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投稿日: 2017年10月20日 21時46分
更新日: 2019年11月27日 5時34分

I don't think I've felt this immersed in a world since Bloodborne.

There isn't really much else I can say about this game that others haven't, in much better ways than I could. Combat, Story, Music, Visuals... It is just an overall stunning experience. This game just OOZES with pure love from the developers. You will be lost in Hallownest for HOURS as you explore at your leisure.

Do note it is quite challenging. No hand-holding here. But it does have enough guidance to learn the controls, and any mistakes made feel like a hiccup on your part, not the game, due to the incredibly responsive controls.

Do you like Metroidvanias and/or Platformers? Do you enjoy an immersive world with beautiful scenery and music? Go and buy it. Worth full price. Worth triple the price. Perfect 10/10 and will remain with me as one of my favorite games of all time. Great job, Team Cherry.

This game deserves so much.
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