selling dlc if it supports the devs but I feel in this case they should have given the unit packs as free dlc then introduced the race packs as paid content. That way you win over the trust of the players enough to warrant charging for bigger more 'reasonable' dlc. I feel like this greatly affected the way this title did upon release and even now which is unfortunate because the game is actually fun. I cant blame them entirely, other much bigger companies have a disgusting practice of selling multiple dlc packages as well such as civ itself. And to be fair other 40k games do this to. All in all this is a fantastic strategy game if you can get it all during a sale and a must have for any 40k fan. I highly recommend it.
Posted 24 June, 2022.
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13.9 hrs on record (11.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This game isn't bad it just isn't particularly good either. Combat is still janky after all these years. Zombies seem way too hyper aware even when your playing stealth. The game may offer a lot to do but in all honesty it feels like a chore. Loot tables feel completely off, some houses will have items while others wont have any at all. The game is probably fun with friends but as a standalone singleplayer experience it feels grueling and mind-numbingly painful to have to die over and over till you finally get a good run. That being said, even if you do manage to get a good foot-hold their really isn't anything worth while to do. Its not as satisfying as games like 7d2d or even dont starve. Its the type of game you either love or hate. Maybe a decade in the cooker might result in a better game but so far it all still feels very rough and basic.
Posted 22 December, 2021.
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12.8 hrs on record (10.6 hrs at review time)
I tried to like this game I really did, but unfortunately it just pales in comparison to other games of the same formula. Its even more tragic that this enhanced version still managed not to get it right or even make it better the second time around. The whole experience feels like a long-winded drudge. Weapons don't feel strong or impactful and some of their sounds are lacking. Melee isn't all that great either especially after playing something like Verm 2, where it's far more superior and satisfying. The level up system is grindy and doesn't feel meaningful or significant. Some people swear by the flamethrower visuals as being some of the best looking, but in reality its bright as hell and more distracting than anything. Once again other games have done it better. The concept of slowly lumbering around in epic terminator armor sounded good on paper, but after awhile it just feels cumbersome and clunky. Adding to an already slow paced chore of a game.

The only saving grace is some of the graphics. A hodge-podge of random machinery, pipework, and dark gritty cathedral like architecture that make up the space hulks. Some areas open up into awe-inspiring vistas that make you want to pause and take it all in. However the biggest tragedy of all this, was that it could have been an amazing game particularly for fans of the 40k franchise. Literally all they had to do was throw in the gameplay of Vermintide 2 with the gunplay of a Titan mech, cover it with 40k space marines and bingo, profit. Instead it all feels like a fan made mod for a game that wasn't designed well to begin with.

And sadly I highly advise you pass this one up even on a sale. The advertisement and videos make it look awesome as if it was some sort of hidden gem that people overlooked, but don't be deceived. With the announcement of Darktide, I regret ever even purchasing this, let alone giving it a try. Ultimately a great idea marred by bad game design, poor sounds and terrible weapons.
Posted 21 May, 2021. Last edited 21 May, 2021.
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